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Release Notes for Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.6

Always upgrade to the latest release of Tally.ERP 9 to enjoy greater business benefits. Move to the latest release using the easy in-product update facility.


The latest release brings to you a simple, secure, and swift way to view Tally.ERP 9 reports on the go using any device. Login to Tally portal in a web browser and get frequently used business reports from Tally.ERP 9 on demand.

This release also provides:

For India : GST reports for Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh - You can now generate GSTR-1 , GSTR-3B , GST CMP-08 , and GST Annual Computation to help file GST returns for the periods before and after 1-Jan-2020.

For UAE : New Invoice Format 2 to allow you to print VAT invoices (in English) as required by FTA. With this you can print:

o VAT summary section with the break-up of total invoice value

o A separate column for expenses which are apportioned to taxable value

Product Improvements

In the Export for e-Way Bill report, the exported e-Way Bills appeared under Invoice Ready for Export section. This issue is resolved. Now the exported e-Way Bills are appearing under Invoices Exported section.

Provision to record transfer of Input Tax Credit from SGST to UTGST is now supported for Ladakh.

The message that appeared in the calculator panel while navigating to the ledger display screen ( Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Display > select any ledger) is now taken care of.

Total Invoice Value appearing in GST Returns when transaction was booked in accounting voucher mode has been corrected.

The crash which occurred in a particular case of opening or saving an accounting voucher is resolved.