Type search words and press enter
TallyPrime 5.0 automates TDS calculation under Section 194Q, ensuring compliance with Finance Bill 2021. Easily calculate TDS on transactions, manage threshold limit and exemptions, and file returns seamlessly.

Data Captured in GSTR-2 Excel File

Use the MS Excel format to export new claims that need to be uploaded by the taxpayer for GSTR-2.

The Excel file includes only invoices with the status New or blank. The status updates ( Accept , Reject , Modify , and Pending ) done in Tally.ERP 9 for the invoices seen on the portal are not included in the Excel file. In case you do not have new claims (for B2B Invoices and Credit/Debit Notes – Regular ), the Excel file created will be blank.

Note: To send the complete status of reconciliation to the GST portal, you need to first download GSTR-2 from the portal, load it in Tally.ERP 9, update the statuses, and export in the JSON format for uploading.

The MS Excel file provided by GST as a part of the Offline tool processes the invoice statuses for B2B Invoices and Credit/Debit Notes Regular. A similar processing of invoices is not supported in Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.2.

The description of the sheet and columns in the exported file is given below:

Worksheet and column names



Displays the details of B2B invoices - 3, 4A of the GSTR-2 report.

The taxable, exempt and nil rated purchases made from regular dealers and deemed exporters are captured here. If your tax invoice includes exempt and nil rated items along with taxable items, then the total invoice value is captured here.

If you want to capture the values of only the taxable items as a B2B invoice , as per GST rules record separate invoices for taxable items. Use separate invoices for purchase of exempt/nil rated items.

Displays the gross value of purchases recorded with:

Nature of transaction (with or without reverse charge):

Purchase Taxable (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase Exempt

Purchase Nil Rated

Interstate Purchase Taxable (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Interstate Purchase Exempt

Interstate Purchase Nil Rated

Purchase Deemed Exports - Exempt

Purchase Deemed Exports - Nil Rated

Purchase Deemed Exports - Taxable (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Exempt (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Nil Rated (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Taxable (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase From SEZ - LUT/Bond (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Taxability as:


Exempt (Taxable and exempt item in invoice)

Nil Rated (Taxable and nil rated item in invoice)

Registration type as Regular

Consider Party as Deemed Exporter for Purchases? set to Yes in the party ledger

GSTIN of Supplier

Displays the GSTIN/UIN defined in the party ledgers, or entered in the Party Details screen of the voucher.

Invoice Number

Displays the:

Supplier invoice no. entered in the purchase voucher

Reference no. entered in the journal or payment vouchers used to record inward supplies

Invoice date

Displays the:

Supplier invoice Date entered in the purchase voucher

Reference Date entered in the journal or payment vouchers used to record inward supplies

Invoice Value

Displays the total value of the voucher including tax and cess. The TDS amount deducted from the purchases will not be captured here.

Place Of Supply

Displays the State name of the company.

Reverse Charge

Displays Y if it is a reverse charge transaction, else N .

Invoice Type

Displays Regular for vouchers recorded with the following Nature of transaction :

Purchase Taxable

Purchase Exempt

Purchase Nil Rated

Interstate Purchase Taxable

Interstate Purchase Exempt

Interstate Purchase Nil Rated

Displays SEZ supplies with payment for vouchers recorded with the following Nature of transaction :

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Exempt

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Nil Rated

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Taxable

Displays SEZ supplies without payment for vouchers recorded with Purchase From SEZ - LUT/Bond as the Nature of transaction .

Displays Deemed Exp for vouchers recorded with the following nature of transactions:

Purchase Deemed Exports - Exempt

Purchase Deemed Exports - Nil Rated

Purchase Deemed Exports - Taxable (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets and reverse charge supplies)


Displays the integrated tax rate, or the total of central and state tax rates.

Taxable Value

Displays the assessable value (including the additional expenses apportioned to item value) entered for each tax rate.

Integrated Tax Paid

Displays the integrated tax amount entered in the voucher.

Central Tax Paid

Displays the central tax amount entered in the voucher.

State/UT Tax Paid

Displays the state tax amount entered in the voucher.

Cess Paid

Displays the cess amount entered in the voucher.

Eligible for ITC

Displays Inputs if the Type of Supply is selected as Goods in the purchase ledger .

Displays Input services if the Type of Supply is selected as Services in the purchase ledger.

Displays Capital goods if the Nature of goods is selected as Capital Goods in the GST Details screen of the purchase ledger (grouped under Fixed Assets ).

Displays Ineligible if the option Is ineligible for input credit? is set to Yes in the GST Details screen of the purchase ledger.

Availed ITC Integrated Tax

Displays the integrated tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC Central Tax

Displays the central tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC State/UT Tax

Displays the state tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC Cess

Displays the cess amount availed as input credit for the voucher.


Displays the details of B2BUR invoices - 4B of GSTR-2 report.

Displays the details of journal vouchers recorded by debiting and crediting tax ledgers with:

Nature of Adjustment - Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Purchase From Unregistered dealer . You can set this as additional details only if you have set Enable tax liability on reverse charge (Purchase from unregistered dealer)? to Yes in the Company GST Details screen.

Supplier Name

This column is left blank.

Invoice Number

Displays the voucher number of the journal voucher.

Invoice date

Displays the voucher date of the journal voucher.

Invoice Value

Displays the total value in the voucher including tax and cess.

Place Of Supply

Displays the State name of the company.

Supply Type

Displays the description as Inter-State or Intra-State based on the nature of transaction.


Displays the total of central and state tax rates.

Taxable Value

Displays the assessable value (including additional expenses apportioned to item value) entered for each tax rate.

Integrated Tax Paid

This column is left blank.

Central Tax Paid

Displays the central tax amount entered in the voucher.

State/UT Tax Paid

Displays the state tax amount entered in the voucher.

Cess Paid

Displays the cess amount entered in the voucher.

Eligibility for ITC

Displays the Type of Input selected in the journal voucher recorded with:

Nature of Adjustment- Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Purchase From Unregistered Dealer

Availed ITC Integrated Tax

This column is left blank.

Availed ITC Central Tax

Displays the debit value entered for the central tax ledger value in the journal voucher with:

Nature of Adjustment- Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Purchase From Unregistered Dealer

Availed ITC State/UT Tax

Displays the debit value entered for the state tax ledger value in the journal voucher with:

Nature of Adjustment- Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Purchase From Unregistered Dealer

Availed ITC Cess

Displays the debit value entered for the cess ledger value in the journal voucher with:

Nature of Adjustment- Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Purchase From Unregistered Dealer


Displays the details of Import of Services - 4C of GSTR-2 report.

Displays the gross value of purchases recorded with:

Nature of transaction as:

Imports Taxable

Imports Exempt

Taxability as:



Nil Rated

Type of Supply as Services

Invoice Number of Reg Recipient

Displays the Supplier invoice no. entered in the purchase voucher.

Invoice Date

Displays the supplier invoice Date entered in the purchase voucher.

Invoice Value

Displays the total value in the voucher including tax and cess.

Place Of Supply

Displays the State name of the company.


Displays the integrated tax rate.

Taxable Value

Displays the assessable value (including additional expenses apportioned to item value) entered for each tax rate.

Integrated Tax Paid

Displays the integrated tax amount entered in the voucher.

Cess Paid

Displays the cess amount entered in the voucher.

Eligibility for ITC

Displays Input services , if the Type of Supply is selected as Services in the purchase ledger.

Displays Ineligible if the option Is ineligible for input credit? is set to Yes in the GST Details screen of the purchase ledger.

Availed ITC Integrated Tax

Displays the integrated tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC Cess

Displays the cess amount availed as input credit for the voucher.


Displays the details of Import of Goods - 5 of the GSTR-2 report.

Displays the gross value of purchases recorded with:

Nature of transaction (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets ) as:

Imports Taxable

Imports Exempt

Purchase From SEZ - Taxable

Purchase From SEZ - Exempt

Purchase From SEZ - Nil Rated

Taxability as:



Nil Rated

Type of Supply as Goods

Port Code

Displays the Port code entered in the Statutory Details screen of the purchase voucher.

Bill Of Entry Number

Displays the Bill of entry no. entered in the Statutory Details screen of the purchase voucher.

Bill Of Entry Date

Displays the bill of entry Date entered in the Statutory Details screen of purchase voucher.

Bill Of Entry Value

Displays the total value in the voucher including tax and cess.

Document type

Displays Imports when the Type of Supply is set to Goods in the following Nature of transaction (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets ):

Imports Taxable

Imports Exempt

Displays Received from SEZ when the Type of Supply is set to Goods in the following Nature of transaction (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets ):

Purchase From SEZ - Taxable

Purchase From SEZ - Exempt

Purchase From SEZ - Nil Rated

GSTIN Of SEZ Supplier

Displays the GSTIN/UIN defined in the SEZ party ledgers ( Party Type set to SEZ ), or entered in the Party Details screen of the voucher.


Displays the integrated tax rate.

Taxable Value

Displays the assessable value (including additional expenses apportioned to item value) entered for each tax rate.

Integrated Tax Paid

Displays the integrated tax amount entered in the voucher.

Cess Paid

Displays the cess amount entered in the voucher.

Eligibility for ITC

Displays Inputs if the Type of Supply is selected as Goods in the purchase ledger.

Displays Capital goods if the Nature of goods is selected as Capital Goods in the GST Details screen of purchase ledger (grouped under Fixed Assets ).

Displays Ineligible if the option Is ineligible for input credit? is set to Yes in the GST Details screen of purchase ledger.

Availed ITC Integrated Tax

Displays the integrated tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC Cess

Displays the cess amount availed as input credit for the voucher.


Displays the details of Credit/Debit Notes Regular - 6C of GSTR-2 report.

Displays the value of debit notes (all nature of returns) and credit notes (all nature of returns except Not Applicable ) recorded with:

Nature of transaction (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets ) as

Purchase Taxable

Purchase Exempt

Interstate Purchase Taxable

Interstate Purchase Exempt

Purchase From SEZ - Taxable

Purchase From SEZ - Exempt

Purchase From SEZ - Nil Rated

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Exempt

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Nil Rated

Purchase From SEZ (Without Bill of Entry) - Taxable (including reverse charge supplies)

Nature of Transaction (without capital goods) as:

Purchase Nil Rated

Interstate Purchase Nil Rated

Taxability as:


Exempt (Taxable and exempt item in invoice)

Nil Rated (Taxable and nil rated item in invoice)

Registration type as:


Unknown with GSTIN

Consider Party as Deemed Exporter for Purchases? set to Yes in the party ledger

Journal voucher recorded by debiting GST ledgers with:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

GSTIN of Supplier

Displays the GSTIN/UIN entered in the Party Details screen of the voucher.

Supplier Name

Displays the Name of the party ledger selected in the voucher.

Note/Refund Voucher Number

Displays the Supplier's Debit/Credit Note No. entered in the Statutory Details screen of the debit/credit note.

Displays the Refund Voucher Number entered in the Statutory Details screen of the journal voucher recorded by selecting:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

Note/Refund Voucher date

Displays the supplier's debit/credit note Date entered in the Statutory Details screen of debit/credit note.

Displays the Refund Voucher Date entered in the Statutory Details screen of the journal voucher recorded by selecting:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

Invoice/Advance Payment Voucher Number

Displays the Original invoice no. entered in debit/credit note.

Displays the Advance Payment Number entered in the Statutory Details screen of the journal voucher recorded by selecting

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

Invoice/Advance Payment Voucher date

Displays the original invoice Date entered in debit/credit note.

Displays the Advance Payment Date entered in the Statutory Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge


Displays Y if the Original Invoice Dt. entered is prior to 1-Jul-2017, else N .

Document Type

Displays the document type based on the voucher type:

C for purchase returns

D for increase in purchases

R for journal voucher recorded to reduce tax liability on cancellation of advance payments.

Reason For Issuing document

Displays the Nature of Return selected in the Statutory Details screen of credit note and debit note.

If you have recorded the transaction in journal voucher, you can select the applicable reason in the template.

Supply Type

Displays the description as Inter-State or Intra-State based on the nature of transaction.

Note/Refund Voucher Value

Displays the total value of the voucher, including tax.


Displays the integrated tax rate.

Displays the Rate entered for tax ledgers in the GST Details screen of the journal voucher.

Taxable Value

Displays the assessable value (including additional expenses apportioned to item value) entered for each tax rate.

D isplays the Taxable Value entered for tax ledgers in the GST Details screen of the journal voucher.

Integrated Tax Paid

Displays the integrated tax amount entered in the voucher.

Central Tax Paid

Displays the central tax amount entered in the voucher.

State/UT Tax Paid

Displays the state tax amount entered in the voucher.

Cess Paid

Displays the cess amount entered in the voucher.

Eligibility for ITC

Displays Inputs if the Type of Supply is selected as Goods in the purchase ledger .

Displays Input services if the Type of Supply is selected as Services in the purchase ledger.

Displays Capital goods if the Nature of goods is selected as Capital Goods in the GST Details screen of purchase ledger (grouped under Fixed Assets ).

Displays Ineligible if the option Is ineligible for input credit? is set to Yes in the GST Details screen of the purchase ledger.

Availed ITC Integrated Tax

Displays the integrated tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC Central Tax

Displays the central tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC State/UT Tax

Displays the state tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

Availed ITC Cess

Displays the cess amount availed as input credit for the voucher.


Displays the details of table Credit/Debit Notes Unregistered - 6C of GSTR-2 report.

Displays the values of credit and debit notes, recorded in the reporting period with the following details:

Nature of transaction as:

Imports Taxable (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Imports Exempt (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase From Unregistered Dealer - Taxable ( Is reverse charge applicable? set to Yes for goods, including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Taxability :

T axable

Exempt (Taxable and exempt item in invoice)

Journal voucher recorded by debiting GST ledgers with:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

Note/Voucher Number

Displays the Supplier's Debit/Credit Note No. entered in the Statutory Details screen of debit/credit note.

Displays the Refund Voucher Number entered in the Statutory Details screen of the journal voucher recorded by selecting:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

Note/Voucher date

Displays the supplier's debit/credit note Date entered in the Statutory Details screen of the debit/credit note.

Displays the Refund Voucher Date entered in the Statutory Details screen of the journal voucher recorded by selecting:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

Invoice/Advance Payment Voucher Number

Displays the Original invoice no. entered in debit/credit note.

Displays the Advance Payment Number entered in the Statutory Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge

Invoice/Advance Payment date

Displays the original invoice Date entered in the debit/credit note.

Displays the Advance Payment Date entered in the Statutory Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Cancellation of Advance Payments under Reverse Charge


Displays Y if the Original Invoice Dt. entered is prior to 1-Jul-2017, else N .

Document Type

Displays the document type based on the voucher type:

C for purchase returns

D for increase in purchases

R for journal voucher recorded to reduce tax liability on cancellation of advance payments.

Reason For Issuing document

Displays the Nature of Return selected in the Statutory Details screen of the credit note and debit note.

When the transaction is recorded in the journal voucher, the reason appears as 07-Others .

Supply Type

Displays the description as Inter-State or Intra-State , based on the nature of transaction.

Note/Voucher Value

Displays the total value of the voucher, including tax.


Displays the integrated tax rate.

Displays the Rate entered for tax ledgers in the GST Details screen of the journal voucher.

Taxable Value

Displays the assessable value (including additional expenses apportioned to item value) entered for each tax rate.

D isplays the Taxable Value entered for tax ledgers in the GST Details screen of the journal voucher.

Integrated Tax Paid

Displays the integrated tax amount entered in the voucher.

Central Tax Paid

Displays the central tax amount entered in the voucher.

State/UT Tax Paid

Displays the state tax amount entered in the voucher.

Cess Paid

Displays the cess amount entered in the voucher.

Eligibility for ITC

Displays Inputs if the Type of Supply is selected as Goods in the purchase ledger .

Displays Input services if the Type of Supply is selected as Services in the purchase ledger.

Displays Capital goods if the Nature of goods is selected as Capital Goods in the GST Details screen of purchase ledger (grouped under Fixed Assets ).

Displays Ineligible if the option Is ineligible for input credit? is set to Yes in the GST Details screen of the purchase ledger.

For refund voucher, this column is left blank.

Availed ITC Integrated Tax

Displays the integrated tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

For refund voucher, this column is left blank.

Availed ITC Central Tax

Displays the central tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

For refund voucher, this column is left blank.

Availed ITC State/UT Tax

Displays the state tax amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

For refund voucher, this column is left blank.

Availed ITC Cess

Displays the cess amount availed as input credit for the voucher.

F or refund voucher, this column is left blank.


Displays the details of table Advance Paid - 10A of the GSTR-2 report.

Displays values of the journal voucher recorded by crediting tax ledgers and debiting expenses/current assets ledger with:

Nature of Adjustment - Increase of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Advances Paid under Reverse Charge

Place Of Supply

Displays the State Name and state Code based on the Place of Supply of the buyer in the Party Details screen of the voucher.


Displays the integrated tax rate or the total of state and central tax rates.

Gross Advance Paid

Displays the Taxable Value entered for tax ledgers in the GST Details screen of journal voucher.

Cess Amount

Displays the cess amount entered in the journal voucher.


Displays the details of table Adjustment of advance - 10B of the GSTR-2 report.

Displays values of the journal voucher recorded by debiting tax ledgers and crediting expenses/current assets ledger with:

Nature of Adjustment - Decrease of Tax Liability

Additional Details - Purchase against Advance Payment

Place Of Supply

Displays the Place of supply entered in the Statutory Details screen of the journal voucher.


Displays the integrated tax rate or the total of central and state tax rates.

Gross Advance Paid to be Adjusted

Displays the Taxable Value entered for tax ledgers in the GST Details screen of the journal voucher.

Cess Adjusted

Displays the cess amount of the voucher.


Displays the details of the table Nil Rated Invoices - 7 of the GSTR-2 report.

The purchases made from unregistered dealers will appear in this table, if the option Enable tax liability on reverse charge (Purchase from unregistered dealer)? is set to No in the Company GST Details screen.

D isplays the net values of nil rated purchases recorded in the reporting period with the following details:

Nature of transaction as:

Interstate Purchase Exempt (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Interstate Purchase Nil Rated

Interstate Purchase from Unregistered - Exempt

Purchase From Composition Dealer

Purchase Exempt (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase Nil Rated

Purchase from Unregistered Dealer - Taxable (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase from Unregistered Dealer - Exempt (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Purchase from Unregistered Dealer - Nil Rated (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Taxability as:


Nil Rated

Exempt and Nil rated item in invoice

Registration type as:





The option Is non-GST goods? set to Yes in the masters.


D isplays the net values of purchases recorded in the reporting period with the following details:

Nature of transaction as Purchase From Composition Dealer

Taxability as:


Nil Rated

Exempt and Nil rated item in invoice

Registration type as Composition


Displays the description as Intra-State .


D isplays the net values of purchases recorded in the reporting period with the following details:

Nature of transaction as:

Interstate Purchase Exempt (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Interstate Purchase from Unregistered - Exempt

Purchase Exempt (including Nature of goods - Capital Goods when grouped under Fixed Assets )

Taxability as Exempt

Registration type as:





Displays the description as Inter-State or Intra-State based on the nature of transaction.

Exempted (other than nil rated/non GST supply)

Displays the value of exempt supplies made outside the state.

Nil rated

D isplays the net values of purchases recorded in the reporting period with the following details:

Nature of transaction as:

Interstate Purchase Nil Rated

Purchase Nil Rated

Taxability as Nil Rated

Registration type as:






Displays the description as Inter-State or Intra-State based on the nature of transaction.

Nil Rated Supplies

Displays the value of nil rated supplies made within or outside the state.


D isplays the net values of purchases recorded in the reporting period with the option Is non-GST goods? set to Yes in the masters.


Displays the description as Inter-State or Intra-State based on the nature of transaction.

Non-GST supplies

Displays the value of non-GST goods purchased from within or outside the state.


Displays the details of the table ITC Reversal/Reclaim - 11 - (Summary) of the GSTR-2 report.

Description of Reversal

Displays the details given below:

(a) Amount in terms of rule 37 (2) on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment - Reversal of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Non-payment to the Supplier - Rule 37(2)

(c) Amount in terms of rule 42 (1) (m) on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment - Reversal of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Exempt & Non business supplies - Rule 42 (1) (m)

(d) Amount in terms of rule 43(1) (h) on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment - Reversal of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Capital credit due to exempted supplies - Rule 43(1) (h)

(e) Amount in terms of rule 42 (2)(a) on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment - Reversal of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - On account of claiming more - Rule 42 (2)(a)

(f) Amount in terms of rule 42(2)(b) on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment - Increase of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Re-claim of reversal ITC - Rule 42 (2)(b)

(g) On account of amount paid subsequent to reversal of ITC on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment : Increase of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Re-claim of reversal ITC (on account of buyer payment)

(g) Any other liability (Specify) on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment - Reversal of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Others

(h) Any other liability (Specify) on selecting the:

Nature of Adjustment - Increase of Input Tax Credit

Additional Details - Others

To be added or reduced from output liability

Displays To be added for the following adjustments:

(a) Amount in terms of rule 37 (2)

(c) Amount in terms of rule 42 (1) (m)

(d) Amount in terms of rule 43(1) (h)

(e) Amount in terms of rule 42 (2)(a)

Displays To be reduced for the following adjustments:

(f) Amount in terms of rule 42(2)(b)

(g) On account of amount paid subsequent to reversal of ITC

ITC Integrated Tax Amount

Displays the tax amount entered for the integrated tax ledger.

For the adjustment (h) Any other liability (Specify) , displays the net value of the tax amount debited and credited.

ITC Central Tax Amount

Displays the tax amount entered for the central tax ledger.

For the adjustment (h) Any other liability (Specify) , displays the net value of the tax amount debited and credited.

ITC State/UT Tax Amount

Displays the tax amount entered for the state/UT tax ledger.

For the adjustment (h) Any other liability (Specify) , displays the net value of the tax amount debited and credited.

ITC Cess Amount

Displays the tax amount entered for the cess ledger.

For the adjustment (h) Any other liability (Specify) , displays the net value of the tax amount debited and credited.


Displays the details of the table HSN Summary of inward supplies - 13 of the GSTR-2 report.

The details appear as defined in the accounts or inventory masters selected in the vouchers.


Displays the HSN/SAC defined in the ledger, stock group, or the stock item selected in the voucher.


Displays the Description of the HSN/SAC predefined for the ledger, stock group, or the stock item selected in the voucher. If HSN or HSN description is not defined for the stock items and ledgers, the name of the stock items and ledgers are displayed.


Displays the Unit Quantity Code (UQC) defined for the unit of measure linked to the stock item selected in the voucher.

Total Quantity

Displays the total quantity based on HSN/SAC and UQC.

Total Value

Displays the voucher value, including tax, based on HSN/SAC and UQC.

Taxable Value

Displays the assessable value based on HSN/SAC and UQC.

Integrated Tax Amount

Displays the integrated tax amount based on HSN/SAC and UQC.

Central Tax Amount

Displays the central tax amount based on HSN/SAC and UQC.

State/UT Tax Amount

Displays the state tax amount based on HSN/SAC and UQC.

Cess Amount

Displays the cess amount based on HSN/SAC and UQC.