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Record Taxable Sales with GST

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You can record sales and print a valid GST tax invoice with party’s GST registration and location, item details (HSN or SAC), and tax rates.

On this page

Local sales with multiple GST rates

Interstate sales

Sale of services

Override assessable value in invoice

Override HSN in the invoice

Update party details in invoice

Local taxable sales with multiple GST rates in an invoice

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. In Party A/c name , select the customer ledger or the cash ledger.

3. Select the common sales ledger in which GST rate is not defined.

4. Select the stock items defined with different GST rates, and specify the quantities and rates for each of them.

5. Select the central and state tax ledgers. GST will be calculated based on the GST rates defined in the stock items.

You can view the tax details by clicking A : Tax Analysis . Click F1 : Detailed to view the tax break-up.

6. In the sales invoice, press Alt+P to print the invoice in the required format.

For multiple copies :

Press Alt+P and then Alt+C to select the number of copies.

Note: When you are printing multiple copies of the invoice, only the page number of the current invoice will be displayed, and not the number of the copy. For example, if you want to print 3 copies for an invoice (original, duplicate, and triplicate), then in the print preview, the page number would be displayed as 1 of 1, and not 1 of 3.

For services, original copy for buyer and duplicate copy for supplier will be printed in the invoice.

For goods, original for buyer, duplicate for transporter and, triplicate for supplier will be printed in the invoice. If you do not want to print the transporter's copy, then disable the option Print transporter's copy in the sales Invoice Printing Configuration screen.

Print invoice with Item-wise GST details

As per GST guidelines, details such as the applicable taxes and tax rates, and the GSTIN/UIN of the company and the customer will be captured. After selecting the state in the ledger master, the state name and the state code will be captured in the printed invoice. Depending on your requirements, you can include additional details in your invoice by clicking F12: Configure .

To ensure that company GSTIN is printed on the sales invoice:

Specify GSTIN under Set/alter GST details in company F11 > F3 features.

In the Voucher Printing screen of the sales invoice, press F12 and set:

o Print Company GSTIN Number to Yes .

o Print Item-wise GST details to Yes , to print the GST invoice in landscape orientation with tax breakup for each stock item.


The total value of Total Amount column does not appear, as the invoice value is captured with GST in the Amount column.

When both taxable and nil-rated/exempt goods are selected in the same invoice and party is an unregistered dealer, then the title of the invoice is printed as Invoice-cum-Bill of Supply .

Print the party's contact details in the pre-printed format

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Printing > Advanced Configuration .

2. Set Reduce space between address and item name/particulars to No .

3. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Mismatch in Central Tax and State/UT Tax values

If the Central Tax and State/UT Tax values do not match in the transaction, a warning message appears as shown:

The same information will appear in the following screens:

In the Tax Analysis screen as a note, as shown below:

The warning message will appear when you press Alt+P to print the voucher.

The GST portal will not accept the GST returns if:

The value of State Tax does not match with Central Tax value.

The value of UT Tax does not match with Central Tax value, when a Union Territory is selected in the company's State field, or the company is an assessee of other territory.

This message will appear when there is a mismatch in Central Tax and State/UT Tax values, in transactions recorded in the invoice mode of sales, debit note, credit note, and POS invoice. You need to correct the GST rates and values, as applicable , before saving and/or printing the invoice.

Interstate sales with GST

Follow the steps used for recording a local sales transaction. The only difference is that you have to select the integrated tax ledger instead of central tax and state tax.

Sale of Services attracting GST

When you maintain only accounting transactions (but not inventory of your goods), or when your company deals with services, you can use the accounting invoice mode for recording your local and interstate sales.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Click I: Accounting Invoice .

3. In Party A/c name , select the customer ledger or the cash ledger.

4. Select the required service ledgers, and specify the amount. Alternatively, press Alt+C to create the ledgers.

5. Select the central and state tax ledgers for local sales and the integrated tax ledger for interstate sales.

Override assessable value in invoice

1. In the sales invoice, press F12 and set the options as given below:

Use common ledger account for item allocation - No .

Allow modification of tax details for GST - Yes .

2. Select the party ledger and stock item.

3. Select the sales ledger. In the GST Details screen, press F12 and set the option Allow override assessable value to Yes .

4. Add the amount which should form part of the Taxable Value . GST will be calculated on this updated amount .

5. Similarly, select the required stock items, and update the Taxable Value .

6. Select the GST ledgers.

7. Press Alt+A to view the Tax Analysis screen. The GST assessable value appears as overridden by user.

8. Press Esc to return to the sales invoice. The sales invoice appears as shown:

9. Press O to override the values.

Note : When you override tax rate details in a company with Ladakh as the State , the field State Tax is displayed if the voucher date is earlier than 01-Jan-2020 and UT Tax , if the date is 01-Jan-2020 or later.

If you press Y ( Enter ) instead of O , the transaction will appear as an exception in the GST report as shown below:

You can press Enter to view the transaction, select it, and press Alt+A to accept it as is.

The transaction will get included in the relevant section of the GST report.

Override HSN code in invoice

If you had defined HSN code in the stock item, but want to change it in the invoice, you can select the HSN classification.

Follow the steps given below:

1. In Company GST Details , set the option Enable GST Classifications to Yes .

2. Create a new HSN Classification with the required HSN code.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Statutory Info. > GST Classifications > Create .

Enter the HSN code, and applicable GST details.

Press Enter to save.

3. Record the sales invoice by overriding the HSN code.

In the sales invoice, press F12 and set the options as given below:

o Use common ledger account for item allocation - No .

o Allow modification of tax details for GST - Yes .

Select the party ledger and stock item.

Select the sales ledger. In the GST Details screen, press F12 and set the option Allow override Classification/Nature to Yes .

Select the HSN classification.

Note: Similar to sales invoice, you can record purchase invoice by selecting the required HSN classification.

Similarly, select the required stock items, and select the HSN classification.

Select the GST ledgers.

Press Alt+A to view the Tax Analysis screen. The details appear as overridden by user.

Press Esc to return to the sales invoice. The sales invoice appears as shown:

Press O to override the values.

If you press Y ( Enter ) instead of O , the transaction will appear as an exception in the GST report as shown below:

You can press Enter to view the transaction, select it, and press Alt+A to accept it as is.

The transaction will get included in the relevant section of the GST report.

Update party details in invoice

Open the invoice in alteration mode

Select the party ledger, and press Enter to view the Party Details screen.

Press Alt+M and select the required party ledger.

Note :

Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu is listed in State field in Release 6.6.3 and later versions. The new UT name will be applicable from 01-Jul-2020 , Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli are applicable for older dates.

The transactions within Dadra & Nagar Havel and Daman & Diu will be treated as intrastate and compute Central Tax and UT Tax.