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e-VAT Annexure-17J (Uttarakhand)

Annexure-17J displays the invoice-wise details of interstate zero rated purchases made from UN Diplomatic missions during the return period. Purchase returns are considered here.


In the invoice:

o The party selected must be predefined as Regular in party master.

o The Nature of Transaction must be selected as Purchase - Zero Rate and Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated .

The Party Entity/Org. Type must be selected as Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO & Foreign Aid in sales ledger.

The Type of exemption must be selected as Diplomatic Missions & U.N. in the party master.

Add the required number of rows to the template for exporting data

1. Copy the excel template Offline_Return_version_1.5 to the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder.

2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT III .

3. Press Ctrl+E to view the Export Report screen. Based on the Form VAT III report period, the quarter for which the return is being filed is displayed.

4. Select the Type of Return as Original or Revised . The type of return selected here gets considered for all annexures.

5. Set the option Show number of rows to add to Yes and press Enter to view the Form VAT III Excel Template Validations screen.

o Add the number of rows, as shown in this screen, for Annexure 17J, to capture the details in the template while exporting data.

o Press Ctrl+A to accept.

6. Press Enter to export data to the template. The relevant details are captured in Annexure 17J sheet of the template.

Export data only to Annexure 17J sheet of the template

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT III .

2. Click A : Annexures .

3. Select Annexure-17J and press Enter .

4. Click E : Export to view the Export Report screen. Based on the Form VAT III report period, the From and To dates are displayed here. These dates can be changed from the e-VAT Annexures report, if required. Ensure that the required number of rows are added to the template before exporting data.

5. Press Enter to export data.

The description of the fields in Annexure 17J is given below:

Field Name


Sr. No.

Displays the serial number of transactions.

Name of selling dealer

Displays the mailing name entered in the party ledger or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Address of selling dealer

Displays the address entered in the party ledger or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Originating state

Displays the State selected in party ledger or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

TIN of the seller

Displays the VAT TIN predefined for the party ledger or as entered in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Invoice no.

Displays the Supplier Invoice No. entered in the purchase invoice.

Invoice date

Displays the supplier invoice Date entered in the purchase invoice.

Value before tax

Displays the assessable value of the stock items selected in the invoice.

Description of goods

Displays the Commodity name predefined for the stock item selected in the invoice.  If the stock items selected in a single invoice are predefined with:

Different commodities, then each stock item appears in a separate row.

Same commodity, then the values are consolidated and displayed in a single row.