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Record Sales and Print Invoices as per FTA (for UAE)

You can print the invoice in English, Arabic or Bilingual (English and Arabic) as per FTA by selecting the new print format.

On this page

Domestic sales to registered dealers

Print Configuration

Print sales invoice

Sales with discount

Domestic sales to unregistered dealers

Intra GCC supplies to registered dealers

Intra GCC supplies to unregistered dealers

Sale of goods and services in a single invoice

Sale of taxable and exempt items in a single invoice

Sales with additional ledgers - Item Invoice mode

Sales with additional ledgers apportioned to taxable value - Accounting Invoice mode

Sales without additional ledgers - Accounting Invoice mode


Print sales invoice with Rate Inclusive of VAT

Sales made to Overseas Tourists

POS invoice

Override tax details in an invoice

Record domestic sales to registered dealers

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Select the required stock items. Enter the Quantity and Rate .

3. Select the VAT ledger.

4. If you want to round-off the invoice value, select the expense ledger in which the option Type of Ledger is set to Invoice Rounding .

5. Press Enter to save the invoice.

6. Press PageUp key to view the invoice in alteration mode, and click P : Print . The Voucher Printing screen appears.

7. In the Voucher Printing screen:

Select the Print Type as Single or Bilingual .

If the Print Type is Single , select the Print Language as English or Arabic .

8. Select Invoice Format 2 .

9. Press F12 and set the configuration options as needed to capture the required information in the printed invoice.

The printed invoice appears as shown:

Print Configuration

Before printing the invoice, you can add or remove different kinds of details and print only the required information. A wide variety of options are provided under print configuration to add new details to an invoice printout. When you enable an option under print configuration, the new information will be added as a additional column, as field in the header or footer, or under particulars.

The following are the different configurable options available for invoice printout. The options shown here are for sales invoice, these options change for each voucher type.

1. In the alteration screen of sales invoice, click P : Print . The Voucher Printing screen appears.

2. Click F12: Configure . The Invoice Print Configuration screen with first set of configurable options appear as shown below:

Few options and the information printed in the invoice are given below:

Print amount column : In the column Amount , prints the cost of the stock item, and the total additional costs entered in the invoice. The VAT on the total taxable value of all items, appears in a separately row. The Total row displays the invoice value.

Print quantity & rate columns in Acct. Invoice : Prints the columns Quantity and Rate even in accounting invoice.

Print apportioned addl amount in column : In the column Addl Amount (AED) , prints the value of additional ledgers apportioned against each stock item in the invoice.

Print ledger details for addl amount : Under each stock item, prints the name of the additional ledger with the amount apportioned against the respective stock item.

Print invoice discount details column : Prints the columns with values of stock items before discount, and the discount calculated on each item.

3. Enable the option Configure information to print from 2nd page? , and configure as required to print only the relevant details from the second page of the invoice.

4. Press F12: Configure again to view the Advanced Sales Configuration options as shown below:

5. Enable or disable the options to add or remove the respective information before printing the invoice.

To print the date and time on the invoice:

Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Printing > General .

Set the option Print date and time of voucher printing? to Yes .

Print sales invoice

Depending on your requirements, you can include the relevant details in your invoice.

1. Click F12: Configure in the Voucher Printing screen.

2. Set the option Print Rate (Incl. VAT) column to Yes , to print the rate of each item inclusive of tax.

3. In the Voucher Printing screen:

Select the Print Type as Single or Bilingual .

If the Print Type is Single , select the Print Language as English or Arabic .

4. Select Invoice Format 2 .

An explanation on some of the column printed in the invoice as per FTA is given below:

Disc.% : Displays the percentage of discount entered for each item in the sales invoice.

Disc. Amount (AED) : Displays the discount calculated on each stock item, based on the percentage of discount entered for each item in the sales invoice.

Addl Amount (AED) : Displays the value of additional ledger apportioned against each stock item in the invoice.

VAT% : Displays the VAT rate for taxable supplies. In the supplies are:

o Exempt , the VAT% displays E .

o Zero Rated , the VAT% displays 0% .

o Non Vatable , the VAT% displays NA .

Under each stock item, displays the name and value of the apportioned additional ledger.

In a separate section, displays the following details:

o Total of Taxable Value of all the stock items in the invoice.

o VAT rate charged on the Taxable Value of the invoice.

o Name and value of additional ledgers which are not apportioned to the stock items. Displays name and value of up to three additional ledgers. If there are more than three additional ledgers, displays the names and values of only two ledgers and captured the total value of the remaining ledgers as Other Charges/Adjustments.

o Invoice Total displays the total invoice amount.

o The Round-off ledger (expense ledger in which the Type of Ledger is set to Invoice Rounding ) appears separately with the amount.

You can also print the invoice in simple invoice format by setting the option Print in simple format? to Yes in the Invoice Print Configuration screen.

The printed invoice appears as shown:

If you have selected the Print Language as English or Arabic or Both (Arabic/English) , and Invoice Format as Invoice Format 2 , in the Voucher Printing screen of sales, you can print the sales invoice as per FTA from Multi Voucher Printing screen. To view the Multi Voucher Printing screen:

o Go to Gateway of Tally > Multi Account Printing > Multi Voucher Printing > Name of Voucher Type .

o Select Sales voucher. The Printing Vouchers screen appears as shown below:

Sales with discount

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Select the required stock items. Enter the Quantity and Rate .

3. Select the discount ledger.

Ensure the ledger is created under expenses group and the option Type of Ledger is set to Discount as shown below:

4. The Discount amount appears after the Sub-total in the bottom right corner of the invoice.

5. Press Enter to save the invoice.

6. Press PageUp key to view the invoice in alteration mode, and click P : Print . The Voucher Printing screen appears. In the Voucher Printing screen:

Select the Print Type as Single or Bilingual .

If the Print Type is Single , select the Print Language as English or Arabic .

7. Select Invoice Format 2 .

8. Click F12 and set the option Print invoice discount details column to Yes , to view two new columns - Before Discount (values of supplies before discount) and Invoice Discount (discount on each supply).

The printed invoice appears as shown:

Domestic sales to unregistered dealers

In the sales invoice, select the unregistered dealer ledger in the Party A/c name field. You can select cash ledger for retail or over the counter sales.

The printed invoice displays the TRN as Unregistered .

Intra GCC Supplies to registered dealers

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Select a registered dealer ledger in the Party A/c name field.

Note: If your company is in:

UAE, select a registered dealer from KSA or Bahrain.

KSA, select a registered dealer from UAE or Bahrain.

Bahrain, select a registered dealer from UAE or KSA.

3. Select the stock items, enter the quantity and rate.

4. Click A : Tax Analysis to view the tax details. Click F1 : Detailed to view the tax break-up.

5. Press Esc to return to sales invoice, and accept it.

Intra GCC supplies to unregistered dealers

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Select the unregistered dealer ledger in the Party A/c name field.

Note: If your company is in:

UAE, select an unregistered dealer from KSA or Bahrain.

KSA, select an unregistered dealer from UAE or Bahrain.

Bahrain, select an unregistered dealer from UAE or KSA.

3. Select the stock items, enter the quantity and rate.

4. Select the VAT ledger.

5. Click A : Tax Analysis to view the tax details. Click F1 : Detailed to view the tax break-up.

Tax will be calculated for goods sold to an unregistered dealer.

6. Press Esc to return to sales invoice, and accept it.

In the printed invoice, the TRN (for UAE and Bahrain) or VAT No. (for KSA) will appear as Unregistered as shown below:

Sale of goods and services in a single invoice

You can record the sales of both goods and services in the same invoice by selecting the required sales and VAT ledgers.

You can view the tax details by clicking A : Tax Analysis . Click F1 : Detailed to view the tax break-up.

Sale of taxable and exempt items in a single invoice

You can record the sale of both taxable and exempt goods or services in the same invoice by selecting the required sales and VAT ledgers.

Select the taxable goods or services and exempt goods or services in the same invoice.

Click A : Tax Analysis to view the tax details . Click F1 : Detailed to view the tax break-up. Tax will not be calculated on exempt items.

Sales with additional ledgers - Item Invoice mode

With Tally.ERP 9, you can appropriate the expenses incurred during a sale, to the value of the goods for calculating VAT.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. In Party A/c name , select the customer ledger or the cash ledger.

3. Select the sales ledger.

4. Select the required stock items, and specify the quantities and rates.

5. Select the additional expense ledger and enter the amount. Ensure that the ledger is configured for inclusion in the calculation of VAT .

6. Select the VAT ledger.

You can view the tax details by clicking A : Tax Analysis . Click F1 : Detailed to view the tax break-up.

7. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Sales with additional ledgers apportioned to taxable value - Accounting Invoice mode

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Click I : Accounting Invoice .

3. Select the required service ledgers, and specify the amount.

4. Select the additional ledger created by setting the option Include in assessable value calculation for to VAT , as shown below:

5. Select the VAT ledger. VAT gets calculated on the total of sale value and additional ledger.

6. Press Alt+A to view the Tax Analysis as shown below:

7. Press Esc to return to sales invoice. The invoice appears as shown:

8. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Sales without additional ledgers - Accounting Invoice mode

Record an accounting invoice as shown below:

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Click I : Accounting Invoice .

3. Select the required service ledgers, and specify the rate or amount. Alternatively, press Alt+C to create the ledgers.

4. Select the VAT ledger.

5. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

6. Press Page Up key to view the invoice in alteration mode.

7. Press Alt+P to print.

8. In the Voucher Printing screen:

Select the Print Type as Single or Bilingual .

If the Print Type is Single , select the Print Language as English or Arabic .

The printed invoice appears as per FTA.


Question : In an accounting invoice, I have selected sales ledger, and an additional ledger defined to include in assessable value calculation for VAT. Why is VAT not getting calculated on the additional ledger value?

Answer : This happens when you have selected additional ledger apportioned to quantity. To correct this:

1. Go to the alteration mode of additional ledger (press Ctrl+Enter on the additional ledger from the invoice or Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Alter > select the ledger).

2. For the option Appropriate to you can select any of the following :

Select Services with Method of Calculation set to Based on Value , as shown below:


Select Both , as shown below:

When you select this ledger in the accounting invoice, the VAT amount will be calculated by considering the additional ledger value.

Print sales invoice with Rate Inclusive of VAT

You can print the item rate inclusive of VAT by enabling the option Print Rate (Incl. VAT) column in the Voucher Printing screen. You have the flexibility to manually enter the rate inclusive of VAT in invoice and print, or configure Tally.ERP 9 to autocalculate the same.

Manually enter the rate inclusive of tax in invoice and print invoice

1. In the sales invoice, press F12 and set the option Allow entry of rate inclusive of tax for stock item to Yes .

2. Manually enter the Rate (Incl. of Tax) in the invoice.

3. In the Voucher Printing screen of the invoice, press F12 and enable the option Print Rate (Incl. VAT) column, and save the configuration screen.

4. Print the invoice. The invoice printed as per FTA by selecting Invoice Format 2 appears as shown:

Print the autocalculated value in invoice

1. In the sales invoice, press F12 and set the option Allow entry of rate inclusive of tax for stock item to No .

2. Record the sales invoice.

3. In the Voucher Printing screen of the invoice, press F12 and enable the option Print Rate (Incl. VAT) column.

4. Print the invoice. The invoice printed as per FTA by selecting Invoice Format 2 appears as shown:

Impact of Margins on the Alignment of Fields and Columns in the Printed Invoice

The margins on top and left for the header and the columns in the printed invoice are pre-configured. If you reduce these header margin measurements, the alignment of the fields in the printed invoice will be affected. It is suggested that you should avoid altering the default margins in the invoice. In unavoidable circumstances, you can make small changes to the measurement. However, if additional columns and fields are added using F12: Configuration , the alignment will be affected due to the altered margins.

Sales made to Overseas Tourists

Sales made to overseas tourists are taxable at the point of sale. However, the tourist can claim the tax amount by showing the tax receipt before leaving the country.

To help identify sales made to overseas tourists, Tally.ERP has provided an option to mark a sale transaction as overseas tourist sale.

Mark a sales as overseas tourist sale

1. In the sales invoice, set the option Provide VAT details to Yes .

2. In the Statutory Details screen, enable the option Is Overseas Tourist? .

3. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Mark a POS invoice as overseas tourist sale

1. In the POS invoice, select Not applicable in the Party A/c name field.

2. In the Party Details screen, enable the option Is Overseas Tourist?

3. Enter all the other details in the invoice.

4. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Print invoice for sales made to Overseas Tourist

The title appears as Tax Invoice (Overseas Tourist) . In the invoice printed as per FTA by selecting Invoice Format 2 appears as shown below:

POS invoice

Create the POS invoice voucher type, record the transaction and print the invoice in English, Arabic or Bilingual.

Create a POS invoice

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Voucher Types > Create .

2. Set the option Use for POS invoicing? to Yes as shown below:

3. Enter the relevant details and save the voucher type.

Record a POS invoice

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales > select the POS Invoice voucher type.

2. Select the required Party A/c Name and Sales Ledger .

3. Select the stock items. The quantity appears as 1. You can enter Backspace and change the quantity. Enter the Rate per unit.

Note: In the POS Invoice Configuration , set the options as shown below to change the quantity, modify the rate per unit and enter party details.

Skip quantity during POS invoicing for faster enter? - No

Allow modification of rate field during POS invoicing? - Yes

Enable entry of party details in POS invoice? - Yes

4. Accept the POS invoice. The Voucher Printing screen appears.

5. Click F12: Configure and set the options as needed and accept the configuration screen.

6. Accept the configuration screen.

7. If you want to change the title to Tax Invoice , press Alt+T and enter the Title as Tax Invoice . The same appears as the Report Title .

8. In the Voucher Printing screen:

Select the Print Type as Single or Bilingual .

If the Print Type is Single , select the Print Language as English or Arabic .

To print the details of Free items , set the options Print rate column and Print amount column to Yes .

The invoice will be printed as per FTA.

Override tax details in an invoice

In Tally.ERP 9, you can override the tax details in transactions by enabling the override feature in the sales invoice. You can change the nature of transaction, taxable value, and tax rate, as required.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Click F12: Configure to configure the sales invoice for overriding tax details.

Enable the option Allow modification of tax details for VAT and press Ctrl+A to accept.

3. Select the customer ledger in Party's A/c Name option.

4. Select the sales ledger.

5. Select the required stock items whose VAT rates are specified either at the stock group level or at the stock item level. Specify the Quantity and Rate for the stock item and press Enter from the Amount field.

The VAT Details screen with the default nature of transaction based on the party location and sales ledger appears as shown below:

o If you want to alter the taxable value and tax rate, press F12: Configure , and enable the options as shown below:

o Press Enter .

6. You can choose to make changes to the nature of transaction, taxable value, and tax rate.

7. Press Enter to return to the invoice screen.

You can view the tax details by clicking A : Tax Analysis . Click F1 : Detailed to view the tax break-up.

8. Select the VAT ledger. The sales invoice appears as shown below:

9. Press O to override the default tax details.

Note: In The details are modified button, press Y to accept the voucher with conflicts, you can resolve them in the VAT returns report. Press N to go back to the voucher and make changes. When you press O the voucher is accepted without tax conflicts and is directly included in the returns.