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Form VAT-15 Challan (Jammu & Kashmir)

The Form VAT-15 is a payment challan which is generated on making statutory payments towards VAT.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT XI .

2. Click S : Stat Payment . In the Stat Payment Details screen,

o Select VAT in the Tax Type field.

o Enter details in the Period From and To field.

o Select the required Tax Type .

o Press Ctrl+A to accept.

3. Select the bank ledger.

4. Select the VAT ledger. The amount payable appears automatically, as the transaction is recorded from the triangulation report.

5. Select ledgers created for interest, penalty, late fees and other dues, as applicable, and enter the amount.

Note: For interest, penalty, late fees, other dues and demand ledgers grouped under expenses or Current Liabilities , select the relevant Types of Payment in the Payment Type screen.

6. Enter relevant details in the Bank Allocations screen, and press Enter .

7. Press Ctrl+A to accept. Go to the alteration mode of this payment voucher (press PgUp ).

8. Click P : Print to print the voucher. In the Voucher Printing screen,

o Set Print as VAT challan? to Yes .

o Enter the Place and Date as shown below:

9. Click C : Copies . In the Set Number of Copies screen,

o Enter the Number of Copies .

o Select the Type of Copy . The Set Number of Copies screen appears as shown below:

o Press Enter to save.

10. Press Enter to print. The challan appears as shown below:

Description of data captured in each field of the challan is tabulated below:

Field Name


1. Name and address of dealer

Displays the Mailing Name and Address entered in the Company Creation screen.

2. TIN/Registration No/TOT/CT

Displays the TIN entered in Company VAT Details screen.

3. Circle in which registered

Displays the Ward/circle/division entered in the Company VAT Details screen.

4. Quarter ended/For the period

Displays the quarter and period, based on the Period From and To entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of the payment voucher.

5. Amount deposited

(i) Tax

Displays the amount entered for the VAT ledger (grouped under Duties & Taxes ) in the payment voucher.

(ii) Interest

Displays the amount entered for the expense/current liabilities ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Interest in the Payment Type screen of the payment voucher.

(iii) Penalty

Displays the amount entered for the expense/current liabilities ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Penalty in the Payment Type screen of the payment voucher.

(iv) Other sum

Displays the amount entered for the expense/current liabilities ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Others in the Payment Type screen of the payment voucher.

Total (in figures) and (in words)

Displays the sum total of tax, interest, and penalty amount in figures and words.


Displays the Place entered in the Voucher Printing screen of the payment voucher.


Displays the Place entered in the Voucher Printing screen of the payment voucher.