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Purchases of Stock-in-Trade (India)

The Revised Schedule VI requires the Purchases of Stock-in-Trade to be disclosed in Statement of Profit and Loss.

On this page

View Purchases of Stock-in-Trade Note Summary

Button options in Purchases of Stock-in-Trade Note Summary

Configuration Options

View Purchases of Stock-in-Trade Note Summary

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Profit & Loss A/c .

2. Drill down into the Purchases of Stock-in-Trade Note Summary:

Schedule VI Configuration for inventory can be done from this report using Ctrl+Enter or C : Multi Classify .

Button options in Purchases of Stock-in-Trade Note Summary

F1 : Detailed : Click F1 : Detailed or press Alt+F1 to view the Note Summary in detailed form. The detailed view for Note Summary displays the default Tally Groups with balances which have been classified under various Schedule VI Groups.

Ctrl+F10: Restore Def. : Click Ctrl+F10 : Restore Def. or press Ctrl+F10 to undo any manual Schedule VI classification performed on the default Tally Groups/Ledgers.

N : Notes : Select Schedule VI element and press Enter. Click N : Notes or press Alt+N to add the Notes to the Note Summary .

F9: Inv Reports : Click F9 : Inv Reports or press F9 to navigate to the default Inventory Reports like Godown Summary , Movement Analysis , Stock Summary and so on.

F10: Acc Reports : Click F10 : Acc Reports or press F10 to navigate to the default Accounting Reports like Balance Sheet , Cash Flow , Trial Balance and so on.

F10 : Audit Reports : Click F10 : Audit Reports or press Alt+F10 to navigate to the other Audit Reports within Statutory Audit .

Configuration Options

Click F12: Configure or press F12 to change the default display for the above report.

Show Items with Zero Balance :  Set this option to Yes to display the default Tally Groups with Nil Balance in the detailed format for the Note Summary.

Show Nett Balance : Set this option to Yes to display only Nett Balance instead of Debit and Credit Balances.

Show Notes : Set this option to Yes to display the Notes entered for the selected Schedule VI element if any.

Scale Factor for Values : Select the required Scale Factor from Crores, Hundreds, Lakhs, Millions, Ten Lakhs, ten Millions, Ten Thousands, Thousands or Default for displaying the balances in the Schedule VI Balance Sheet.