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Viewing Stock Item Vouchers

You can view stock item vouchers with additional details such as daily breakup and dates for inwards or outwards balance.

To view stock item vouchers

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Stock Items

2. Select a stock item from the List of Items.

3. Drill down from any month to display Stock Vouchers.

The Stock Vouchers screen with the list of stock vouchers for the current month appears as shown below:

The list of vouchers for a stock item is the lowest level of collated data. If you drill-down any further, you will view the actual voucher.

You can also access Stock Vouchers by drilling-down from statements such as Stock Summary .

Daily Breakup Report

To view the daily breakup of the stock item selected

Click F6: Daily Break-up . This report displays the stock item balance for every day of the month selected, by default . It can be configured to display only dates with transactions.

To display only the dates for inwards or outwards balance

1. Click F12: Configure in the Daily Breakup of Item report.

2. Set the option Exclude Details with No Transactions to Yes . The Configuration screen appears as follows:

On setting the option to Yes, t he Daily Breakup of Item report appears with only the transaction dates, as shown below: