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e-VAT Form VAT III - Exporting Data to Template (Uttarakhand)

Form VAT III is a quarterly return to be filed by every registered dealer.

The due date for filing depends on the gross turnover as given below:

Dealers having gross turnover of more than 50 lakhs in the preceding year have to file the return by last date of the succeeding month.

Dealers having gross turnover of upto 50 lakhs in the preceding year have to file the return by 25th of the succeeding month.

Dealers who are in the first year of their business have to file the return by 25th of the succeeding month.

The template Offline_Return_version_1.5 is compatible with Microsoft Office 2007 and above. However, it is not compatible with Microsoft Office 2013.

Export data to the template

1. Copy the excel template Offline_Return_version_1.5 to the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder.

2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT III .

3. Press Ctrl+E to view the Export Report screen. Based on the Form VAT III report period, the quarter for which the return is being filed is displayed.

4. Select the Type of Return as Original or Revised . The type of return selected here gets considered for all annexures.

5. Set the option Show number of rows to add to Yes and press Enter to view the Form VAT III Excel Template Validations screen.

6. Add the number of rows as shown in this screen, and enter the details for annexure 12, 13 and 15, to capture the details in template while exporting annexure data.

7. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

8. Press Enter to export data to template.

The description of the fields in Form III is given below:



TIN/TDAN Number of Dealer

Displays the TIN entered in the Company VAT Details screen.

Period of Return

Displays Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 as captured in the option Period for , in Export Report screen of Form VAT III .

Select Date Format

Displays the Short date format set as DD/MM/YYYY in Export Report screen of Form VAT III .

Select Form Type

Displays Form III .

Assessment Year

Displays the year based on the period selected in the Form VAT III report.

Select Return Type

Displays the Type of Return as Original or Revised as selected in the Export Report screen of Form VAT III .



6. Taxable Sales To Regd. Dealer (Vat Goods) (Annexure 2)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value (before tax) field of Annexure 2.

7. Taxable Sales to Others (Vat Goods) (Annexure 2B)

Displays the value captured in Sales value before tax field of Annexure 2B.

8. Taxable Purchase u/s 3(10) (Annexure 1D)

Displays the value captured in Purchase Price field of Annexure 1D.

9. Taxable Sales (Non Vat Goods) (Annexure 2A)

Displays the value captured in Sales value before tax field of Annexure 2A.

10. NTO (State) (06+07+08+09)

Displays auto calculated value.


11. Non-Taxable Sales  Sch-I (Vat Goods)

Displays the value of sales recorded with:

Sales Exempt as the nature of transaction.

Schedule I goods (in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters, the option Schedule is set to SCHEDULE I ).

12. Non-Taxable Sales Otherwise (VAT Goods)

Displays the value of sales recorded with:

Sales Exempt as the nature of transaction.

Schedule IIA, IIB, IIC, IV or V goods (in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters, the option Schedule is set to SCHEDULE IIA , SCHEDULE IIB , SCHEDULE IIC , SCHEDULE IV , and SCHEDULE V ).

13. Non Taxable Sales (Non VAT Goods)

Displays the value of sales recorded with:

Sales Exempt as the nature of transaction.

Schedule III goods (in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters, the option Schedule is set to SCHEDULE III ).

14. Total (State Non Taxable Turnover)(11+12+13)

Displays auto calculated value.

15. Gross Turnover GTO (State) (10+14)

Displays auto calculated value.


16. Taxable Turnover by Registered Dealer (Annexure 3)

Displays the value captured in Basic Sales Value Before Tax field of Annexure 3.

17. Taxable Sales to Others (Annexure 3A)

Displays the value captured in Basic Sales Value Before Tax field of Annexure 3A.

18. Net Turnover NTO (Inter State) (16+17)

Displays auto calculated value.


19. Non Taxable Sales (Sch-1 Goods)

Displays the value of sales recorded with:

Interstate Sales Exempt as the nature of transaction.

Schedule I goods (in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters, the option Schedule is set to SCHEDULE I ).

20. Stock Transfer/Consignment Sales (Form-F) (Annexure 4)

Displays the value captured in Value of Goods field of Annexure 4.

21. Export Deemed Form (Form-H) (Annexure 5)

Displays the value captured in Value of Goods field of Annexure 5.

22. Sale in Transit (Form E1, E2) (Annexure 6)

Displays the value captured in Basic Sales Value before Tax field of Annexure 6.

23. Sales to SEZ Dealers (Form I) (Annexure 7)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value as per Invoice field of Annexure 7.

24. Sale to International Body (Form J) (Annexure 8)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value as per Invoice field of Annexure 8.

25. Export Direct (Annexure 9)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value in Rupees field of Annexure 9.

26. Non-Taxable Sales Otherwise (Annexure 10)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value as per Invoice field of Annexure 10.

27. Total Inter-State- Non Taxable Turnover (19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26)

Displays auto calculated value.

28. GTO (Inter-State) (18+27)

Displays auto calculated value.

29. GTO (State + Inter-State) (15+28)

Displays auto calculated value.

OUTPUT TAX - On State Sale of - VAT GOODS

30. Total Basic Value (Annexure 2 + Annexure 2B)

Displays the total of values captured in the field Sale Value (before tax) of Annexure 2 and Sales value before tax of Annexure 2B.

30. Total Tax Amount (Annexure 2 + Annexure 2B)

Displays the total of values captured in the field Amount of tax charged of Annexure 2 and Amount of tax of Annexure 2B.


31. Total Basic Value (Annexure 1D)

Displays the value captured in Purchase Price field of Annexure 1D.

31. Total Tax Amount (Annexure 1D)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value Before Tax field of Annexure 1D.


32. Total Basic Value (Annexure 2A)

Displays the value captured in Sale value before Tax field of Annexure 2A.

32. Total Tax Amount (Annexure 2A)

Displays the value captured in Amount of tax field of Annexure 2A.

33. Output Tax (State) Total (30+31+32)

Displays auto calculated value.


Displays auto calculated value.


34. Output Tax (Inter-State) Total (Annexure 3, 3A)

Displays the value captured in box 18 of this form.


Displays the total of values captured in the field Amount of Tax of Annexure 3 and 3A.

35 Total Output Tax (33 + 34)

Displays auto calculated value.


Displays auto calculated value.

36. Purchase (From Regd. Dealer) Taxable VAT Goods (Annexure 1A)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value (before tax) field of Annexure 1A.

36A. Purchase Against Form-XI

Displays the value captured in Value before tax field of Annexure 17XI.

37. Purchase Exempt VAT Goods

Displays the net value of purchases recorded with:

Purchase Exempt as the nature of transaction.

Schedule I, IIA, IIB, IIC, IV or V goods (in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters, the option Schedule is set to SCHEDULE I , SCHEDULE IIA , SCHEDULE IIB , SCHEDULE IIC , SCHEDULE IV , and SCHEDULE V ).

38. Purchase (from Unregd. Dealer) VAT Goods

Displays the net value of purchases recorded with:

Purchase From Unregistered Dealer as the nature of transaction.

Type of goods set to Not Applicable or Fuel in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters.

Schedule I, IIA, IIB, IIC, IV or V goods (in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters, the option Schedule is set to SCHEDULE I , SCHEDULE IIA , SCHEDULE IIB , SCHEDULE IIC , SCHEDULE IV , and SCHEDULE V ).

39. Purchase Tax Paid (from Regd. Dealers) Non-VAT Goods (Annexure 1E)

Displays the value captured in Purchase Price Including Tax field of Annexure 1E.

40 Purchase (from unregd.) Non-VAT Goods

Displays the value of purchases recorded with:

Purchase From Unregistered Dealer as the nature of transaction.

Type of goods set to Not Applicable or Fuel in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters.

Schedule III goods (in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters, the option Schedule is set to SCHEDULE III ).

41. Total State Purchase (Non-Cap. Goods) (36+37+38+39+40)

Displays auto calculated value.


42. Purchase (from Regd. Dealer) Taxable VAT Goods (Annexure1B)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value (before tax) field of Annexure 1B.

43. Purchase (from Unregd. Dealer) Taxable VAT Goods

Displays the net value of purchases recorded with:

Purchase From Unregistered Dealer as the nature of transaction.

Type of goods set to Capital Goods in VAT Details screen of accounts/inventory masters.

44. Total State Purchase (Cap. Goods) (42+43)

Displays auto calculated value.

45. Total (State Purchase) (41+44)

Displays auto calculated value.


46. Inter-State Purchase (Against Form C) (Annexure 17C)

Displays the total of values captured in Amount Excluding Tax and Tax Amount fields of Annexure 17C.

47. Inter-State Purchase (Against Form H) (Annexure 17H)

Displays the value captured in Value of goods purchased field of Annexure 17H.

48. Inter-State Purchase (Against Form I/J)

Displays the total of values captured in Value before tax field of Annexure 17I and 17J.

49. Inter-State Purchase (Without Forms)

Displays the net value of purchases recorded by selecting Interstate Purchase - Taxable and Interstate Purchase Exempt as the nature of transactions

50. Consignment-In/Stock Transfer (Against Form F) (Annexure 17F)

Displays the value captured in Value of Goods field of Annexure 17F.

51. Consignment-In/Stock Transfer (without Form F) and Imports

Displays the net value of purchases recorded with:

The nature of transaction as Branch Transfer Inward , Consignment Transfer Inward , Interstate Branch Transfer Inward , Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward by setting the option Form to issue to Not Applicable in Statutory Details screen (displayed on enabling Provide VAT details) of purchase invoice.

The nature of transaction as Imports .

52. Purchase Returns/Consignment Returns Annexure-11

Value has to be entered manually.


53. Total Purchase Value (Annexure 1A)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value (before tax) field of Annexure 1A.

53. Total Tax Amount (Non Capital VAT Goods)

Displays the value captured in Amount of tax charged field of Annexure 1A.


54. Total Purchase Value (Annexure 1C)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value (before tax) field of Annexure 1C.

54.Total Tax Amount (Fuel)

Displays the value captured in Amount of tax charged field of Annexure 1C.


55. Total Purchase Value (Annexure 1B)

Displays the value captured in Sale Value (before tax) field of Annexure 1B.

55. Total Tax Amount (Capital Goods)

Displays the value captured in Amount of tax charged field of Annexure 1B.


56. ITC on Non Capital Goods

Displays the value captured in box 53 of this form.

57. ITC on Fuel

Displays the value captured in box 54 of this form.

58. ITC on Opening Stock

Displays the debit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher recorded for tax credit on opening stock.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal .

2. Click J : Stat Adjustment . In the VAT Details screen,

o Select VAT as the Type of duty/tax .

o Select Increasing Input Tax as the Nature of Adjustment .

o Select Opening Stock for Additional Details .

3. Debit the input VAT ledger. Enter the relevant information in VAT Details screen.

4. Credit the ledger grouped under Current Assets .

5. Press Ctrl+A to save.

59. ITC on Capital Goods

Displays the value captured in box 55 of this form.

60. Total ITC (56+57+58+59)

Displays auto calculated value.

61. Reverse Tax Credit Due to Stock Transfer (attach details & computation) (Annexure 12)

Displays the value captured in Amount field of Annexure 12.

62. Reverse Tax Credit Due to Other reasons (attach details & computation) (Annexure 13)

Displays the value captured in Amount field of Annexure 13.

63. ITC - Claimed (60-61-62)

Displays auto calculated value.


64. Total Output Tax (State)=33

Displays the value captured in Amount field of Annexure 33.

65. Tax Credit B/f from Prev. Return Period

Displays the input tax:

Brought forward from previous return period if the return is saved.

Debit balance of VAT ledger if the return is not saved or modified.

66. Input Tax Credit(ITC) - Claimed = 63

Displays the value captured in Amount field of Annexure 63.

67. Tax Credit on Sales Return (attach details) (Annexure 14)

Value has to be entered manually.

68. Tax Credit for other reasons (attach details) (Annexure 15)

Displays the value captured in Amount field of Annexure 15.

69A. TDS (attach details)(Annexure 16)

Displays the value captured in Amount of TDS field of Annexure 16.

69B. Tax Deposited

Displays auto calculated value.

70. Total Tax Credited (65+66+67+68+69A+69B)

Displays auto calculated value.

71. Net Tax Payable (State) (64-70)

Displays auto calculated value.

72. Net Tax in Excess (70-64)

Displays auto calculated value.

73. Total Output Tax (Inter-State)=34

Displays the value captured in box 34 of this form.

74. Net CST Payable (73-72)

Displays auto calculated value.

75. Refund Claims (72-73)

Displays auto calculated value.

76. Tax C/f (72-73)

Displays auto calculated value.


77. Total Tax Deposited (State)

Displays auto calculated value. The value is captured from the Payment sheet of the Form III template

Payment sheet of Form III template, displays the details of tax payment voucher recorded (by clicking S : Stat Payment ) by selecting the Tax Type as VAT .

The description of the fields in Payment sheet are given below:

Account Head : Displays the account head based on the Tax Type selected in the tax payment voucher.

Challan ID : Displays the Challan No. entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Challan Date : Displays the Challan Date entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Name : Displays the Name of the Bank selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Address : Displays the Bank Address entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Tax Deposited : Displays the amount entered in tax payment voucher.

78. Total Tax Deposited (CST)

Displays the amount entered in tax payment voucher recorded (by clicking S : Stat Payment and selecting the required Tax Type ) by selecting the Tax Type as CST .

Payment sheet of Form III template, displays the details of tax payment voucher recorded (by clicking S : Stat Payment ) by selecting the Tax Type as CST .

The description of the fields in Payment sheet are given below:

Account Head : Displays the account head based on the Tax Type selected in the tax payment voucher.

Challan ID : Displays the Challan No. entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Challan Date : Displays the Challan Date entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Name : Displays the Name of the Bank selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Address : Displays the Bank Address entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Tax Deposited : Displays the amount entered in tax payment voucher.

79. Total Late Fee Deposited

Displays the amount entered for expense or liability ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Late Fee in Payment Type screen of tax payment voucher (recorded by clicking S : Stat Payment and selecting the required Tax Type ).

Payment sheet of Form III template, displays the details of tax payment voucher recorded (by clicking S : Stat Payment ) by selecting the Tax Type as VAT .

The description of the fields in Payment sheet are given below:

Account Head : Displays the account head based on the Tax Type selected in the tax payment voucher.

Challan ID : Displays the Challan No. entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Challan Date : Displays the Challan Date entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Name : Displays the Name of the Bank selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Address : Displays the Bank Address entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Tax Deposited : Displays the amount entered in tax payment voucher.

80. Total Interest and other dues deposited

Displays the amount entered for expense or liability ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Interest and Others in Payment Type screen of tax payment voucher (recorded by clicking S : Stat Payment and selecting the required Tax Type ).

Payment sheet of Form III template, displays the details of tax payment voucher recorded (by clicking S : Stat Payment ) by selecting the Tax Type as VAT .

The description of the fields in Payment sheet are given below:

Account Head : Displays the account head based on the Tax Type selected in the tax payment voucher.

Challan ID : Displays the Challan No. entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Challan Date : Displays the Challan Date entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Name : Displays the Name of the Bank selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Address : Displays the Bank Address entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Tax Deposited : Displays the amount entered in tax payment voucher.

81. By E-Payment

Displays the value of tax payment voucher (recorded by clicking S : Stat Payment and selecting the required Tax Type ) for which the Mode of payment is selected as e-payment in Tax Payment Reconciliation screen.

Payment sheet of Form III template, displays the details of tax payment voucher recorded (by clicking S : Stat Payment ) by selecting the Tax Type as VAT / CST and Type of Payment as Not Applicable , Interest , Late Fee and Others .

Only transactions for which the Mode of payment is selected as e-payment in Tax Payment Reconciliation screen are displayed here.

The description of the fields in Payment sheet are given below:

Account Head : Displays the account head based on the Tax Type selected in the tax payment voucher.

Challan ID : Displays the Challan No. entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Challan Date : Displays the Challan Date entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Name : Displays the Name of the Bank selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Address : Displays the Bank Address entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Tax Deposited : Displays the amount entered in tax payment voucher.

81. Total Amount Deposited

Displays the total amount entered in tax payment voucher (recorded by clicking S : Stat Payment and selecting the required Tax Type ).