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Job Worker and Principal Manufacturers Ledgers

Job Workers (Sundry Creditors) are those to whom the Job is delegated. Principal Manufacturers (Sundry Debtors) are those from whom the job is received for Job Work.

Job Worker Ledger

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info> Ledgers > Create

2. Name : In this field mention the Job Worker’s name. For example, Mega Manufacturers.

3. Under : In this field select the group under which the Job Worker ledger to be grouped. For example, Sundry Creditors.

4. Maintain balances bill-by-bill : Set this option to Yes to maintain the Job Worker payment balances bill-by-bill.

5. Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information.

N ote: From Release 4.8 an option to provide Bank Details is provided in the Ledger Master.

The completed Job Worker ledger is displayed as shown:

6. Press Enter to save.

Create the below Job Worker ledger as per the details provided:

Job Worker


Maintain balances bill-by-bill

National Manufacturers

Sundry Creditors


Principal Manufacturer Ledger

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info> Ledgers > Create

2. Name : In this field mention the Principal Manufacturer’s name. For example, Bright Home Appliances.

3. Under : In this field select the group under which the Principal Manufacturer ledger to be grouped. For example, Sundry Debtor .

4. Maintain balances bill-by-bill : Set this option to Yes to maintain the Principal Manufacturer payment balances bill-by-bill.

5. Enter the Mailing Details and Tax Information.

The completed Principal Manufacturer ledger is displayed as shown:

6. Press Enter to save.