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Inter-State Sales C Form (Chhattisgarh)

Inter-State Sales C Form needs to be submitted quarterly, by every registered dealer. It includes details of goods sold in the course of interstate trade. You can view sales periodicity-wise, party-wise, form number-wise in this form.

Inter-State Sales C Form displays transactions where,

Nature of transaction is

o Interstate Sales - Against Form C (irrespective of rate) or

o Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C

To export Inter-State Sales C Form to excel template

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory reports > VAT > CST Form 5 .

2. Click A : Annexures .

3. Select Interstate Sales , and press Enter .

4. Click L : Party-wise .

5. Press Ctrl+E . Ensure that the excel template is available at the Export Location .

6. Press Enter to export.

To export the Sales List in xml format

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory reports > VAT > CST Form 5 .

2. Click A : Annexures .

3. Select Interstate Sales , and press Enter .

4. Click L : Party-wise .

5. Press Ctrl+E . The Export Report screen appears.

6. Select the option XML (data interchange) in the field Format .

7. Press Enter to export annexure in XML format.

The fields in the form are described below:

Field name


S. No.

Displays the serial numbers for all the buyers listed in the annexure.

Period of Quarter

Displays the quarter for which returns have been filed, if quarterly is selected as the e-return periodicity. The option First Quarter is displayed for the period April-June, Second Quarter for the period July-September, and so on.

Name of Dealer with Address from whom goods sold

Displays the mailing name and address entered in the party ledger master or in the Party Details screen of the sales invoice.

Registration Certificate No.

Displays the VAT TIN No. predefined for the party ledger or the TIN / Sales Tax No. entered in the Party Details screen of the sales invoice.

Description of Goods sold

Displays the commodity name of the item selected in the sales invoice, as recorded in the Commodity name field in the VAT Details screen of the relevant masters.

VALUE (In Rs.)

Displays the total assessable value.

C Form No.

Displays the Form no. recorded for C Form in the Statutory Details screen of the sales invoice.


Displays hyphen (-).