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Exporting e-VAT Form XVN (Himachal Pradesh)

Form XVN is the return form filed by registered dealers in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The returns are filed monthly or quarterly based on dealer's gross turnover from the previous year. The returns are filed electronically by uploading the excel template transaction values to the department website.

To export Form XVN to excel template

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT XV .

2. Press Ctrl+E .

3. Press Enter to export.

Note: Ensure that the return form is saved and the excel template is copied to the export location.

The fields in the form are described below:

Field Name



2. Gross turnover, deduction from gross turnover taxable turnover of sale and computation of tax (See sections 2(zd), 6 and 9 of the Act)

(a) Description

(b) Value of goods

(2A)(1) Sale price received and receivable for goods during return period:

Displays the gross assessable value from sales and debit notes (for rise in price and change in consideration) recorded with Sales Taxable selected as Nature of transaction . Also, the net assessable value from sales recorded with Deemed Export , Sales Exempt , and Sales Zero Rate selected as the Nature of transaction . Further, the net assessable value from sales with Interstate Sales High Seas , Interstate Deemed Export , Exports , Interstate Sales - E1 , Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 , Interstate Sales - E2 , Interstate Sales - Against Form C , Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C , Interstate Sales - Taxable , Interstate Sales Exempt , and Interstate Sales - Zero Rated selected as the Nature of transaction . In case of Sales Zero Rate , and Interstate Sales - Zero Rated the option Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO & Foreign Aid has to be selected as Party Entity/Org. Type in the sales ledger or in the field Type of Exemption in the party ledger master.

(2A)(2) Value of goods sent within or outside the state otherwise than by way of sale:

Displays the net assessable value from sales transactions with Branch Transfer Outward , Consignment Transfer Outward , Sales Exempt ( Company Nature of Business as Agent ), Interstate Branch Transfer Outward , Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward and Interstate Branch Transfer Outward ( In the course of as Export ) selected as the Nature of transaction .

(2B) Gross turnover [(1) + (2)]

Displays auto populated value.

(2C)(1) Sale of tax-free goods under section 9

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Sales Exempt selected as the Nature of transaction .

(2C)(2) Goods sent to local agents (registered dealers) for sale

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Branch Transfer Outward , Consignment Transfer Outward , and Sales Exempt ( Company Nature of Business as Agent ) as the Nature of transaction .

(2C)(3) Sale to Exporters within the state (against Form H)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Deemed Export as the Nature of transaction .

(2C)(4) Any other sale /transfer eligible for deduction under HP VAT Act, 2005 not covered under 2C (1), (2) and (3) of above (Please specify)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Sales Zero Rate as the Nature of transaction , and the option Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO & Foreign Aid has to be selected as the Party Entity/Org. Type in the sales ledger or in the field Type of Exemption in the party ledger master.

(5) Sale in the course of inter-State trade or commerce (against Form C or against Form C + Form E-I)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Sales - Against Form C , Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C , Interstate Sales - E1 , and Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 as the Nature of transaction .

(6) Sale in the course of import into India

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Sales High Seas as the Nature of transaction .

(7) Sale in the course of export out of India

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Exports and Interstate Deemed Export as the Nature of transaction .

(8) Sales outside the State of goods purchased outside the State (against Form C+ Form E-II)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Sales - E2 as the Nature of transaction .

(9) Value of goods sent otherwise than by way of sale : -

(i) in the course of inter-State trade or commerce (against Form F)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward and Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward as the Nature of transaction .

(9)(ii) in the course of export out the territory of India

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward as the Nature of transaction , and the option Export selected in the field In the course of in the Statutory Details screen.

(10)Any other sale eligible for deduction/any other deductions under CST Act not covered from (4) to (9) above (Please specify)

Displays the name of nature of transactions - Interstate Sales - Taxable , Interstate Sales Exempt , and Interstate Sales - Zero Rate (the option Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO & Foreign Aid has to be selected as the Party Entity/Org. Type in the sales ledger or in the field Type of Exemption in the party ledger master) and the corresponding assessable value and tax amount against each nature of transaction.

(11) Total of (1) to (10)

Displays auto populated value.

(2D) Taxable turnover of sales [2B(b)-2C(11)(b)]

Displays auto populated value.

(2E)(a)Break-up of 2D(b) according to rate of tax*

Displays the gross assessable value tax rate-wise from sales and debit notes (for rise in price and change in consideration) recorded with Sales Taxable as the Nature of transaction .

Values from transactions with same nature of transaction and tax rate are consolidated and captured in a single row. Rows are added depending on the different tax rates transacted with each nature of transaction.

(2E)(b)Effect of return of goods and (de-)/ escalation[LS-II]

Displays the sales value from sales return recorded in journal voucher, credit note, and debit note with Not applicable and Change in Consideration as the Nature of Return by selecting Sales Taxable as the Nature of transaction . The values are captured tax rate-wise for each nature of transaction.

Values from transactions with same nature of transaction and tax rate are consolidated and captured in a single row. Further rows are added depending on the different tax rates transacted with each nature of transaction.

(2E)(c) Effect of Purchases made from Exempted Unit (Less Purchase Value : Tax on Value Addition only)

Displays the Purchase Value recorded in the VAT Details screen displayed when a VAT tax ledger is debited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Purchase from exempted Unit as Additional Details . The value is captured against the rate of tax recorded in the field Rate in the VAT Details screen.

(2E)(d) Effect of Purchases of goods specified in Schedule- “C” (Less Purchase Value : Tax on Value Addition only)

Displays the Purchase Value recorded in the VAT Details screen displayed when a VAT tax ledger is debited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Purchase of Schedule-C goods as Additional Details . The value is captured against the rate of tax recorded in the field Rate in the VAT Details screen.

(2E)(e) Net taxable turnover [(a)-{(b)+(C)+(d)}]*

Displays auto populated value.

(2E)(f-i) rate of tax*

Displays the tax rate at which the transactions in (2E)(a), (2E)(b), and (2E)(c) are recorded. The default tax rates provided for selection are 0%, 1%, 4%, 5%, 9%, 9.6%, 9.7%, 9.75%, 11%, 12.5%, 13.75%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 25%, 30%, 36%, and 100%.

Values from transactions with same nature of transaction and tax rate are consolidated and captured in a single row. Further rows are added depending on the different tax rates transacted with each nature of transaction.

(2E)(f-ii) other rate of tax, Please Specify

Displays the other rates using which transaction are recorded when the option Others is selected in the column (2E)(f-i) rate of tax* .

(2E)(g) Was this sale made against Form-XLIII? (Applicable only in case of sale @ 4%)*

Displays No by default.

(h) Please furnish Form-XLIII Number (If answer to column g is Yes)

This column is left blank.

(2E)(i) Tax Amount[(e)x(f)]*

Displays auto populated value.


3. Purchase, import and receipt of goods and computation of amount of tax paid on purchases made in the state

(3A)(a) Description

(3A)(b) Amount

(1)(a) Purchased from registered dealers in the State on tax invoice

Displays the gross assessable value from purchase and credit notes (for raise in price and change in purchase consideration) recorded with Purchase Taxable as the Nature of transaction .

(1)(b) Aggregate price/value of capital goods eligible for input tax credit

Displays the assessable value to the extent of input tax credit claimed on purchase of capital goods. It is the purchase value corresponding to the input tax credit claimed in purchase transaction recorded with Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as the Nature of transaction , and the purchase value corresponding to the Amount Claimed in journal voucher recorded with Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods as the Nature of adjustment .

(1)(c) Purchase of the goods (other than those listed under Entry No. 55 of Part-II-A of Schedule - A‘) for use as industrial inputs (against Form-XLIII)

Displays No by default.

(1)(d) Aggregate price/value of goods purchased from Registered Exempted Unit

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Purchase - Zero Rated as the Nature of transaction and with Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO & Foreign Aid or SEZ as the Type of exemption in the party master.

(2) Purchased from other dealers without tax invoice

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Purchase From Unregistered Dealers as the Nature of transaction .

(3)(a) Purchased in the course of inter-State trade or Commerce (against Form C)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Purchase - Against Form C and Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C as the Nature of transaction .

(3)(b) Capital Goods Purchased in the course of import of inter-State trade or commerce (against Form C)

Displays the net assessable value and tax amount from transactions recorded with Interstate Purchase - Against Form C as the Nature of transaction and Capital Goods selected as Type of goods .

(4)(a) Purchased in the course of import into India

Displays the net assessable value and tax amount from transactions recorded with Purchase High Seas and Imports as the Nature of transaction .

(4)(b) Capital Goods Purchased in the course of import into India

Displays the net assessable value from the transactions recorded with Purchase High Seas as the Nature of transaction and Capital Goods selected as Type of goods .

(5)(a) Purchased from outside the state in the course of export out of India (against Form H)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Purchase Deemed Export as the Nature of transaction .

(5)(b) Purchased from within the state in the course of export out of India (against Form H)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Purchase Deemed Export as the Nature of transaction .

(6) Imported into the State

Displays the net assessable value and tax amount from transactions recorded with Interstate Purchase - Taxable and Interstate Purchase Exempt as the Nature of transaction .

(7) Purchased from outside the State for sales outside the state (against Form C+ Form E-I or E-II)

Displays the net assessable value and tax amount from transactions recorded with Interstate Purchase - E1 , Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1 , and Interstate Purchase - E2t as the Nature of transaction .

(8) Received for sale from dealers registered in the State

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Branch Transfer Inward and Consignment Transfer Inward as the Nature of transaction .

(9) Received for sale from dealers outside the State (against Form F)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Branch Transfer Inward and Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward as the Nature of transaction .

(10) Purchases against Form I

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated as the Nature of transaction , and with SEZ as Type of exemption in the party master.

(11) Any other purchases/receipts not covered from (1) to (10) above (Please Specify)

Displays the name of the nature of transaction - Purchase Exempt , and corresponding assessable value and tax amount.

12) Total [(1) to (11)]

Displays auto populated value.

(3B)(a) Break-up of 3A(1)(a) + 3A(1)(b) +  3A(1)(c) according to rate of tax*

Displays the gross assessable value tax rate-wise from the purchase and debit notes (for rise in price and change in consideration) recorded with Purchase Taxable and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as the Nature of transaction .

Values from transactions with same nature of transaction and tax rate are consolidated and captured in a single row. Further rows are added depending on the different tax rates transacted with each nature of transaction.

(3B)(b) Effect of return goods and of price [LP-II]

Displays the purchase value from purchase returns recorded in journal vouchers, credit notes, and debit notes (voucher mode) with Not applicable , and Change in Consideration as the Nature of Return by selecting Purchase Taxable and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as the Nature of transaction . The values are captured tax rate-wise for each nature of transaction.

Values from transactions with same nature of transaction and tax rate are consolidated and captured in a single row. Further rows are added depending on the different tax rates transacted with each nature of transaction.

(3B)(c) Net taxable purchases [(a) - (b)]*

Displays auto populated value.

(3B)(d-i) Rate of tax*

Displays the tax rate at which the transactions in(3B)(a), and (3B)(b) are recorded. The default tax rates provided for selection are 0%, 1%, 4%, 5%, 9%, 9.6%, 9.7%, 9.75%, 11%, 12.5%, 13.75%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 25%, 30%, 36%, and 100%.

Values from transactions with same nature of transaction and tax rate are consolidated and captured in a single row. Further rows are added depending on the different tax rates transacted with each nature of transaction.

(3B)(d-ii) other rate of tax, Please Specify

Displays the other rates using which transaction are recorded when the option Others is selected in the column (2E)(f-i) rate of tax* .

(3B)(e) Amount of Tax paid [(c) x (d)]*

Displays auto populated value.

Account Forms

4. Statutory declarations and certificates received from other dealers furnished with the return

Type of forms

Displays the form code from the default list provided in the template based on the nature of transaction and form received in a transaction.

The form code displayed for a combination of form received and nature of transaction is given below:

Nature of transaction X Form Received = Type of Form Displayed

Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 X C Form = C

Interstate Sales - E2 X C Form = C

Sales Zero Rated + SEZ X I Form = I

Sales Zero Rated + Diplomatic X J Form = J

Interstate Sales - Against Form C X C Form = C

Branch Transfer Outward F X Form = F

Consignment Transfer Outward F X Form = F

Interstate Branch Transfer Outward X F Form = F

Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward X F Form = F

Interstate Deemed Export X H Form = H

Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1 X E1 Form = E1

Interstate Purchase - E1 X E1 Form = E1

Interstate Purchase - E2 X E2 Form = E2

No. of forms furnished

Displays the number of times each type of form used. The transaction is considered only when the form number is recorded.

Aggregate of amount of transactions for which forms furnished

Displays the sum of sales value from the transactions for a form type. The values for each form type are captured in separate rows. The value from a transaction is considered only when form number is recorded.


5. Computation of tax paid in respect of goods purchased in the State from registered dealers on tax invoice but which shall not form part of input tax credit (See section 11)

Circumstances in which tax paid in respect of purchase of certain goods not to form part of input tax credit

A. All goods except mentioned as purchased from registered dealers on tax invoice when,-

(b) Purchase Value

(1) used in the telecommunications network, or in the generation and distribution of electricity or other form of power;

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Goods used in telecom, electricity and other power generation as Additional Details .

(2) the tax on their purchase was paid @ 4% or less but such goods are disposed of otherwise than by way of sale

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Goods disposed of otherwise than by way of sale as Additional Details .

(3) used in manufacture or packing of goods declared a tax free under section 9 (except when such goods are sold in the course of export out of India):

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Purchases Used in Mfg. of Tax Free Goods as Additional Details .

(4) left in stock, whether in the form purchased or in manufactured or processed form, on the day of closure of business or cancellation of the registration certificate

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Left in stock on closure of business or cancellation of Regn. as Additional Details .

(5) made in the circumstances specified in section 11(7)( C )

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Purchases from un-registered, composition, casual dealers as Additional Details .

(6) covered by section 11(7)(d) and (e)

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Goods Given As Gift, Free Sample as Additional Details .

(7) used for the purpose specified in section 11(7)(j)

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Tax Adjustment Towards Transfer of Right to Use as Additional Details .

(8) tax invoice is not available or not issued or original tax invoice issued does not show separate details of tax charged

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and No invoice or non-availability of tax details in Invoice as Additional Details .

(9) purchased from an industrial unit after paying concessional rate of tax

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Purchased on concessional rate of tax as Additional Details .

(10) covered by Schedule of Input Tax restricted Goods as provided u/s 11(8)

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Input Tax restricted Goods as Additional Details .

(11) other purchases,tax paid in respect of which not to form part of input tax credit

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Others as Additional Details .

(12) purchase of Fuel and Lubricants made in the circumstances specified in the section 11(3)

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Fuels Used in Manufacture of Goods as Additional Details .

(13) purchase of goods other than Fuel and Lubricants made in the circumstances specified in the section 11(4)(a) and 11(4)(b)

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Tax Credit disallowed in respect of Stock Transfer as Additional Details .

B. Total [(1) to (13)]

Displays auto populated value.

C. Calculation of input tax at different rates

(1) Amount(Break-up of A(b) according to tax rate)*

Displays the assessable value captured in the above fields (1) to (13) tax rate-wise. The value for each tax rate is consolidated and captured against the rate. The rates are captured from the Rate field in the VAT Details screen.

(2) Rate of tax*

Displays rates captured in the Rate field in the VAT Details screen of the transaction from which values are captured in the above fields (1) to (13). The value for each tax rate is consolidated and captured against the rate.

The default tax rates provided for selection are 0%, 1%, 4%, 5%, 9%, 9.6%, 9.7%, 9.75%, 11%, 12.5%, 13.75%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 25%, 30%, 36%, and 100%.

Others rate, Please Specify

Displays the other rates using which transactions are recorded when the option Others is selected in the column (2) Rate of tax* .

(3) Input tax to be reversed [(1) x (2)]*

Displays auto populated value.

6. Purchase Tax (See section 6(1)(b) and 8)

Circumstance in which purchase tax levied

1.Turnover of goods specified in schedule C to the Act

Purchase value of goods taxable at different rates

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Tax on URD Purchase as the Nature of adjustment and Purchase of Schedule-C goods as Additional Details .

Tax Rate

Displays the Rate recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Tax on URD Purchase as the Nature of adjustment and Purchase of Schedule-C goods as Additional Details .

Purchase Tax

Displays auto populated value.

2. Turnover of taxable goods purchased in the state without payment of tax when such goods or the goods manufactured there from are either exported out of state or used or disposed of (except when sold in the course of export out of India) in a manner that no tax or CST in payable.

(i) and (ii)

Purchase value of goods taxable at different rates

Displays the Assessable Value recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Tax on URD Purchase as the Nature of adjustment and Not Applicable as Additional Details .

The value of tax rates with two highest tax amount are captured in (i) and (ii).

Tax Rate

Displays the Rate recorded in the VAT Details screen that appears when the VAT tax ledger is credited in a journal voucher recorded by selecting Tax on URD Purchase as the Nature of adjustment and Not applicable as Additional Details .

The tax rates with two highest tax amount are captured in (i) and (ii).

Purchase Tax

Displays auto populated value.

3. Total (1) + (2)

Displays auto populated value.

7. Turnover and Tax Liability under CST

(a)(i) Description

Displays the description from the default list based on the Nature of transaction selected in the transactions. The different descriptions available and values captured against each one of them based on the Nature of transaction selected are given below:

Inter-State Sales against Form C @ 2%: Values from sales recorded at 2% tax rate with Interstate Sales - Against Form C and Interstate Sales - E1 as the Nature of transaction are captured against this description.

Inter-State Sales against Form C @ _%: Values from sales recorded at the rate other than 2% , with Interstate Sales - Against Form C , Interstate Sales - E1 , Interstate Sales - E2 , Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C , and Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 as the Nature of transaction are captured against this description.

Sales without forms @ _% : Values from sales recorded with Interstate Sales - Taxable and Interstate Sales Exempt as the Nature of transaction are captured against this description.

Others @ _% : -  Values from sales recorded with Interstate Sales - Zero Rated , Interstate Deemed Export , and Interstate Sales High Seas as the Nature of transaction are captured against this description.

(a)(ii)Description of Others

Displays the name of the nature of transaction selected in the transaction when Others @ _% is selected in the column (a)(i) Description .

Rate of Tax

Displays 2% when Inter-State Sales against Form C @ 2% is selected in description column. For other description, the rate of tax applicable in the transactions captured are displayed. When there are multiple rates then Description is repeated with the respective assessable value.

In case of Others@_% , nature of transactions with more than one tax rate is repeated with respective assessable value.

Value of Goods

Displays the assessable value for each description and tax rate.

Amount of Tax

Displays auto populated tax amount.

(1) Total

Displays auto populated totals.

(2) (a) Sales return within in the return period under section 8A(b) ( i)

Displays the assessable value and tax amount from sales return transactions recorded against the sales from the current period.

(2) (b) Sales return within a period of six months under section 8A(b) (ii)

Displays the assessable value and tax amount from sales return transactions recorded against sales from the previous period but not older than six months.

Taxable Turnover of Sales [1 - (2(a) + 2(b))]

Displays auto populated value.


8. Aggregate of tax levied on sale or purchases

(1) Tax on Sales [Total of 2E(i)]

Displays auto populated value.

(2) Purchase Tax [6(3)(d)]

Displays auto populated value.

(3) Total Tax [8(1) +8(2)]

Displays auto populated value.

9. Computation of Input tax credit (See- section 11 )

(1) Opening Input Tax Credit on Unsold stock/Others [See Section 11(1)(i)]

Displays the value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Increasing Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Opening Stock as Additional Details .

(2) Opening Input Tax Credit on Capital Goods

Displays the opening balance of input credit on capital goods at the beginning of return period.

(3) Tax paid on purchases made in the State [Total of 3B(e)]

Displays auto populated value.

(4) Total [9(1)+9(2)+9(3)]

Displays auto populated value.

(5) Less Tax Paid, not part of input tax[5C(3)]

Displays auto populated value.

(6) Claimable Input Tax [9(4)-9(5)]

Displays auto populated value.

(7) Less Tax Paid but involved in unsold stock[See Section 11(1)(i)]

Displays the value of the VAT tax ledger credited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Tax Paid on Unsold Stock as Additional Details .

(8) Less Tax Paid on capital goods, to be carried forward to future periods[See Section 11(6)]

Displays the input tax credit on capital goods yet to be claimed.

(9) Input Tax Credit [9(6)-9(7)-9(8)]

Displays auto populated value.

(10) Input Tax on Unsold Stock Carried Forward [9(7)]

Displays auto populated value.

(11) Input Tax on Capital Goods Carried Forward [9(8)]

Displays auto populated value.

10. Tax payable or adjustable (See section 12)

(1) Gross Tax Payable [8(3)-9(9)]

Displays auto populated value.

(2) Less: Excess paid brought forward from last return

Displays the value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Excess Paid as Additional Details .

(3) Tax Payable [10(1)-10(2)]

Displays auto populated value.

If Covered under any Deferment/Exemption Scheme(Yes/No)*

Displays No by default.

If Yes,Notification No. based on which such deferment/exemption is being claimed:

This field is left blank.

Entitlement Certificate Number:

This field is left blank.

Year of Availment:

This field is left blank.

% of amount of the total tax liability required to be paid as per the above entitlement certificate

This field is left blank.

% of amount of the total tax liability deferred as per the above entitlement certificate

This field is left blank.

% of amount of the total tax liability exempted as per the above entitlement certificate

This field is left blank.

(4)Total amount of the tax liability due for payment in this return period as per the above scheme(a+b)

This field is left blank.

(iii)Total amount of the total tax liability deferred for the current period

This field is left blank.

Total amount of the total tax liability deferred to future periods(i-ii+iii)

This field is left blank.

(5) Net Tax Payable [10(3)](For dealers not covered under any deferment/exemption scheme)

Displays auto populated value.

(6) Net Tax Payable [10(4)](For dealers covered under deferment/exemption scheme)

Displays auto populated value.

11. Summary of Tax Payable

Tax Payable


(1) Net Tax Payable under VAT Act

Displays auto populated value.

(2) ITC from last return period brought forward to the extent not exhausted in previous return period, if any

Displays the excess ITC brought forward after deducting the value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Excess Paid as Additional Details .

(3) Net Amount payable under VAT Act

Displays auto populated value.

(4) Tax due under CST Act

Displays auto populated value.

(5) Excess paid towards CST brought forward from last return

Displays the value of the CST tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of CST as the Nature of adjustment and Excess Credit Brought Forward From Previous Return as Additional Details .

(6) Amount of Input Tax Credit to be adjusted under section 12(2), if any

Displays the value of the CST tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment and Against CST as Additional Details .

(7) Amount of Input Tax Credit to be adjusted under section 12(3), if any

Displays the value of the CST tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Increase of Tax Liability as the Nature of adjustment and Interest, Penalty, Other Dues as Additional Details .

(8) Net amount payable under CST Act

Displays auto populated value.

(9) ITC to be carried forward to next return period

Displays auto populated value.

Entry Tax

This section is left blank.

Tax Deposited

13. Details of Tax Deposited

Tax Type

Displays VAT or CST based on the Tax Type selected in the Stat Payment Details screen selected in the payment voucher recorded for payment of VAT or CST.

Name of treasury where tax deposited or bank on which DD/Payorder/crossed cheque drawn/RAO


Displays the Bank/Treasury Name recorded in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

Name of treasury where tax deposited or bank onwhich DD/Payorder/crossed cheque drawn/RAO

Type of instrument

Displays the Type of Instrument selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

Treasury receipt - No.

Displays the Treasury Receipt No. recorded in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

Treasury receipt - Date

Displays the Instrument recorded in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

Treasury receipt - Amount

Displays the Amount in a payment voucher listed in the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Contractee Details - TDN

Displays the Contractee Details - TDN recorded in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report. This field is available for recording details when Tax Deducted and Deposited by Government Contractee or Tax Deducted and Deposited by Private Contractee is selected as the Type of instrument .

Contractee Details - District

Displays the Contractee Details - District selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report. This field is available for recording details when Tax Deducted and Deposited by Government Contractee or Tax Deducted and Deposited by Private Contractee is selected as the Type of instrument .

Contractee Details - Contractee Name

Displays the Contractee Details - Contractee Name recorded in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report. This field is available for recording details when Tax Deducted and Deposited by Government Contractee or Tax Deducted and Deposited by Private Contractee is selected as the Type of instrument .