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Gujarat VAT

Tally.ERP 9 helps you remain compliant with VAT. Click the following links to know more about managing your accounts for Gujarat VAT.

Enabling VAT

Hierarchy of VAT Structure in 5.x


Stock Group

Stock Item

Party Ledger

Purchase and Sales Ledgers

VAT and Additional Tax Ledgers

VAT Classifications


Branch Transfer Inward

Consignment Transfer Inward


Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

Interstate Purchases - Against Form C

Interstate Purchase Deemed Export

Interstate Purchases Against Form E1

Interstate Purchases Against Form E2

Interstate Purchase Exempt

Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

Interstate Purchases Taxable

Purchase Exempt

Purchase from Unregistered Dealer

Purchase High Seas

Purchase Others

Purchases Non-Creditable

Taxable Purchases

Purchase - Works Contract

Purchase - Zero Rated

Purchase of Capital Goods


Branch Transfer Outward

Consignment Transfer Outward


Interstate Branch Transfer Outward

Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward

Interstate Deemed Export

Interstate Sales - Against Form C

Interstate Sales - E1

Interstate Sales - E2

Interstate Sales Exempt

Interstate Sales Exempt - E1

Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C

Interstate Sales Taxable

Interstate Sales - Works Contract

Interstate Sales - Zero Rated

Labour Charges Collected

Sales Exempt

Sales High Seas

Sales - Others

Taxable Sales

Sales - Works Contract

Sales Zero Rated

Adjustments and Payments

Reversal of Input Tax

Increase of Output Tax

Increase of Tax Liability

Reducing Tax Liability

Tax on Purchase from Unregistered Dealers

Refund of Input Tax

Decrease of Output Tax

Decrease in Sales

Decrease of Input Tax

Decrease of CST

Purchase Return

Sales Returns

Payment Voucher


Form VAT 201

Returns Summary

Particulars (Computation Details)

Payment Details in Report

Summary of Exceptions

Exception Resolution

Saving the Return

Overwriting Form VAT 201

Saving Return as Revised

Exporting e-VAT Form 201

Form VAT 205

Saving Annual Return

Overwriting Annual Return Form

Saving Annual Return as Revised

Exporting e-VAT Form 205

e-VAT Annexures

e-VAT Annexure 201 A

e-VAT Annexure 201 B

e-VAT Annexure 201 C

e-VAT Annexure 205A

Form 402

E-Form 402


Payment Challan

e-CST Forms and Annexures

e-CST Form 3B

e-CST Purchase Details

e-CST Sales Details

ITC Reversal

ITC Reversal Computation

ITC Reversal Stock Item

Declaration Forms

Forms Receivable

Forms Issuable

Return Transaction Book

Challan Reconciliation Report

Tax Rate Setup