Based on the relevance to the returns, the transactions will be either included or excluded. However, you can move a transaction from included to excluded, or vice versa.
Sometimes, due to gaps in the information entered, the application may not be able to decide if the transaction has to be included in the generation of returns. In this case, the transaction will be grouped under Uncertain Transactions .
Return persistence and revised returns
Classification |
Reason |
Actions |
All information that is required to effect the returns will be grouped under Included |
From the Voucher Register, X : Excluded can be clicked to exclude the transaction, if required. |
A transaction is excluded because the nature of transaction doesn't affect the returns. |
Drill down to the voucher level and confirm if the transactions have to be excluded, or make the required changes to include the transaction. |
A transaction is grouped under uncertain because there is insufficient information to ascertain if the transaction has to be included for a return. |
Drill down to the Summary of exceptions Provide the required information and resolve the exception. |
Click link below to know how to resolve exceptions from the return forms .
Master Related Exceptions
When the information provided in the masters created is uncertain, the exception is listed under Master Related Exceptions .
● Unable to determine country/state
The Country or State option is not defined for the party ledger.
To resolve this, specify the required Country and State in the party ledger.
To specify the Country and State
1. Select Unable to determine country/state and press Enter .
2. In the List of Ledgers with Exception screen, click E :Edit .
3. Specify the required Country and State .
4. Press Enter to save.
● Unable to determine party's dealer type
The Type of Dealer is not defined for the party ledger.
To resolve this, specify the required Dealer Type for the party ledger.
To specify the Dealer Type
1. Select Unable to determine country/state and press Enter .
2. In the List of Ledgers with Exception screen, click E :Edit .
3. Specify the required Dealer Type .
4. Press Enter to save.
● Unable to determine duty type of ledge r
The Type of duty/tax is not specified for the tax ledger.
To resolve this, specify the required Type of duty/tax for the tax ledger.
To specify the Type of duty/tax for a tax ledger
1. Select Unable to determine duty type of ledger and press Enter .
2. In the List of Ledgers with Exception screen, click S :Set Duty Type .
3. Select the required Type of Duty/Tax
4. Press Enter to save.
● Unable to determine the tax details of the stock group/stock items
The Tax Type and Tax Rate are not specified for stock group or stock item.
To resolve this, specify the required Tax Type and Tax Rate for the stock group or stock item.
To specify the Tax Type and Tax Rate for a stock group or stock item
1. Select Unable to determine tax details of the stock group/stock item(s) and press Enter .
2. In the List of Stock Items with Exception screen, click S :Set Rate .
3. Enter the required date in Applicable From .
4. Select the required Tax Type .
5. Enter the required Tax Rate .
6. Press Enter to save.
● Unable to determine tax details of group/ledger(s)
The Tax Type and Tax Rate are not specified for the ledger.
To resolve this, specify the required Tax Type and Tax Rate for the purchase or sale ledger.
To specify the Tax Type and Tax Rate for a purchase or sales ledger
1. Select Unable to determine tax details of group/ledger (s) and press Enter .
2. In the List of Ledgers with Exception screen, click S :Set Rate .
3. Enter the required date in Applicable From .
4. Select the required Tax Type and Tax Rate .
5. Press Enter to save.
Conflict in Information
Conflict in party's country/state in master and transaction: This displays the count of transactions for which the country or state of the party in the transaction cannot be determined. To resolve this, the list of transactions having this conflict can be opened from this screen, and the required information can be either entered or edited using the option R: Define Location Type .
Transactions accepted with tax information conflicts: This displays the count of transactions for which the tax details were overridden before or at the time of passing transaction. To resolve this, the transactions can be either accepted or excluded using the options provided.
Tax Mismatch
Mismatch in Tax Amount: This displays the count of transactions in which there is a difference between the auto-calculated tax amount, and the amount entered by user. To resolve this, the values in their respective vouchers can either rounded off, or the voucher can be excluded using the relevant options.
VAT/CST Adjustment:
Unable to determine the nature of adjustment: This displays the count of transactions for which the VAT flag is not selected in the journal voucher. To resolve this issue, the required voucher can be edited or excluded using the options provided.
Unable to determine purchase tax details: This displays the count of transactions for which the purchase tax details are not defined. To resolve this issue, the required voucher can be modified or excluded using the options provided.
● Conflict in party's country/state in master and transaction:
Party's State or Country specified at the master and transaction level are different.
To resolve this, specify the location to consider, either from the party master or from the voucher.
To specify the similar Country and State for a party ledger in master and transaction
1. Select Conflict in party's country/state in master and transaction and press Enter .
2. In the List of Vouchers with Party State Conflict Exception screen, click S :Resolve Conflict .
3. Specify whether to consider the party location specified at the ledger or voucher in Consider Part Location field.
4. Press Enter to save.
● Transactions accepted with tax information conflicts
Changes made in tax details (stock items, stock groups, party ledgers, purchase or sales ledgers or duty ledgers) were overridden during transaction.
To resolve this, specify the location to consider, either from the party master or from the voucher.
To specify the similar Country and State for a party ledger in master and transaction
1. Select Conflict in party's country/state in master and transaction and press Enter .
2. In the List of Vouchers with Party State Conflict Exception screen, click S : Resolve Conflict .
3. Specify whether to consider the party location specified at the ledger or voucher in Consider Part Location field.
4. Press Enter to save.
Difference in the auto-calculated tax amount and the amount entered by the user.
To resolve this, the values in their respective vouchers can either rounded off, excluded using the relevant options, or accepted as it is.
To resolve the mismatch in tax amount
1. Select Mismatch in tax amount and press Enter .
2. In the List of Vouchers with Tax Difference screen,
Click A :Accept as is to accept the mismatch as it is.
Click X:Exclude Vouchers to exclude the transaction so that it will not form a part of VAT Form 100.
Click S : Create Adjustment to pass a journal voucher entry to make adjustment for the mismatch
Click L : Link Adjustment to link the tax difference to existing voucher.
3. Press Enter to save.
This displays the count of transactions in which there is a difference between the auto-calculated tax amount, and the amount entered by user.
● Unable to determine the nature of adjustment:
VAT flag to specify the type of adjustment is not specified in the journal voucher.
To resolve this, specify the VAT flag in the corresponding journal voucher.
To specify the nature of adjustment
1. Select Unable to determine nature of adjustment and press Enter .
2. In the List of Vouchers with VAT Adjustment Exception screen, click S :Set Details .
3. Select the required Type of Duty/Tax and Nature of Adjustment .
4. Enter Additional Details if required.
5. Press Enter to save.
● Unable to determine purchase tax details
Purchase tax details are not provided for transactions.
To resolve this, provide the required purchase tax details for the transaction or exclude the vouchers.
To provide Purchase Tax Details
1. Select Unable to determine purchase tax details .
2. In the List of Vouchers with Purchase Tax Exception screen, select the required transaction and press Enter .
3. Provide the required details in the voucher.
To exclude the voucher
1. Select Unable to determine purchase tax details .
2. In the List of Vouchers with Purchase Tax Exception screen, select the voucher to exclude.
3. Click X :Exclude Vouchers .
4. Click Yes in Do you want to exclude this voucher? message box.
● Excise
When the information provided in the masters created is uncertain, the exception is listed under Master Related Exceptions .
Stock Item: When appropriate excise details like stock item type and conversion factor are not defined, or if there is a mismatch in the details entered, the transaction will be listed under this category.
Unable to determine the Stock Item Type
If the option Excise Applicable? has been set to Not Applicable in the stock item, then the Stock Item Type will not be defined.
This exception can be resolved by setting the appropriate stock item type.
To set the stock item type
Press Enter on the transaction.
Click S : Set Item Type .
Select the Nature of Removal , as required.
Press Esc .
Click F6: Save .
Press Enter .
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Unable to determine the Conversion Factor
If the option Excise Applicable? has been set to Not Applicable in the stock item, then the conversion factor to convert the UOM to the excise reporting unit will not be defined.
This exception can be resolved by defining the conversion factor.
To set the conversion type
Press Enter on the transaction.
Enter the conversion factor.
Press Esc .
Click F6: Save .
Press Enter .
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, you can exclude the transaction by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen.
Mismatch in expected & actual type of stock item
A transaction will be classified under this exception when there is a mismatch in the nature of purchase or removal, and the stock item type. The mismatch causing exceptions are:
The Nature of Removal is Removal as Such and the Stock Item Type is Finished Goods
The Nature of Purchase is Manufacturer and the Stock Item Type is Finished Goods
The Nature of Removal is Domestic and the Stock Item Type is Principal Input
This exception can be resolved by solving the mismatch between the nature of removal/purchase and the stock item type selected.
To set the item type
Press Enter on the transaction.
Click S : Set Item Type .
Select the Nature of Removal , as required.
Press Esc .
Click F6: Save .
Press Enter .
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Duty Ledgers: When the information provided in the duty ledger is uncertain, the exception is listed under Duty Ledgers .
Unable to determine Tax Type and Duty Head for duty ledger
If the duty ledger selected in a transaction does not have the Type of Duty selected, and hence the Excise Duty Head is not selected, the transaction will be listed as an exception in this category.
This exception can be resolved by defining the appropriate tax type and the duty head for the tax ledger.
To define the tax details
Press Enter on the transaction.
Select the Tax Type .
Select the Excise Duty Head .
The Uncertain Vouchers screen appears as shown below:
Press Enter .
Press Esc .
Click F6: Save .
Press Enter .
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Unable to determine Tariff Details for Stock Item
If the tariff details for a stock item are not defined, the transactions in which the stock item is used will be categorised under Not able to determine Tariff details for Stock Item.
This exception can be resolved by defining excise tariff details like HSN Code, Reporting UoM and, Valuation Type.
To set the excise tariff details
Press Spacebar and select the transaction.
Click S : Set Tariff Details .
Define tariff details as shown below:
Press Enter .
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Transaction Related Exceptions
Unable to determine Excise Applicability
To resolve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine Excise Applicability .
Select the transaction. If same tax unit is applicable to multiple transactions, select the required transaction by pressing Spacebar .
Click E : Excise button.
Select the relevant Tax Unit from the List of Excise Tax Units .
Press Enter to accept it. The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Mismatch in Excise Unit .
Press Enter on the transaction.
Select the stock item in the Voucher Alteration screen, and press Ctrl+Enter .
Select the same excise unit used for the transactions in the Godown Alteration screen.
Press Enter to save.
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Unable to determine the Nature of Purchase
This exception will display the count of purchase transactions recorded with duty ledger predefined with Type of Duty/Tax as Others and selected in purchase entry without defining the nature of purchase.
This exception can be resolved by specifying the nature of purchase.
To specify the nature of purchase
Press Enter on Unable to determine the Nature of Purchase .
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click S : Set Nature of Purchase .
Select the appropriate nature of purchase.
Press Enter .
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Unable to determine the Nature of Removal
This exception will display the count of transactions for which the nature of removal is not defined. The nature of removal has to fall in the category of Captive Consumption, Domestic, Exempt, Export, Export – Duty Chargeable, Removal as Such and Special rate.
This exception will be resolved by s etting the appropriate nature of removal .
To set the nature of removal
Select Unable to determine the Nature of Removal and press Enter .
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click S : Set Nature of Removal button.
Select the appropriate nature of removal.
Press Enter . The modification made is now saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Unable to determine Book Number in Voucher
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine Book Number in Voucher .
Select the book from the List of Excise Books .
Press Enter .
Enter the serial number.
Press Enter to save.
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
No duty ledger or notification number is available in the transaction
This exception will display the count of transactions for which the notification number is not defined.
To solve this exception
Select No duty ledger or notification number is available in the transaction , and press Enter .
Click S : Set Notification Number
Enter the details in the fields provided for Notification Number , Serial Number , and select the Notification Type as Tariff/Non Tariff .
Press Enter . The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
This exception will appear for all Nature of Removal other than Special Rate for mismatch in,
Duty Rate, if the rate of duty configured in item master and provided in transaction are different
Assessable Value, wherein the duty amount against each duty head shown in the invoice is different
When the Nature of Removal is Export – Bond/LUT and SEZ – Bond/LUT and the transaction has different duty ledger with amount which is not ‘0’
This exception is applicable only for Home Clearance (Domestic, Captive Consumption - with duty), Export/Rebate, SEZ/Rebate were the duty is applicable.
If any transaction listed under this exception has to be excluded from this list without correcting the exception, press Spacebar to select the transaction and press Ctrl+E . The transaction will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
To solve this exception
Select Mismatch in tax amount , and press Enter .
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click A : Accept as is button.
The modification made is saved, and the exception is resolved.
Select Mismatch in tax amount , and press Enter .
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Change the Rate of Duty in the invoice to match it with the rate predefined in masters or at company level. For this:
Select the transaction and press Enter to view the Voucher Alteration screen.
Place the cursor on Amount field and press Enter to display the Excise Details screen.
Change the rate entered in the Rate of Duty field/column .
Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
Unable to determine Nature of Adjustment for journal entries
This exception displays the count of journal vouchers which has excise duty ledgers grouped under Excise with the Type of Duty/Tax set to Others .
If any transaction listed under this exception has to be excluded from this list without correcting the exception, press Spacebar to select the transaction and press Ctrl+E . The transaction will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
To solve this exception
Select Not able to determine Nature of Adjustment for Journal Entries , and press Enter .
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click S : Set Nature of Adj. and select the nature of adjustment.
Press Enter .
The modification made is now saved, and the exception is resolved.
Note: Alternatively, click X : Exclude Vouchers from the Uncertain Vouchers screen to exclude the transaction.
● Dealers
Transaction count appears under this exception when Tariff name, HSN Code, Reporting UOM, Valuation Type, Type of Duty and Rate of Duty are not defined in the stock item master.
To view the list of transactions recorded using the stock items listed in this report, click V : Show Vouchers button. The transaction displayed here can be:
Corrected, which will automatically move the transaction under Included Transactions section.
Moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return. Such transactions will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
Marked as a non-excise voucher.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine Tariff details for Stock Item . The Tariff Details screen appears with item-wise details.
View of Tariff Details report can be changed to:
Stock Group wise report by clicking Ctrl+T keys. The name of stock group appears along with the stock item grouped under it in detailed mode.
Voucher-wise report by clicking V : Show Vouchers button. The list of transactions recorded using this stock item is displayed.
Select the stock item. If same tariff is applicable to multiple items, select them by pressing Spacebar .
Click S : Set Tariff Details button.
Enter the Tariff Name and HSN Code .
Select the Reporting UOM and Valuation Type .
Set Calculate Duty on MRP to Yes only if the duty calculation is based on MRP and enter the Abatement % . If not, retain it as No .
Select the Type of Duty as Basic Excise Duty and enter the Rate % or Rate per Unit depending on the Valuation Type . The exception will be solved.
If user defined duty types have been created and need to be listed under Basic Excise Duty , select the same.
If new duty type has to be created and used, select New . The Excise Duty Classification screen appears. Create the new duty type and select it under Basic Excise Duty and enter the Rate % .
The exceptions or information gaps found at the transaction level are listed here.
Count of transactions appears under this exception when, Tax Unit is not selected in the transactions. If there any transactions of purchase, sale, debit note and credit note recorded before enabling excise, then all such transactions will appear under this exception.
If there are multiple tax units, then the relevant tax unit can be selected in debit and credit notes only if the option Allow selection of Tax Unit for Credit Note/Debit Note is enabled in the Configuration screen of the invoice. If this option is not enabled, the transactions cannot be identified with any excise tax unit. Hence, it appears under this exception.
To view the list of transactions, click V : Show Vouchers button. The transaction displayed here can be:
Corrected, which will automatically move the transaction under Included Transactions section.
Moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return. Such transactions will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
Marked as a non-excise voucher.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine Excise Applicability .
Select the transaction. If same excise tax unit is applicable to multiple transactions, select the required transaction by pressing Spacebar .
Click E : Excise button.
Select the relevant Excise Tax Unit .
Press Enter to accept it. The exception will be solved.
Transaction count appears under this exception when the Nature of Purchase is set to Not Applicable in the Party Details screen of excise purchase and excise credit note transactions.
To view the list of transactions recorded without selecting the Nature of Purchase , click V : Show Vouchers button. The transaction displayed here can be:
Corrected, which will automatically move the transaction under Included Transactions section.
Moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return. Such transactions will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
To solve this exception and accept the difference
Press Enter on Unable to determine the Nature of Purchase.
Select the transaction. If party ledgers of multiple transactions have to be allocated to same nature of purchase, select all of them by pressing Spacebar .
Click S : Set Nature of Purchase button.
Select the required Nature of Purchase .
Press Enter to accept it. The exception will be solved.
Transaction count appears under this exception when the dealer excise feature is enabled after recording purchase invoice and credit note.
To view the list of transactions recorded without providing supplier details, click V : Show Vouchers button. If the transactions displayed are not required to form part of the return, it can be moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine the Supplier Details .
Press Enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration screen of purchase invoice or credit note.
Place the cursor on Amount field and press Enter to display the Excise Details screen.
Enter the:
Relevant details under Supplier Invoice Details, Manufacturer/Importer Details and Duty Details in Excise Details screen of purchase invoice.
Sales Invoice Number , Sales Invoice Date and select the sales invoice to link it to the credit note.
Accept the invoice. The exception will be solved.
Since there is provision to change the Rate of Duty in Excise Details screen of excise purchase and excise credit note, the count of all such transactions wherein the Rate of Duty is changed in the invoice appears here.
The transaction displayed here can be moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return.
To solve this exception, press Enter on Mismatch in tax amount .
This exception can be solved in the following two ways:
Click A : Accept as is button if the amount calculated in the transaction as per the changed rate of duty, has to be considered in the returns.
Change the Rate of Duty in the invoice to match it with the rate predefined in masters or at company level. For this:
Select the transaction and press Enter to view the Voucher Alteration screen.
Place the cursor on Amount field and press Enter to display the Excise Details screen.
Change the rate entered in the Rate of Duty field/column.
Accept the invoice. The exception will be solved.
Transaction count appears under this exception when the purchase invoices are not selected in Supplier Details screen of excise sales invoice and debit note.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Supplier Invoices are Not Linked to Clearance
Select a transaction and press Enter . The List of Supplier Invoices screen is displayed.
Select the corresponding purchase transaction .
A sales invoice can be linked to:
Only one purchase invoice as full clearance.
Multiple purchase invoices as partial clearance by entering the quantity to be linked for each invoice.
Click F4: Full button to consume the entire quantity or click F5: Partial to consume partial quantity from the purchase invoice.
Press Enter to save. The exception will be solved.
Unable to determine Tariff details for Stock Item
Transaction count appears under this exception when Tariff name, HSN Code, Reporting UOM, Valuation Type, Type of Duty and Rate of Duty are not defined in the stock item master.
To view the list of transactions recorded using the stock items listed in this report, click V : Show Vouchers button. The transaction displayed here can be:
Corrected, which will automatically move the transaction under Included Transactions section.
Moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return. Such transactions will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
Marked as a non-excise voucher.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine Tariff details for Stock Item . The Tariff Details screen appears with item-wise details.
View of Tariff Details report can be changed to:
Stock Group wise report by clicking Ctrl+T keys. The name of stock group appears along with the stock item grouped under it in detailed mode.
Voucher-wise report by clicking V : Show Vouchers button. The list of transactions recorded using this stock item is displayed.
Click S : Set Tariff Details button.
Enter the Tariff Name and HSN Code .
Select the Reporting UOM and Valuation Type .
Set Calculate Duty on MRP to Yes only if the duty calculation is based on MRP and enter the Abatement % . If not, retain it as No .
Select the Type of Duty as Basic Excise Duty and enter the Rate % or Rate per Unit depending on the Valuation Type .The exception is solved.
If user defined duty types have been created and need to be listed under Basic Excise Duty , select the same.
If new duty type has to be created and used, select New . The Excise Duty Classification screen appears. Create the new duty type and select it under Basic Excise Duty and enter the Rate % .
To know more on how to create excise classification, click here .
All uncertainties associated with transactions is listed here.
Unable to determine Excise Applicability
Count of transactions appears under this exception when, Tax Unit is not selected in debit note and credit note. Tax Unit has to be selected especially when more than one tax unit is created in the company.
To view the list of transactions, click V : Show Vouchers button. The transaction displayed here can be:
Corrected, which will automatically move the transaction under Included Transactions section.
Moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return. Such transactions will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
Marked as a non-excise voucher.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine Excise Applicability .
Select the transaction. If same tax unit is applicable to multiple transactions, select the required transaction by pressing Spacebar .
Click E : Excise button.
Select the relevant Excise Unit .
Press Enter to accept it.
The exception is solved.
Unable to determine the Nature of Purchase
Transaction count appears under this exception when the Nature of Purchase is set to Not Applicable in the Party Details screen of excise purchase and excise credit note transactions.
To view the list of transactions recorded without selecting the Nature of Purchase , click V : Show Vouchers button. The transaction displayed here can be:
Corrected, which will automatically move the transaction under Included Transactions section.
Moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return. Such transactions will be moved to Excluded by User category of Excluded Transactions .
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine the Nature of Purchase .
Select the transaction. If party ledgers of multiple transactions have to be allocated to same nature of purchase, select all of them by pressing Spacebar .
Click S : Set Nature of Purchase button.
Select the required Nature of Purchase .
Press Enter to accept it.
The exception is solved.
Unable to determine the Supplier Details
Transaction count appears under this exception when the dealer excise feature is enabled after recording purchase invoice and credit note.
To view the list of transactions recorded without providing supplier details, click V : Show Vouchers button. If the transactions displayed are not required to form part of the return, it can be moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Unable to determine the Supplier Details .
Press Enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration screen of purchase invoice or credit note.
Place the cursor on Amount field and press Enter to display the Excise Details screen.
Enter the:
Sales Invoice Number , Sales Invoice Date and select the sales invoice to link it to the credit note.
Relevant details under Supplier Invoice Details, Manufacturer/Importer Details and Duty Details in Excise Details screen of purchase invoice.
Accept the invoice.
The exception is solved.
There is provision to change the Rate of Duty in Excise Details screen of excise purchase and excise credit note. Count of all such transactions wherein the Rate of Duty is changed in the invoice appears here.
The transaction displayed here can be moved under Excluded Transactions section by clicking X : Exclude Vouchers button if they are not required to form part of the return.
To solve this exception
Click A : Accept as is button if the amount calculated in the transaction has to be considered in the returns.
Change the Rate of Duty in the invoice to match it with the rate predefined in masters or at company level. For this:
Select the transaction and press Enter to view the Voucher Alteration screen.
Place the cursor on Amount field and press Enter to display the Excise Details screen.
Change the rate entered in the Rate of Duty field/column.
Accept the invoice.
The exception will be solved.
Supplier Invoices are Not Linked to Clearance
Transaction count appears under this exception when the purchase invoices are not selected in Supplier Details screen of excise sales invoice and debit note.
To solve this exception
Press Enter on Supplier Invoices are Not Linked to Clearance
Select a transaction and press Enter . The List of Supplier Invoices screen will be displayed.
Select the corresponding purchase transaction .
A sales invoice can be linked to:
Only one purchase invoice as full clearance.
Multiple purchase invoices as partial clearance by entering the quantity to be linked for each invoice.
Click F4: Full button to consume the entire quantity or click F5: Partial to consume partial quantity from the purchase invoice.
Press Enter to save.
The exception is solved.
● Unable to determine service category
The ledgers selected in the transactions don't have a specific service category tagged to them.
Setting a service category for the ledgers will resolve this exception.
To set service category
Press spacebar and select a ledger/ group.
Click S : Set Category .
Enter the service category name, applicability date, and rate details in the Service Category Details screen.
Press Enter .
The exception is now resolved.
● Unable to determine tax rate
The service tax rates are not defined in the service category.
Defining service tax rates will solve this exception.
To define tax rates
Press Enter on Unable to determine tax rates .
Enter the date from which the defined tax is applicable from.
Enter the Service Tax , Education Cess , and Higher Education Cess .
Press Enter .
The exception is now resolved.
● Unable to determine the type of tax of duty ledger
The type of tax is not defined for the duty ledgers selected in the transactions.
Setting a type of tax for the ledgers will resolve this exception.
To set service category
Press spacebar and select a ledger/group.
Click S : Set Duty Type .
Select Service Tax from the Types of Duty/Tax .
Select the required Tax Head .
Press Enter .
The exception is now resolved.
● Unable to determine service category in advance receipt/payment
There is no service category applicable for the advanced receipt/payment transaction. The ledgers selected in the transactions don't have a specific service category tagged to them.
Setting a service category for the ledgers will resolve this exception.
To set service category
Press Enter on the transaction to drill down to the Accounting Voucher Alteration screen
Press Enter from the duty ledger.
Select the Service category from the List of Service Categories or create a service category using Alt + C .
Press Enter .
Press Ctrl + A to save the transaction.
The exception is now resolved.
● Mismatch in tax details of masters and transactions
When any of the service tax details like Type of duty, service category, and rate of tax are altered in the transaction and these details are different in the masters used, then this exception occurs.
To solve this exception
Press Enter in the required mismatch exception.
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click A : Accept as is .
The exception is now resolved.
● Exempt Notification Number and Notification Serial Number Not Found
The Notification number and Notification Sl. No. are not set for the party selected in the transaction which is exempt from service tax.
Setting the notification no. and notification sl. no. for the party will resolve this exception.
To set the details
Press Spacebar to select the required transaction.
Click S : Set Notification No.
Enter the Notification No. and the Notification Sl. No. in the Set Notification Details screen.
Press Enter .
The exception is now resolved.
● Abatement Notification Number and Notification Serial Number Not Found
The Notification number and Notification Sl. No. for Abetment rate are not set for the service category selected in the transaction.
Setting the notification no. and notification sl. no. will resolve this exception.
To set the details
Press Spacebar to select the required transaction.
Click S : Set Notification No.
Enter the Notification No. and the Notification Sl. No. in the Set Notification Details screen.
Press Enter .
The exception is now resolved.
● Unable to determine the link in receipt/payment/credit note/debit note vouchers
If a receipt, payment, credit note, or debit note is not linked with a corresponding sales or purchase invoice, this exception will occur.
Linking the transaction with the corresponding sales or purchase invoices will resolve this exception.
To link the transactions
Press Enter from the transaction. The related transactions will be displayed.
Click F3: Auto Fill to automatically link the transactions with the appropriate amounts.
Press Spacebar to select the required transaction from the list of transactions.
Click F4: Full to allocate the full amount to that transaction.
Press Spacebar to select the required transaction from the list of transactions.
Click F5: Partial to allocate the part of the amount to that transaction. Repeat the steps to allocate the remaining amount to link to required transactions.
This exception is now resolved.
When the tax rate in the recorded transaction does not match the tax rate calculated using the amount and tax rate, this exception will occur.
To resolve this exception, you can accept the transaction as is, create an adjustment for the difference amount, or link to another transaction.
To accept as is
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click A : Accept as is .
To create an adjustment
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click S : Create Adjustment . A journal voucher will be prefilled with the related ledgers and difference amount.
Accept the voucher as is or make relevant changes and accept it.
To link to existing voucher
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click L : Link Adjustment . List of related transactions will be listed.
Press Enter on the required transaction to link the difference amount.
The exception is now resolved.
● Unable to determine nature of adjustment
When the nature of adjustment is not selected in the journal voucher this exception will occur.
Set the nature of adjustment for the journal voucher to resolve this exception.
To set the nature of adjustment
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click S : Set Nature of Adj .
Select the required Nature of Adjustment from Service Tax Adjustments .
The exception is now resolved.
● Source document/challan details
When the challan details are not set for the transaction, this exception will occur.
Set the challan details for the transaction to resolve this exception.
To set Challan Details
Press Spacebar to select the transaction.
Click S : Set Challan Dtls.
Set the Document Number and Document Date in the Set Challan Details screen.
The exception is now resolved.
● Mismatch in nature of transaction and type of adjustment flag
When the type of adjustment flag selected of the journal voucher does not match with the ledgers used for nature of transaction like exempt, export or import, then this exception will occur.
Alter the journal voucher to resolve this exception.
To alter the journal voucher
Press Enter on the required transaction to drill down to the Accounting Voucher Alteration screen.
Make the required changed in the journal voucher.
Accept the voucher.
This exception is now resolved.
● Unable to determine tax breakup
When the tax rates are not defined in the service category master and the tax amount is entered manually during the transaction, this exception occurs.
Enter the tax breakup in the transaction to resolve this exception.
To enter the tax breakup in the transaction
Press Enter on the required transaction to drill down to the Accounting Voucher Alteration screen.
Press Enter from the tax amount.
Enter the tax breakup of Service Tax , Education Cess , Secondary Education Cess in the Tax Payment Details screen.
Accept the transaction.
This exception is now resolved.
● Unable to Determine TCS applicability for ledgers/stock item
The sales/income ledger that has been credited in the transaction, or the stock item selected, has not been tagged to a specific TCS Nature of Goods.
Selecting the appropriate TCS Nature of Goods will resolve this exception
To select the TCS Nature of Goods
Press Enter on Unable to Determine TCS applicability for ledgers/stock item .
Press spacebar to select the appropriate group.
Click N : Nature of Goods .
Set the nature of goods, as required.
● Unable to determine collectee type for party
The collectee type of the party ledger is set to undefined.
Selecting a collectee type will resolve this exception.
To set the collectee type
Press Enter on Unable to determine collectee type for party .
Press Spacebar to select the Name of the Ledger.
Click D : Collectee Type .
Select the required collectee type.
The exception will be resolved.
● PAN not available for the party
The party ledger selected has been enabled for TCS but PAN has not been specified
The PAN, and the applicability of PAN or the status of PAN application have to be recorded for the party.
To enter PAN Details
Press Enter on P AN not available for the Party .
Enter the PAN of the party and applicability, if PAN is available.
Press Enter in the PAN No field to go to the field PAN Status .
Select the PAN Status as applicable.
● Notification not available for zero/lower rate of TDS
A lower rate or zero rate deduction is recorded for a transaction, and the corresponding notification number is not defined for the party/expense ledger.
This exception can be resolved by specifying the notification details.
In the drill down report for this exception, party ledgers that have been used to pass the zero rate/lower rate TCS entries will be listed. Identify the parties for which lower deduction/zero rate is applicable, select the relevant TCS Category, and provide the exemption notification number, applicability period, and the rate.
● Unable to determine TCS applicability for ledgers
The TCS duty ledger has not been classified under a TCS Category.
Selecting a specific TCS Nature of Payment of TCS duty ledger will resolve this exception.
To select the Nature of Payment
Press Enter on Unable to determine TCS applicability of ledgers .
Select the Default Nature of Goods .
Duty ledgers for which TCS Nature of Goods has not been defined will be listed. Place the cursor on the required items and press Spacebar to select them.
Click N : Nature of Goods to set their Nature of Goods.
● No link is available with booking and booking with collection voucher
The TCS category set for the sales/income ledger is not the same as the TCS category selected during voucher entry.
Setting the appropriate nature of goods will resolve this exception.
To resolve the exception
Press Enter on No link is available with collection voucher .
Select the transaction and click F3: Link All .
Note: If the TCS Category for the ledger is set to Any and a TCS Category is specified during voucher entry, this exception will not arise.
● Unable to determine the TDS applicability for ledger/ stock item
The expense/purchase ledger that has been debited in a transaction, has not been enabled for TDS. Also, the expense ledger has not been tagged to a specific expense category for TDS.
This exception can be resolved by selecting a nature of payment.
To set the nature of payment
Press Spacebar to select a group.
Click N : Nature of Payment .
Select a TDS Nature of Payment .
The exception is now resolved.
● Unable to determine deductee type for party
The deductee type of the party ledger is set to undefined.
Selecting a deductee type will resolve this exception.
To set the deductee type
Press Enter on Unable to determine deductee type for party .
Press Spacebar to select the Name of the Ledger.
Click D : Deductee Type .
Select the required deductee type.
The exception will be resolved.
● PAN not available for the party
The party ledger selected has been enabled for TDS but PAN has not been specified
The PAN, and the applicability of PAN or the status of PAN application have to be recorded for the party.
To enter PAN Details
Press Enter on P AN not available for the Party .
Enter the PAN of the party and applicability, if PAN is available.
Press Enter in the PAN No field to go to the field PAN Status .
Select the PAN Status as applicable.
● Notification not available for zero/lower rate of TDS
A lower rate or zero rate deduction is recorded for a transaction, and the corresponding notification number is not defined for the party/expense ledger.
This exception can be resolved by specifying the notification details.
In the drill down report for this exception, party ledgers that have been used to pass the zero rate/lower rate TDS entries will be listed. Identify the parties for which lower deduction/zero rate is applicable, select the relevant TDS Category, and provide the exemption notification number, applicability period, and the rate.
● Unable to determine TDS applicability for ledgers
The TDS duty ledger has not been classified under a TDS Category.
Selecting a specific TDS Nature of Payment of TDS duty ledger will resolve this exception.
To select the Nature of Payment
Press Enter on Unable to determine TDS applicability of ledgers .
Select the Default Nature of Goods .
Duty ledgers for which TDS Nature of Goods has not been defined will be listed. Place the cursor on the required items and press Spacebar to select them.
Click N : Nature of Goods to set their Nature of Payments.
● Unable to determine the tax rate for nature of payment
The tax rate for the nature of payment has not been specified.
Press Enter on Unable to Determine the Tax Rate for Nature of Payment.
Select Yes in the column Is Zero Rated , if required. Else, specify the rate of duty in the column Rate .
Press Enter . The exception is solved.
● No link is available with booking and booking with deduction entries
The TDS category set for the purchase/expense ledger is not the same as the TDS category selected during voucher entry.
Setting the appropriate nature of payment will resolve this exception.
To resolve the exception
Press Enter on No link is available with collection voucher .
Select the transaction and click F3: Link All .
Note: If the TDS Category for the ledger is set to Any and a TDS Category is specified during voucher entry, this exception will not arise.
● Unable to determine deductee details in cash transactions
In transactions that Cash has been selected in the field Party's A/C name, there are no deductee details available.
Selecting the appropriate party ledger will resolve this exception.
To select the party ledger
Press Enter on Unable to determine deductee details in cash transactions
Enter the Party Name or click M : Party Lis t to select a party ledger.
Select the Deductee Type and enter PAN , if the details are not available in the ledger master.
Press Enter .
Press Enter to accept the details.
The exception is now resolved.
● TDS deducted but not linked with expense/ purchase transaction
The deduction entry has not been linked to a booking entry.
Press Enter on TDS deducted but not linked with expense/purchase trasnaction .
Press Enter on the required entry.
Press spacebar to select the required booking vouchers.
Click F3: Autofill or F4: Full or F5: Partial , as required to enter the amount in Link to Deduction .
Press Enter .
The exception will be resolved.
● Expenses/purchase returns not linked with expense/purchase transaction
The deduction entry has not been linked to a booking entry.
Press Enter on TDS deducted but not linked with expense/purchase trasnaction .
Press Enter on the required entry.
Press spacebar to select the required booking vouchers.
Click F3: Autofill or F4: Full or F5: Partial , as required to enter the amount in Link to Deduction .
Press Enter . The exception will be resolved.
● Transactions accepted with conflicts
The transactions recorded have conflicts or mismatches.
To resolve this conflict
Press Enter on the entry which has conflicts.
Press spacebar on the entry.
Click A : Accept as is .
Press Enter to accept the voucher as is.
This exception will be resolved.
On resolving the exceptions, a transaction will either be included or excluded. All the included transactions will effect the returns calculation. The calculation of tax liability can be viewed in the return form.
This section displays the count of tax payments recorded for the return.
The period considered for displaying the payment details is different from that specified for the returns. This is because tax payments are made in the subsequent month. This can be beyond the range of the period specified for the return period. Hence, to display the payment details, an additional time period of one month from the return period, or the last voucher date will be considered.
From the return forms screen you can modify the payment period to make sure the tax payments made in the later period are considered.
To modify the payment period
1. Press Ctrl+F2 from the return form screen.
2. Enter the Payment Date .
3. Press Enter .
The payment transactions will be grouped under Included or Excluded.
● Included : All tax payments made in this return period, for the tax return.
● Not Included : The payment transactions which have exceptions, and the ones having no implication on the return will be displayed here.
On resolving all exceptions, you can generate returns by exporting to XML/ Excel format. All the required annexures can be generated after resolving exceptions. You can export the returns to XML/ Excel format, and then file your returns.
You can save the filed returns for reference. You can use this to compare and generate returns again. The history of the returns can be retained even after modification.
You can modify the returns for any given period (even after filing), and generate revised returns. If the returns have been already saved, then you can either over write the changes or save it as revised returns.
All modifications made in the masters and transactions will be tracked for a given period when saved. The changes are grouped as created, altered, deleted, or cancelled. You can view the voucher as it was before modification, compare the values and decide to retain the changes or revert.
A return book register has the list of saved returns. You can navigate to a specific return, recompute, overwrite or save the revised returns from here.
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