The Rejections Out Voucher records goods that are rejected and returned to a supplier.
1. From F11: Inventory Features , Enable the option Use rejection inward and outward notes .
2. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers
3. Press Alt+F6 or Select the button F6 : Rej. Out from the Button Bar. For example, the company returns Item A received from Supplier A.
4. Select the Party’s name from the List of Ledger Accounts , to whom you are returning the goods.
5. Once Party’s name is selected under Ledger Account , this column will be filled up automatically with the address, if provided in the Ledger Master creation screen.
6. Select the Item from the List of Stock Items . Press Enter on the Item, it will display the Item Allocations screen.
7. Under the List of Tracking Numbers, the details of Receipt note along with Tracking number will be displayed, select the same and mention the quantity rejected.
Note : In F12 configuration, Show Batch Wise Details and Show Godown – wise Details will show the batch and godown details in the voucher entry screen, if set to Yes.
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