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CST Form III (Assam)

CST Form III is a monthly/quarterly CST return form that is submitted to the commercial tax department of Assam by a dealer registered for CST.

To print CST Form III

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > CST Form III .

2. Press Ctrl+P to print CST Form III .

3. Specify the Type of Return .

4. Enter the Name and Status/Designation of authorised person.

5. Enter the Place of filing returns.

6. Enter the Date of filing revised return.

7. Press Enter to print the form.

To export CST Form III

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > CST Form III .

2. Press Ctr+E to export CST Form III data to the template.

3. Specify the Type of Return .

4. Enter the Name and Status/Designation of authorised person.

5. Enter the Place of filing returns.

6. Enter the Date of filing revised return.

7. Press Enter to export the data to template.

Note: The CST Form III template (Excel file) downloaded from the department Web site should be renamed to CstNew.xls and stored in the location to which the file would be exported from Tally.ERP 9.

Form Description - CST Form III (Assam)

A brief explanation about the form fields is given below:

Field Name


Type of Return - Original/Revised

Displays the type of return selected at the Printing screen.

1. CST

Displays the CST or Interstate sales tax number as specified in F11: Features > F3 Statutory Details screen.

2. Tax Period

Displays the period for which CST Form III report is generated as specified in the CST Form.

3. Name and Style of Business

Displays the Name and Style of Business as specified in Additional Details screen of F11: Features > F3 Statutory Details screen.

4. Address

Displays the address of the company as specified in the Mailing Address field of party ledger creation screen.

5. Name of the goods dealt in

Displays the name of the goods the business as specified in Additional Details screen of F11:Features > F3 Statutory Details screen.

PART A - Description

6. Gross amount received or receivable by the dealer during the period in respect of sale of goods including value of goods transferred  outside of Assam

Displays the gross assessable value of sales transactions within the state and net value of inter-state including CST amount. Displays only the net value after sales adjustments are made using debit or credit notes.

The following Nature of Transactions are supported:

Sales Exempt (Gross value)

Export (Net value)

Interstate Branch Transfer Outward (Net value)

Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward (Net value)

Interstate Labour Charges Collected (Net assessable value)

Interstate Sales - Against Form C (Gross value with tax)

Interstate Sales - E1 (Gross value with tax)

Interstate Sales - E2 (Net value)

Interstate Sales Exempt (Net value)

Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 (Net value)

Interstate Sales - Taxable (Gross value with tax)

Interstate Sales - Tax Free (Net value)

Interstate Sales - Works Contract (Gross value with tax)

Interstate Deemed Export (Net value)

Interstate Sales - Zero Rated (Net value)

Sales - Others (Gross value)

Sales - Tax Free (Gross value)

Sales Zero Rated (Net value)

Branch Transfer Outward (Net value)

Consignment Transfer Outward (Net value)

Deemed Export (Net value)

Labour charges collected (Net value)

Sales Taxable (Gross value without tax)

Sales - Works Contract (Gross value without tax)

Sales Taxable - Ongoing (Gross Assessable value without tax)

Sales - High Seas (Net value)

Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C (Net assessable value with tax)


7 a) Turnover of sales of Goods in the course of export out of India u/s 5(1)/5(2)/5(5)

Displays the net assessable value of sales of goods in course of export out of India

The following Nature of Transactions are considered:


Sales - High Seas

7 b) Turnover of inter state sales of Goods preceding the sales in course of export u/s 5(3), against Form "H"

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with the nature of transaction Interstate Deemed Export .

7 c) Value of goods transferred outside the State u/s 6A(1), against Form "F", to branch or depot.

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with the nature of transaction Interstate Branch Transfer Outward .

7 d) Value of goods transferred outside the State u/s 6A(1), against Form "F" , to commission agents

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with the nature of transaction Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward .

7 e) Turnover of sales of Goods in the State of Assam

Displays the gross assessable value of local sales made within the state.

The following Nature of Transactions are considered:

Sales - Others (Gross assessable value)

Sales - Works Contract (Gross assessable value without tax)

Sales - Taxable (Gross assessable value without tax)

Sales - Zero Rated (Party Entity/Org. Type: with Any list) (Net assessable value)

Sales Exempt (Gross assessable value)

Sales Tax Free (Gross assessable value)

Sales - Taxable (Schedule : Schedule IV) and (Gross assessable value without tax)

Sales Taxable - Ongoing (Gross Assessable value without tax)

Consignment Transfer Outward (Net assessable value)

Branch Transfer Outward (Net assessable value)

Deemed Export (Net assessable value)

Labour Charges Collected (Net assessable value)

Total of deduction at 7(a+b+c+d+e)

Displays auto calculated value.

8. Turnover of inter state sales(6-7)

Displays auto calculated value.

PART-B Description

9. Turnover of inter state sales at 8(From Part A)

Displays the value captured in box 8.

10. Deduct : a) Inter state sales u/s 6(2), being subsequent sales against Form "E 1" and "C"

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with the following nature of transactions:

Interstate Sales Exempt- E1

Interstate Sales - E2

Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C

10 b) Inter state sales u/d 6(3) being sales to diplomatic mission,UN,etc..against Form "J"

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with the nature of transaction Interstate Sales – Zero Rated predefined with the Party Entity/Org. Type as Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO  & Foreign Aid .

10 c) Inter state sales exempted u/s 8(5)

Displays the net assessable value of the sales recorded with the nature of transactions Interstate Sales Exempt and Interstate Sales - Zero Rated (predefined with Party Entity/Org. Type as Exempted/Concession by Notification ).

10 d) Inter state sales u/s 8(6), being sales made to a dealer in Special Economic Zone against Form "I"

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded by selecting the nature of transaction Interstate Sales - Zero Rated predefined with Party Entity/Org. Type as SEZ / STP / EHTP .

10 e) Inter state sales on which no tax is payable

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with the nature of transaction Interstate Sales - Tax Free .

10 f) Labour and other charges for Works Contract

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with the following nature of transactions:

Interstate Labour Charges Collected

Interstate Sales - Works Contract

10 g) Other deduction, if any

This field is currently left blank.

Total of deduction at 10(a+b+c+d+e+f+g)

Displays auto calculated value.

11. Taxable inter state sales (9-10)

Displays auto calculated value.

PART -C Description

12. Taxable inter-state sales at 11 from part B (Rs.)

Displays the total value of sales recorded with the following nature of transactions.

Interstate Sales - Works Contract

Interstate Sales - Against Form C

Interstate Sales - E1

Interstate Sales - Taxable

Tax rates of 0.25%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 5%, 9%, 12%, 12.5%, 13.5%, 15.5%, 16.5%, 20%, 22%, 25.75%, 14.5%, 27.50%, 6% and 15% are considered here.

Note: New tax rate 6% and 15% added.

13. Deduct :-a) Sales price of goods returned by the purchasers within a period of six months from the date of delivery thereof u/s 8A(1)(b).

Displays the assessable value of sales returns within the period of six months recorded with the following nature of transactions:

Interstate Sales - Works Contract

Interstate Sales - Against Form C

Interstate Sales - E1

Interstate Sales - Taxable

Tax rates of 0.25%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 5%, 9%, 12%, 12.5%, 13.5%, 15.5%, 16.5%, 20%, 22%, 25.75%, 14.5%, 27.50%, 6% and 15% are considered here.

Note: New tax rate 6% and 15% added.

13. Deduct :-b) Tax collected included in turnover u/s 8A(1)(a)

Displays the net tax value collected after deducting the tax on sales returns.

Total of deductions at 13(a+b)

Displays auto calculated value.

14. Net taxable inter-state sales(12-13)

Displays auto calculated value.

15. Tax Payable

Displays auto calculated value.

16. Total Tax payable

Displays auto calculated value.

17. Interest payable

Displays the value of interest payable recorded in journal voucher by selecting the which was recorded in the journal by selecting:

Increase of Tax Liability as the Nature of Adjustment .

Interest as the Additional Details .

The sample journal entry is given below:

Dr. Interest ( Indirect Expense )

Cr. Interest payable ( Current liabilities )

18. Penalty payable

Displays the value of interest payable recorded in journal voucher by selecting the which was recorded in the journal by selecting:

Increase of Tax Liability as the Nature of Adjustment .

Interest, Penalty, Other Dues as the Additional Details .

The sample journal entry is given below:

Dr. Penalty ( Indirect Expense )

Cr. Penalty payable ( Current liabilities )

19. Aggregate amount payable (16+17+18)

Displays auto calculated value.

20. Amount paid

Displays the total amount tax paid recorded in the tax payment voucher by selecting Type of duty/tax as CST .

21. Payable tax amount transferred to the corresponding VAT returns

Displays the debit value of tax entered in journal entry by selecting:

Decrease of Input Tax as the Nature of Adjustment .

Against CST as the Additional Details .

22. Excess payment,if any

Displays auto calculated value.

23 Details of Payment

Registration No.

Displays the CST registration number of the dealer, as entered in the party Ledger Creation screen.

Acknowledgement No.

This field is left blank.

Type of Instrument*

Displays the Type of Instrument selected in the Stat Payment Details of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.


Displays the Challan/Cheque/DD No. selected in the Stat Payment Details of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.


Enter the amount entered in the tax payment voucher.


Displays the Deposit Date entered in the Stat Payment Details of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Name*

Displays the Name of the Bank entered in the Stat Payment Details of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Branch Name*

Displays the Name of Branch entered in the Stat Payment Details of Tax Payment Reconciliation report.


Displays the details entered in the Print Report or Export Report screen of CST Form III .

Last updated for Release 5.5.3