Type search words and press enter
TallyPrime now automatically fetches the distance between origin and destination pincodes, and prints it in the e-Way Bill. You no longer have to manually enter this distance. Download TallyPrime Release 5.1 now!

Invoice, Delivery Note, or Order Configuration

You can customise your invoice, delivery notes, and other order vouchers using the options available in the Invoice Configuration screen. This involves specifying or automatically allocating the invoice value to a bill reference.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Invoice / Orders Entry . The Invoice Configuration screen appears as shown below:

2. Enable the required options.

3. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Note: Depending on the options enabled in the Company Features screen, options are added in Invoice Configuration screen.

General Options



Enable supplementary details

Enable this option to view the Party Details screen, when a party ledger is selected during invoice entry. Despatch details, order details, and buyer's details can be recorded.

Allow separate buyer and consignee names

Enable this option to enter buyer and consignee details separately in the Party Details screen.

Allow modification of all fields during entry

Default order/delivery note entries appearing in the invoice can be changed during invoice entry. Enable this option to permit modification of all fields.

Use common Ledger A/c for item allocation

Enable this option to allocate all the items selected in the invoice to a common sales or purchase account. If each item in the invoice has to be allocated to different ledger accounts, then this option should be set to No .

Use defaults for bill allocations

Set this option to No , to enter the reference number, or select the required bill while saving an invoice.

Set this option to Yes , to automatically display the invoice number as the bill reference name. The credit period specified in the party ledger master will be automatically captured by default in the bill wise details screen.

Provide additional descriptions for item name

Enable this option to specify description for each item selected in the invoice.

Provide additional descriptions for ledger name

Enable this option to specify the description for each Ledger selected in the Accounting invoice entries.

Consolidate stock items with same rates

Enable this option to consolidate the stock items having same rates in Invoice/Challans.

Show compound unit of item based on rate

Enable this option to show the compound unit of item based on the unit provided in the Rate Per column .

Show full details of compound unit

Enable this option to display full details of compound unit in the Quantity field. If Kgs is typed in Rate Per field, the Quantity field will display as 12 Kgs.250 grms .

Show turnover achieved with customer

Enable this option to view the turnover achieved till date with a particular customer.

Exporter’s Options



Provide export shipping details

Enable this option to enter export details for the invoice in the Supplementary details screen.

You can enter the following details:

Place of Receipt

Vessel / Flight No. (the transport used to send the goods)

Port of Loading (from where the goods are despatched)

Port of Discharge (where the goods will be finally offloaded)

Country To (to which country the goods are being sent)

Provide marks and numbers./container no.

Enable this option to specify Marks for every item selected in the invoice.

Provide number and kind of packages

Enable this option to specify Num. Packages for every item selected in the invoice.




Warn on negative stock balance

Enable this option to warn if the item selected reaches a negative balance.

Warn on duplicate order number

Enable this option to display a warning message to notify when an order number is repeated.

Use expired batches for all stock items

By default, this option is set to Yes . Disable this option to not include expired batches in the list of batches displayed at the time of entry.

Provide complete accounting allocations in order/delivery note

Enable this option for faster data entry at the time of entering sales/purchase invoices against the deliver or receipt notes.




Calculate tax on current sub-total

Enable this option to calculate tax on the current subtotal value and not on inventory total value.

Allow modification of tax details for VAT

Enable this option to modify tax details for VAT.