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Configurations for Excise Details (Excise for Importers)

You can configure excise details related to excise for importers, according to your business requirements.

Enable multiple excise units

Enable Importer Exporter Code Number

Enable Rule 11 book details

Enable RG23D Numbering

Recording Jurisdiction Details

Enabling Multiple Excise Units

Each premise or unit has to be registered under the Central Board of Excise and Customs department. If a manufacturer owns more than one premise, then each unit has to be registered individually.

Tally.ERP 9 allows you to create and maintain multiple excise units.

To enable the multi excise unit

1. Click F12: Configure from the Excise Registration Details screen.

2. Set the option Enable multi excise unit to Yes .

3. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration.

You can now create multiple tax units, and record excise registration details of each unit.

Note: The excise unit defined in the Excise Registration Details screen will be considered as the default excise unit in Tally.ERP 9

Recording Importer Exporter Code (IEC)

Importer Exporter Code is a unique 10 digit number issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce. If the export or export is pertaining to trade, manufacture or agriculture, then IEC is mandatory.

To enable IEC number

1. Click F12: Configure from the Excise Registration Details screen.

2. Set the option Enable IEC Number to Yes .

3. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration.

4. Enter the IEC number in the Additional Excise Details section of the Excise Registration Details screen.

Creating or Modifying Rule 11 Invoices

When the registration type selected is Importer , the default rule 11 book gets created. As per business requirements, you can either create more rule 11 books or modify the default book.

To enable Rule 11 book details

1. Click F12: Configure from the Excise Registration Details screen.

2. Set the option Enable Rule 11 book details to Yes .

3. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration.

4. Enable Set/alter Rule 11 book details to configure the default book, or create a new Rule 11 book.

o Configuring the default book

o Creating a new book

Enabling RG23D Numbering

RG23D is a register that should be maintained by business establishments involved in importing and selling goods and materials. For any item that is purchased the company has to enter details in separate pages in an RG23D register.

To enable RG23D numbering

1. Click F12: Configure from the Excise Registration Details screen.

2. Set the option Enable RG23D numbering to Yes .

3. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration.

The options Enable RG23D Numbering in voucher and Set/alter RG23D details is available in the Excise Registration Details screen.

4. Enable Set/alter RG23D details to configure the register.

5. Enter the Prefix and the Suffix for the register numbering. These can be alphabetic or numeric. The entered details will be captured in the transactions.

Recording Jurisdiction Details

D etails pertaining to range, division, and commisionerate to which the excise unit belongs to can be defined.

To record jurisdiction details

1. Click F12: Configure from the Excise registration details screen.

2. Set the option Enable jurisdiction details to Yes .

3. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration.

4. Enable Set/alter jurisdiction details in the Excise Registration Details screen.

5. Press Enter .

6. Click L :Details .

7. Enter the period from which the details of range entered, will be applicable from.

8. Enter the Code , Name and Address of the Range .

9. Press Enter .

10. Enter the date Applicable From , Code , Name and Address for another period, if required.

11. Press Ctrl+A to save the details.

12. Similarly record details of Division and Commisionerate , as applicable.

13. Press Enter .

More Configurations

The configurations related to excise tariff details for importers at company level:

Enable selection of Tariff Type

Goods are of two types:

Dutiable : The ones that are taxable

Non-Dutiable : The goods that are exempt from taxes.

To classify an item as dutiable or non-dutiable

1. Enable the option Set/alter excise tariff details in the Excise Registration Details screen.

2. Click F12: Configure from the Excise Tariff Details screen.

3. Set the option Enable selection of tariff type to Yes .

4. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration. The option Type of tariff is available in the Excise Details screen.

Enable multi selection of duty detail s

For any given business, at any point of time there can be more one type of duty. For example, for importers, the duty can be basic excise duty, additional duty of imports and so on.

To enable multi duty details

1. Enable Set/alter excise tariff details in the Excise Registration Details screen.

2. Click F12: Configure from the Excise Tariff Details screen.

3. Set the option Enable multi selection of duty details to Yes .

4. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration. The required duties can now be created under Type of Duty.

To create duty types

1. Select New as the Type of Duty from the List of Excise Duty Classifications .

2. Enter the name of the duty that is to be created in the Name field in the Excise Duty Classifications Alteration (Secondary) screen.

3. Select Duty code from the List of Excise Duty Codes .

4. Select Calculation method from the Calculation Methods .

5. Press Enter to save the configuration. The newly created type of duty will appear in the Type of Duty column.

Override Valuation Type for Duty Head

Sometimes there can be items which have valuation types different from that of the valuation type of the duty. For example, the valuation type of the type is ad quantum while the valuation type of the duty is ad valorem.

To record different valuation types

1. Enable Set/alter excise tariff details in the Excise Registration Details screen.

2. Click F12: Configure from the Excise Tariff Details screen.

3. Enable Override valuation type for duty head .

4. Press Ctrl+A to save the configuration. A new column titled Valuation Type now appears next to Type of Duty. Valuation type of the duty head when different from valuation type of the tariff item can be recorded here.