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Sales Register

Sales  Register  displays  the  monthly  summary  of  sales  transactions   and  closing  balances.  The  list  of  transactions pertaining  to each  month  can be viewed  by selecting  that month. You can change the display according to the information required. You can view this report in browser .

The period of the report and the content details can be modified. Columnar periodic reports can be generated using Alt+N: Auto Column for different periods as shown by the columnar details list. You can also compare similar data of two or more companies stored in the same data directory.

With the sales register you can:

Analyse the periodic turnover using the option F2: Period .

Compute the periodic taxes on such turnovers.

Trace the errors made while recording the transactions.

Analyse the sales returns during the year and take timely action to remove undesirable causes.

Analyse the performance of godown, salesperson, sales area, and so on, with the help of cost centre and cost category report.

To know more, click the links below:

Columnar Sales Register

Monthly Sales Summary

Extract of Sales Register

Sales Register with Profitability

Comparative Sales Register