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TallyPrime now automatically fetches the distance between origin and destination pincodes, and prints it in the e-Way Bill. You no longer have to manually enter this distance. Download TallyPrime Release 5.1 now!

Reorder Status

The Reorder Status report is a group-wise summary of the availability status of stock items. This report give us the number of purchase orders pending, sales orders pending, sales orders due, and thereby the nett availability of the stock item.  You can view the reorder level, the short fall in the stock item (calculated based on the nett available stock and reorder Level) , if any, and the minimum order quantity. This report will help you decide the quantity of the stock item  to be ordered based on the orders to be delivered, and stock-in-hand.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Inventory > Reorder Status .

2. Select a Group . The Inventory Reorder Status report appears as shown below:

You can select the relevant column and drill down to get the detailed information on the same.

For instance, the re-order level column can be selected and drilled down further to analyse how the reorder level is specified in the master record. Similarly, an analysis can be done of the minimum reorder quantity, the net available quantity and so on.

Note: Click A : Reorder Only to remove items for which there are no orders to be placed.