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Release Notes for Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.6.2

Always upgrade to the latest release of Tally.ERP 9 to enjoy greater business benefits. Move to the latest release using the easy in-product update facility.


Tally Reports in Browser : Now you can download reports and vouchers in the browser in MS Excel format.

Kenya VAT : Support has been provided to export VAT Form-3 to the new VAT template with new general tax rate of 14%, applicable from 1st April 2020.

Product Improvements

Accounts and Inventory

A warning message is shown when the Due date is lesser than the voucher date in sales orders.

The F7: Vouchers button was displaying a blank page in Trial Balance report. This issue is resolved.

The column title Account Name has been changed to Group Name in the Group Budget screen shown while creating Budgets for accounting groups.


A provision is made to print invoice title as Tax Invoice when sales with both taxable and exempt/nil-rated goods is made to a registered dealer, and as Invoice-cum-Bill-of-Supply if the dealer is unregistered.

Purchase from URD with value less than Rs. 5000 was appearing in GSTR-3B against From a supplier under composition scheme, exempt and nil rated supply under section 5. However, the transaction was not appearing on drilling down to the Voucher Register level. This was occurring when the option Enable tax liability on reverse charge (Purchase from unregistered dealer) was set to No . This issue is resolved.

The purchase value appearing against d) Inward supplies (liable to reverse charge) in GSTR-3B does not match with the values shown when you drill down to Voucher Register level. This was occurring when:

o Purchase was recorded using journal voucher and the option Is reverse charge applicable? was enable under Tax Classification Details while recording the transaction.

o Purchase was recorded by selecting the fixed asset ledger with Nature of goods as Capital Goods .

This issue is resolved.

Kenya VAT

The stat adjustment journal vouchers recorded in the month of February, 2020 were appearing under Not relevant for returns in the VAT Form-3 report, when the report was viewed for the period 1st Feb 2020 to 29th Feb 2020. This issue is resolved.