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e-Invoice using Tally.ERP 9

The GST Council, in its 39th meeting, has decided to implement a system of e-invoicing, which will be applicable to business having Turnover more than 500 Crores, effective from 1st October 2020, ‘E-invoicing’ Short for ‘electronic invoicing’ is a system that allows GSTN to authenticate B2B invoices electronically. This will involve uploading of invoice details on an Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) (Currently NIC  is only IRP) which will validate key invoice parameters, and issue a unique number called Invoice Reference Number  (IRN) along with a digitally signed Quick Response code (QR code). Post issuance of the IRN and QR code, the uploaded invoice will be treated as a Government validated document.

On this page

E-Invoice generation using Offline Tool - JSON Preparation Form A

e-Invoice with E-Way Bill

Additional Steps to Upload Advanced Transaction Types

e-Invoice without E-Way Bill

e-Invoice Cancellation through the portal

Generating E-Invoice

Currently user can use offline tool to create JSON file and then upload to e-Invoice portal to generate an e-Invoice. There are 4 formats of e-Invoice offline generation tools. Click here to know more about the formats.

The department has provided an user manual describing the process of e-invoicing. It can be accessed here .

E-Invoice generation using Offline Tool - JSON Preparation Form A

In this document we will look at the steps to use JSON Preparation Form A for generating JSON file that can be uploaded to the portal to get an e-invoice.

You can download the e-invoice offline tool from https://einvoice1.gst.gov.in/Others/BulkGenerationTools# .

e-Invoice with E-Way Bill

Steps for e-Invoice generation using Offline tool with e-Way bill details for a B2B Non-RCM transaction:

1. Enter data in Offline tool.

a. Download and Open the e-Invoice JSON Preparation Form A (Version 1.01)

o Fill the Seller GSTIN Details (GSTIN/Address/State and Pincode) in the Profile sheet (This is a one-time activity)

o Select appropriate options in the Profile Details depending on type of transaction for which you want to generate e-Invoice. For example: - If you do not have any reverse charge transaction, select No for Do you have Reverse Charges , so that the column related to reverse charge is not shown in the eInvoice sheet.

o Export transaction information from Tally.ERP 9.

Export transaction details to e-way bill offline template (MS Excel e-Way bill details spreadsheet) from Tally.ERP 9.

Note :

You can either export a single transaction from voucher or can export multiple voucher from e-Way Bill report.

Transactions below threshold limit also can be exported for EWB using report F12 config in e-Way bill report.

o Fill the eInvoice sheet.

Below mentioned fields (Mandatory/conditional Mandatory fields) in the eInvoice worksheet can be filed directly by copying field level information from exported transaction in e-Way bill offline tool to JSON Preparation Form A.

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Column Name

e-Way Bill template (fields for reference)



Document Number

Doc No


Document Date

Doc Date





Buyer POS

Ship To_State/Bill To_State

Assuming Buyer POS and Buyer State is same if they are different then you have to manually provide.


Buyer Addr1


When Ship to and Bill to details are same


Buyer Pin Code

Ship To_Pin Code

Assuming Buyer Pin Code and Ship to pincode is same (But if they are different you has to manually provide buyer pin code


Buyer State

Bill To_State


HSN Code









Taxable Value

Assessable Value


Total Invoice Value

Total Invoice Value


Trans ID

Trans ID


Trans Name

Trans Name


Trans Mode

Trans Mode





Trans Doc No.

Trans DocNo


Trans Doc Date

Trans Date


Vehicle No.

Vehicle No


Vehicle Type

Vehicle Type

Below mentioned fields need to be manually entered

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Column Name

Tally Reference



Supply Type Code


You can manually select from the drop-down options:-


Based on the nature of the transaction you can choose the relevant supply type code.


Document Type


You can manually select from the drop-down options:-

Tax Invoice/ Credit Note/ Debit Note

Based on the type of transaction relevant documents need to be selected. for example for a sales Invoice, You should select Tax Invoice


Buyer Legal Name


Party legal name can be created as alias in Party master and referred and fed manually


Buyer Location


Manual Feed




Manual Feed


Unit Price


Manual Feed,

Rate field in the invoice to be referred.

If multiple items having same HSN and tax rates but with the different unit price are to be reported, each has to be reported separately


Gross Amount


Manual Calculation

Gross Amount = Quantity * Unit Price


GST Rate


Can be derived from Tax Rate Column of e-Way Bill template




Manual feed if applicable, Refer voucher (invoice) in the Tally


Cess Rate


Can be derived from Tax Rate Column of e-Way Bill template


State Cess Rate


Manual feed if applicable, Refer voucher (invoice) in the Tally


State Cess Adval Amt


Manual feed if applicable, Refer voucher (invoice) in the Tally


State Cess Non-Adval Amt


Manual feed if applicable, Refer voucher (invoice) in the Tally


Other Charges


Manual Calculation if applicable


Item Total


Manual Calculation

Item Total = Taxable Value + Igst Amount + Sgst Amount + Cgst Amount +Cess Amount + State Cess Amount + CesNon Advl Amount + State Cess Non Advl Amount +Other charges


Total Taxable Value


Manual Calculation

Total Taxable Value = Addition of all the Taxable Value from Items


Total Cgst Amt


Manual Calculation, If applicable

Addition of All CGST/SGST/IGST/Cess/State Cess/Discount/other charges/Round off Amount


Total Sgst Amt



Total Igst Amt



Total Cess Amt



Total state Cess Amt



Total Discount



Total Other Charges



Round Off


Optional Fields detailing

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Column Name



Buyer Trade Name

You can refer to party Master if Trade name is used while creating Party Master


Buyer Addr2

Manual Feed


Buyer Phone Number

Refer Party Master


Buyer Email ID


Product Description

You can refer Item Master


Pre Tax Value

Manual Calculation

2. Validate the sheet

a. Click the Validate button on top of eInvoice sheet to validate the data.

b. In case of any errors the same are shown in the last column (error list) of eInvoice worksheet in the JSON preparation Form A. You can resolve them accordingly.

3. Generate JSON

a. Click Prepare JSON to create JSON. The JSON file is stored in the same folder as the e-Invoice offline tool (JSON preparation Form A).

4. Login to portal and upload.

a. Login to e-Invoice portal using your portal credential. Click here to open the Portal. Click here to go to trial website.

b. In the e-Invoice dashboard, click Bulk Upload under e-Invoice menu on the left navigation bar.

You will redirect to Invoice Bulk Upload screen.

c. Browse and Upload the JSON file. After successful upload, you will get Ack No and IRN.

5. Print or Download e-Invoice with QR Code either using Ack No or IRN. To print the e-Invoice, click Home button and then clink Print under e-Invoice menu on left navigation bar.

a. Enter either Ack No or IRN.

b. Check the Print Preview.

c. Click Print or Download Signed JSON to print or download respectively.

Note : You can update the Ack No, Ack Date and IRN in the narration of the voucher for reference.

Additional Steps to Upload Advanced Transaction Types

RCM transaction

Under Profile Detail in Profile worksheet, set the option Do you have Reverse Charges to Yes .

An additional column for Reverse Charge will be shown in the eInvoice workbook, you can select Yes in the column if you have Reverse Charge transactions.

Export Transaction

Under Profile Detail in Profile worksheet, set the option Do you have Export Details to Yes .

Additional columns for capturing export details are displayed in the eInvoice worksheet.

Fields for export details to manually entered.

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Column Name



Shipping Bill No

Manual entry referring export subform in the Voucher.

For Port Code list refer Port code master list.


Shipping Bill Dt




Refund Claim

Manual entry


Foreign Currency

Manual entry. Refer currency code link .


Country Code

Manual entry. Refer country code link .


Export Duty Amount

Manual entry

Bill to and Ship to details are different

Under Profile Details in the Profile worksheet, set the option Do you have Bill to and Ship to transaction details? to Yes .

Additional columns for capturing Shipping details will be displayed else it is not displayed.

Ship to details fields to be manually entered.

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Column Name

e-Way Bill template (Fields for reference)



Shipping Legal Name


Manual entry.

You need to mention the party legal name where the goods are getting shipped.


Shipping Addr1



Shipping Location


Manual entry.

You need to mention the location where the goods are getting shipped.


Shipping Pin Code

Ship To_Pin Code


Shipping State

Ship To_State

Bill from and Dispatch From details are different

Under Profile Details in Profile worksheet, set the option Do you have Bill from and Dispatch from to transaction details? to Yes .

Additional Columns for capturing Dispatch details will be displayed else it is not displayed.

Dispatch field details to be manually entered.

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Column Name

e-Way Bill template (Fields for reference)



Dispatch Name



Dispatch Addr1



Dispatch Location



Dispatch Pincode

Dispatch_Pin Code


Dispatch State

Dispatch From_State

Zero rated invoice i.e. free supplies

Under Profile Details in Profile worksheet, set the option Do you have free quantity in Items? to Yes .

Additional column Free Quantity will be displayed under Product details, where you can capture the relevant quantity information.

Provide Payment details, Reference details, and Additional details

This information you can capture in Format C and Format D of JSON preparation Tool for e-Invoice.

In Payment details, you can provide information related to Payments like Term of Payment, Credit days, Account Number, Mode of payment, etc.

In Reference details, you can provide information Invoice period start date, invoice period end date in case of continuous supply, Pre doc details, Contract Details such as receipt advice number, contract reference number, vendor PO reference number, etc.

In additional details, you can provide information like Supporting Doc URL.

Note : This information will only be part of the signed JSON and will not be shown in e-Invoice print or QR Code.

e-Invoice without EWB

Steps for e-Invoice Generation Using Offline Tool without e-Way bill for B2B Non-RCM transaction.

1. Enter data in Offline tool.

a. Download and Open the e-Invoice JSON Preparation Form A (Version 1.01)

o Fill the Seller GSTIN Details (GSTIN/Address/State and Pincode) in the Profile sheet (This is a one-time activity).

o Select appropriate options in the Profile Details depending on type of transaction for which you want to generate e-Invoice. For example: - If you do not have any reverse charge transaction, select No for Do you have Reverse Charges , so that the column related to reverse charge will not be shown in the eInvoice sheet.

o Fill the eInvoice worksheet.

Section-Wise Details to be manually entered.

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Section Name



Supplier Type Code

You can manually select from the drop-down options:-


Based on the nature of the transaction you can choose the relevant supply type code.


Document Details

Please refer to the voucher for the document number and document date.

Select the Document type from the drop down as Tax Invoice/ Credit Note/ Debit Note.

Based on the type of transaction relevant documents need to be selected. For example, in case of sales Invoice select Tax Invoice.


Buyer Details

Buyer GSTIN:- You can refer to Party Master or supplementary screen of Voucher

Buyer Legal name:- if user has maintained Legal name either as Party Name or alias in party master he can refer to same.

Buyer Addr1:- You can refer the Address section of Party master or Supplementary screen of Voucher

Buyer POS: You can refer the Place of Supply mentioned in Supplementary screen of Voucher

Buyer location needs to be filled manually.

Buyer Pin code:- refer to Party master.

Buyer State: You need to refer either party master or Supplementary Screen of voucher


Product Details

Sl No:- You need to fill manually.

Is_Service:- If the Voucher consist of Service select Yes from the drop down.

Quantity: Refer the Quantity column in Voucher

Unit price: Refer the Rate column of the Voucher

Unit:- By referring the per column of the voucher, user need to select the Unit from the drop down list of UQC.

GST Rate, HSN, Taxable value, and Tax Amount details, You can refer Tax Analysis in Voucher, using Alt+A.

Note: If multiple items having same HSN and tax rates but with the different unit price are to be reported, each has to be reported separately

Gross Amount, Item Total need to be manually calculated


Gross Amount = Quantity * Unit Price

Item Total = Taxable Value + Igst Amount + Sgst Amount + Cgst Amount +Cess Amount + State Cess Amount + CesNon Advl Amount + State Cess Non Advl Amount +Other charges


Value Details

For Value details Like Total Taxable Value, Total Tax Amount, refer Tax analysis for faster manual Calculation

For Invoice totals please refer Voucher Total.

Note: for summation values please calculate as mentioned below

Addition of All (all Item of the voucher/Invoice) CGST/SGST/IGST/Cess/State Cess/Discount/other charges/Round off Amount

o Provide Exports details

Under Profile Detail in Profile worksheet, set the option Do you have Export Details to Yes .

Additional Columns for capturing Export details will be displayed.

Note : This section is optional.

Fields for export details to be manually entered.

Sl. No.

JSON Preparation Form A Column Name



Shipping Bill No

If Applicable, Manual Entry referring export subform in the Voucher.

For Port Code list refer Port code Master.


Shipping Bill Dt




Refund Claim

Manual entry


Foreign Currency

Manual entry. Refer currency code master.


Country Code

Manual entry. Refer country code master.


Export Duty Amount

Manual entry.

o Zero rated invoice i.e. free supplies

Under Profile Details in Profile worksheet, set the option Do you have free quantity in Items? to Yes .

Additional column Free Quantity is displayed under Product details, where you can capture the relevant quantity information

2. Validate the sheet.

a. Click Validate button on top of eInvoice sheet to validate the data.

b. In case of any errors in the data, the same will be available in last column (error list) of JSON preparation Form A of eInvoice worksheet. You can resolve them accordingly

3. Generate JSON

a. Click Prepare JSON to create JSON. The JSON file will be stored in the same folder as the e-Invoice offline tool (JSON preparation Form A).

4. Login to portal and upload

a. Login to e-Invoice portal using your portal credential. Click here to open the Portal. Click here to go to trial website.

b. In the e-Invoice dashboard, clink Bulk Upload under e-Invoice menu on the left navigation bar.

c. You will redirect to Invoice Bulk Upload screen.

d. Browse and Upload the JSON file. After Successful Upload, You will get Ack No and IRN.

5. Print or Download e-Invoice with QR Code either using Ack No or IRN. To print the e-Invoice, click Home button and then clink Print under e-Invoice menu on left navigation bar.

a. Enter either Ack No or IRN.

b. Check the Print Preview.

c. Click Print or Download Signed JSON to Print or Download respectively.

Note : You can update the Ack No, Ack Date and IRN in the narration of the voucher for reference.

e-Invoice Cancellation through the portal

Step for e_invoice cancellation

1. Login to e-Invoice portal using your portal credential. Click here to open the Portal. Click here to go to trial website.

2. In the e-Invoice dashboard, clink Cancel under e-Invoice on the left navigation bar.

3. You will redirect to e-Invoice cancel dashboard.  You can choose to cancel either by IRN or by Ack No

4. You will be redirect to Cancel e-Invoice screen. Provide Cancel Reason and Remarks and Submit the screen.

5. Cancel e-Invoice Preview is shown.

Master Codes

Portal link for Master Codes .