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Set up E-mailing Feature for Your Company

You can e-mail the required information from Tally.ERP 9 by providing the relevant information in the E-mail Configuration screen.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > E-mailing .

2. Select the required E-Mail Server from the list of Common Mail Servers .

3. If you are using any other E-mail server , select User Defined .

4. For the Server address enter the name of your SMTP server followed by the port.

On selecting Gmail , Yahoo Mail or Hotmail , the server address appears automatically. For other e-mail servers, you need to configure it manually.

For Outlook , enter the Server address as smtp-mail.outlook.com:25 .

5. If you are using secured network or sending e-mails using secured mail servers, set the option Use SSL to Yes .

6. Set the option Use SSL on Standard Port to Yes or No as required. This option will be set to Yes when Hotmail is used as the E-mail server . For Outlook , set this option to Yes .

7. The Mailing Name and E-mail entered in the Company creation/alteration screen appears in the From and From e-mail ID fields.

8. Enter the e-mail provided in the From e-mail ID field, as the Username for authentication and enter the Password of you e-mail account. This is required to send e-mail from your e-mail account.

9. Select the required Format .

10. Based on the selected Format , set the options as needed.

11. Press Ctrl+A to accept.