The following checklist should be used to resolve license issues if Tally.ERP 9 turns into educational mode.
On this page
Check if Gateway server is running
Check IP and the subnet address settings
Check Tally Gateway Server Settings
Add the server to the proxy exceptions
If Tally.ERP 9 turns to educational mode on Tally License Server computer, you can check for the possible reasons and follow the corresponding solutions to rectify the issue. This is applicable for Silver & Gold Edition.
Sl. No. |
Possible Reason |
Solution |
1 |
Reactivated the same license in multiple folders within the same computer or in different computers. |
Single User ● You cannot use a single user license concurrently in different computers. If you want to use the license in another computer, configure the license by closing all instances of Tally in the computer on which the license is active. Multi-User ● If you have Multi-user license, activate the license on a Server and configure all the clients to point to the server computer. ● If there are multiple releases, always activate license in a higher release and configure all other clients to it. |
2 |
Gateway Service is Stopped |
Follow the steps to check if Tally Gateway Server is running or stopped. ● Press Windows+R > type services.msc and press Enter. The service management window opens. ● Check the status of Tally Gateway Server. If it has stopped, right-click and Start the service. If more than one Tally Gateway Server exists, uninstall the unused gateway servers. To uninstall the gateway server, To uninstall Tally Gateway Server, ● Open command prompt in admin mode. ● In command prompt, navigate to the folder where Tally Gateway Server is installed. Click here to identify the location where TGS is installed. ● Type tallygatewayserver.exe - u and press Enter to uninstall the Tally Gateway Server.
If you do not experience any of the above scenarios then search for the available gateway servers and configure to it or Reactivate the License.
Note : If you have formatted your hard disk or upgraded to the new Operating System, you need to reactivate the license.
1. Start Tally.ERP 9 .
2. Click C : Configure Existing License in the Startup screen. Alternatively, click F12: Configure > Licensing > Configure Existing License . The Configure Existing Screen appears as shown below:
3. Select Gateway Server in the field Configure license using .
4. Enter the Server name/IP and Port , where the license is activated. Alternatively, click F2: Gateway Servers to view the compatible Tally Gateway Server(s).
5. Press Enter . The Configure Existing License screen appears as shown below:
6. Press Enter . A message Restart Tally.ERP 9 to apply the changes? is displayed. Click Yes to save.
1. Open the Tally.ini file in the Tally.ERP 9 folder.
2. Set the gateway server to the following configuration:
● Tally Gateway Server=server:port , or
● Tally Gateway Server=IP address
3. Press Ctrl+S to save.
1. Press the Windows+R keys to open the Run dialog.
2. Type services.msc and press Enter .
3. Right-click Tally Gateway Server.
4. Click Start .
Tally Gateway Server service will resume and license can be accessed.
1. Go to the Start menu > Run > Command Prompt .
2. Enter ipconfig in Command Prompt .
3. Check the IP Address , Subnet Address , and the Default Gateway .
o The IP and the subnet addresses should be identical in the server and in the client machines. For example:
(i) Client IP –
Subnet Mask –
Server: IP –
Subnet Mask –
In the above case, even though the IP Addres s and Subnet Mask are different, the license will be served. The reason is the Subnet Address range is the same for both Server and Client i.e.,
(ii) Client: IP –
Subnet Mask –
Server: IP –
Subnet Mask –
In this case, the Subnet address range is different, i.e., for Client and for Server. Hence the License will not be shared across Client and Server.
1. Go to the Start menu > Run > Command Prompt .
2. Enter Ping (IP Address) . For example , enter Ping . If the network is connected, you will get the response Ping with 32 bytes of data .
3. Click Close to exit.
1. Open your browser.
2. Enter http://Servername/IP Address:Port in the address bar of your browser. The message License Server is Running should appear, along with the serial number and the license status.
If the message The Page cannot be displayed appears , configure the following settings:
● Add Tally.ERP 9 to Windows Firewall exceptions .
● Add the server to the exceptions in proxy settings, if you are using a proxy server on the client machine.
1. Go to Chrome > Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Network > Change Proxy Settings to open the Internet Properties screen.
2. Click LAN Settings to open the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings screen.
o Check the option Use Proxy Server for your LAN .
o Click Advanced to configure the Proxy Settings .
o Select the checkbox Bypass proxy server for local addresses .
3. Click OK to exit.