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e-CST Form I (Chandigarh)

You can generate CST Form I for Chandigarh from the Statutory reports in Tally.ERP 9, by exporting the form with the required details.  

To generate CST form I

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > CST Form I. The Form I report appears as shown below:

 Press Ctrl+E to export the CST Form I.

2.    Press Enter to export the form.


   Ensure that the directory specified at Export Location has the FormI(CH).xls template downloaded from the department website.

   Period provided to generate Form I report appears in From and To fields of Export Report screen.

   Click No in the Export screen to edit the details of Export Location, Name, Status/Designation of authorised person, Place of filing returns and to enter the Date of filing the return.

Form Description - Form-1 (CST) (Chandigarh)

The details of the fields in the printed Form-1(CST) are given below:

Field Name


Return for the period from

Displays the From (blank for beginning) and To (blank for end) dates captured in Export Report screen of Form I report.

Registration Make and  No.

Displays the Inter-state Sales Tax Number entered in the Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Name of the dealer

Displays the Mailing Name entered in the Company Creation screen.


Displays the Status of the Dealer entered in the Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.


Displays the Style of Business entered in the Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

1. Gross amount receivable by the dealer

Displays the following transaction details:

     Gross assessable value of taxable sales.

     Gross assessable value of taxable inter-state sales.

     Net assessable value of exempt sales

     Additional charges entered in taxable inter-state sales transactions.

(i) Sales of Goods Outside the State (as defined in section 4 of the Act)

This is currently left blank.

(ii) Sales of goods in course of export outside India (as defined in section 5 of the Act)

Displays the net assessable value of exports and deemed exports.

(iii) Turnover of goods transferred outside the State (as referred to in section 6A(2))

Displays the net assessable value of sales with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward and Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward selected as the nature of transaction.

2. Balance Turnover on Inter-State Sale & sales with in the state

Displays auto calculated value.

Deduct: Turnover of sales within the State

Displays the following transaction details:

     Gross assessable value of taxable sales.

     Net assessable value of exempt sales.

3. Balance turnover or Inter State sales

Displays auto calculated value.

Deduct: Cost or freight delivery or installation when such cost is  separately charged.

Displays the additional charges entered in taxable inter-state sales transactions.

4.Balance: Total Turnover on Inter State sales

Displays auto calculated value.

(i) Turnover of Inter State Sale of goods unconditionally exempt from tax under the Punjab VAT Act 2005 (as applicable to UT Chandigarh.)

Displays the net assessable value of Interstate Sales - Zero Rated, Interstate Sales Exempt and Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C selected as the nature of transaction.

(ii) Turnover of Sale of goods returned by the Purchaser within a period of six months under the section 8A of Central Sales Tax Act 1956.

Displays the assessable value of interstate sales returns recorded in the following vouchers, against sales made in the last six months (from the date of original invoice).

     Credit note

     Journal voucher to account for cash discount.

     Journal voucher to account for trade discount.

(iii) Turnover in respect of subsequent sales falling under clause(a) and (b) of section 6(2) of the Act.

Displays the net assessable value of sales with Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Interstate Sales Exempt - E2 and Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C selected as the nature of transaction.

5 A. Balance Taxable Turnover in respect of Inter State Sales.

Displays auto calculated value.

6. Goods wise break of above

(A) Declare goods

(i) Sold to registered dealers on prescribed declaration-vide declaration attached.

Displays the assessable value of all inter-states taxable sales recorded with the following transaction details:

     Stock item is predefined as declared goods.

     Form to receive is set to C Form in Statutory Details screen of sales invoice.

(ii) Sold otherwise.

Displays the assessable value of all inter-states taxable sales recorded with the following transaction details:

     Stock item is predefined as declared goods.

     Form to receive is set to Not Applicable in Statutory Details screen of sales invoice.

(B) Other goods

(i) Sold to registered dealers on prescribed declaration - vide declaration attached.

Displays the assessable value of all inter-states taxable sales recorded with the following transaction details:

     Stock item is categorised as regular goods.

     Form to receive is set to C Form in Statutory Details screen of sales invoice.

(ii) Sold other-wise.

Displays the assessable value of all inter-states taxable sales recorded with the following transaction details:

     Stock item is categorised as regular goods.

     Form to receive is set to Not Applicable in Statutory Details screen of sales invoice.


Displays auto calculated value.

7. (i)  Taxable at

Displays the following transaction details:

     Net assessable value and CST of inter-state taxable sales.

     Debit value entered for CST ledger in journal voucher.

8. Total tax payable on Rs.

Displays auto calculated value.

9. Tax Paid, if any, by means of Treasury challan/Cheque/Drafts.


The Mode of Deposit selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report appears here.

Challan/instrument No

The Challan/Instrument No. entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report appears here.

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

The Deposit Date entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report appears here.


The Name of Bank/Branch entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report appears here.

Branch Code

The Branch code(remittance) entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation report appears here.


Displays the amount entered in payment voucher by selecting the Type of Duty as CST.

10. Balance due/excess paid, if any

Displays auto calculated value. If the amount paid is in excess of the amount due, then the excess payment made appears with a negative sign.


Displays the Place entered in the Export Report screen of Form I.


Displays the Date entered in the Export Report screen of Form I.