Type search words and press enter
Now manage multiple licenses together using the multi-site license feature in TallyPrime. Assign a unique site ID to each license under a single Tally.NET account for a hassle-free licensing experience.

Accounts Information

Accounts Info. Option

The accounts information lists accounting masters like groups , ledgers and voucher types with which you can provide company's account details.

Accounts information provides:

Single master option to work with one master at a time.

Multiple masters option to work with many sub-masters at a time. A sub-master behaves exactly like a master.

To access the accounts information

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info.

Accounts information for ledgers, groups or voucher have the following functions:




To create new masters.


To view the m aster information.  Master information cannot be modified in the display mode.


To view and make changes to the master information. You cannot create masters in the alter mode.

Setting F11: Features

To set the F11: Features

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > F1: Accounts.

2. Select the company from the List of Companies . The Accounting Features screen appears as shown below:

See F11: Company Features in Tally.ERP 9 for details.

Setting F12: Configure Option

To set F12: Configure

Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Accts / Inventory Info. The Master Configuration screen appears as shown below:

Note: The configurations is applicable for all ledger masters. Changes can be made in the Ledger Configuration screens as well.

See also

Accts/Inventory Info. Configuration

