Type search words and press enter
Now manage multiple licenses together using the multi-site license feature in TallyPrime. Assign a unique site ID to each license under a single Tally.NET account for a hassle-free licensing experience.

Statement of Interest Due on Invoices

You can calculate interest on each invoice for the period it is outstanding, wholly or partly. Transaction by transaction or bill-by-bill interest calculation is permitted for party accounts like accounts under the groups sundry debtors and sundry creditors. For interest calculation on each bill, Bill-wise details should be enabled for the company and the party.

To view the Ledger Interest report

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Accounts > Interest Calculations > Ledger .

2. Select the required ledger. The Ledger Interest report appears as shown below:

Note: The Cr in the interest amount indicates that it is a liability.

The interest liability and expense can be accounted by recording a journal entry. Interest can also be recorded using debit notes and credit notes with voucher class.