On enabling budgets , the option to create Budgets is available in the Accounts Info. menu. You can create budgets for groups like expenses, sundry debtors, sundry creditors, and more. By doing so, the budget defined will be applicable for all ledgers classified under this group.
To create budgets for groups
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Budgets > Create .
2. In the Budget Creation screen, enter a n ame for your budget.
3. In the Under field, select the required budget from the List of Budgets . By default, Primary is selected from the List of Budgets . Sub-budgets can be created under primary budgets.
4. Enter the period of the budget in the From and To fields.
5. In Set/Alter Budgets of , enter Y in the Groups field.
6. In the Group Budget screen that appears, press Space bar to open List of Groups .
7. Select the required group.
8. Select the required Type of Budget .
9. Enter the budget amount in the Amount field.
10. Press Enter to save.
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