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Statistics of Vouchers (Kenya)

This section displays all transactions for a specific period, categorised as included, excluded and uncertain transactions.

      Total Number of Transactions: The total count of transactions recorded in the reporting period are displayed in this row. Drill-down from the row to view the Statistics report with voucher type-wise break-up of transactions along with corresponding voucher count. The voucher count for each voucher type is further categorised into included, excluded and uncertain transactions.

      Included Transactions: Displays the count of all vouchers that have the requisite information in their corresponding masters and transactions to comply with the requirements for filing the returns. These vouchers will be a part of VAT form and annexures as applicable. The total count is categorised as Annexure Ready, Annexure Errors and Non Annexure Vouchers with corresponding voucher count for each category.

o      Annexure Ready: Displays the count of purchase and sales transactions which do not have any errors and comply with the requirements of VAT annexures.

o      Annexure Errors: Displays the count of purchase and sales transactions which have errors and do not comply with requirements of VAT annexures.

The Annexure Ready and Annexure Errors rows can be drilled down (Alt+Enter) to the voucher level to display information of each transaction. For vouchers with errors, a drill-down will display the Annexure Error(s) screen where the errors can be rectified.

o      Non Annexure Vouchers: Displays the count of transactions which are included for filing the returns but are not a part of annexures. This row can be drilled down to the voucher level to display complete information of each transaction and edit any information, if necessary.

      Excluded Transactions: Displays the count of all vouchers which are not a part of returns. As VAT details are not provided in these transactions, there will be no implications on forms and annexures.

      Uncertain Transactions: Displays the count of all vouchers with insufficient information. These vouchers contain VAT related information and are not included in the count of Included Transactions and Excluded Transactions.

A few examples of insufficient information are:

o      Country and dealer type not defined for a party ledger.

o      Tax details not defined for a stock item.

o      Duty type not defined for a VAT ledger.

o      Mismatch in the country selected in party masters and transactions.

o      Mismatch in tax amounts.

The VAT Form-3 report appears as shown below:

Total Number of Transactions

The Statistics report displays the count of each voucher type used for recording transactions under Total, Included, Excluded, and Uncertain columns.

To display the Statistics report and drill down till the voucher level

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > VAT Form-3.

2.     Select Total Number of Transactions.

3.     Press Enter to view all transactions for the period.

4.     Select any voucher type and press Enter to view the Voucher Monthly Register.

5.     Select any month and press Enter to view the Voucher Register. The Voucher Register screen appears as shown below:

6.     Select the required voucher.

7.     Press Enter to edit the voucher.