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Payment Details (Goa)

This section contains statistics of all VAT and CST payment vouchers of the current period. Payments made to party, petty expenses, or any statutory payments other than that of VAT or CST are not displayed here.

The payment details are of the following two categories:

1.     Tax Payments (Included): All payment vouchers recorded for VAT, CST and other dues like interest and penalty (using the Stat Payment feature) related to the current return period are displayed, irrespective of the payment voucher date. Details of these payments are displayed in Form III report.

2.     Tax Payments (Not Included/Uncertain): Displays tax payment vouchers with insufficient information. The count of payment vouchers captured here will appear in the Excluded Transactions row.

On generating Form III report for the entire period, considering the dates on which payments are made, the section on VAT Paid and CST Paid appears in the report.

To view the payment vouchers

      Select Tax Payment (Included) or Tax Payment (Not Included/Uncertain) in Payment Details section of the Form III report.

      Press Enter. The Voucher Register screen appears with list of transactions.

Drill-down report of VAT Paid row to view the Voucher Register.

Note: The payment details can be provided by clicking V: Alter details from the Voucher Register or from the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Drill-down report of CST Paid row to view the Voucher Register.

Note: The payment details can be provided by clicking V: Alter details from the Voucher Register or from the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Drill-down report of Other Payments - VAT displays the Type of Payment (only the first payment type as Interest, Fee, Miscellaneous or Others) selected while recording the VAT payment voucher.

Similarly, the drill-down report of Other Payments - CST displays the Type of Payment (only the first payment type as Interest, Fee, Miscellaneous or Others) selected while recording the CST payment voucher.

Summary of Exceptions - Tax Payment

Summary of Exceptions screen displays the count of payment vouchers which are not considered in the VAT return due to insufficient information.

To view the Summary of Exceptions screen for tax payments

1.     Select Tax Payments (Not Included/Uncertain) in Payment Details section of Form III.

2.     Press Enter.

Master Related Exceptions

Duty Ledger

Unable to determine the duty type of ledgers: Displays payment vouchers in which the Type of duty/tax of tax ledger is set to Others.

Transaction Related Exceptions

Tax Details

Unable to determine the payment period/type of tax payment: Displays the count of payment vouchers recorded without using Stat Payment feature.

Conflict in Tax Type of Ledger against Payment: Displays the count of payment vouchers in which ledgers predefined with other tax types like CENVAT and service tax are used.