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Audit Listing for Masters

You can do an audit for the masters created and maintained for your company.

To display the Tally audit statistics for Masters, execute the following steps:

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Tally Audit > Masters.

The Tally Audit Statistics screen showing the Audit Statistics for Masters is displayed as shown

Note: Currently, only Ledger Masters are available under the head Accounting Masters

Button Bar options Available in Master Wise Audit Statistics

1.     F6: Today's Changes: It gives the list of voucher alteration that are made Today

2.     V: Vch Type Wise: This enables you to switch to Voucher Type wise Audit Statistics

3.     U: User Wise: This enables you to switch to User Wise Audit Statistics

Tally Audit Listing

1.     When drill down from the Master Wise report Name column, it will display the Tally Audit Listing for the List of Entered/Altered Ledgers as shown

2.     When drill down from the Master Wise report Entered column then List of Entered Ledgers will be displayed as shown

3.     When drill down from the Master Wise report Altered column, the List of Altered Ledgers will be displayed as shown

4.     Changes made to the Ledger Name or their Opening Balances or newly created Ledgers since the last audit are displayed in the List of New / Entered Ledgers. In case the Ledger names are interchanged, the auditor can identify this by comparing the ledger Id assigned to each ledger and comparing them to an earlier hard copy of the audit listings.


1. After selecting multiple vouchers for auditing the Button F7: Accept One toggles to F7: Accept Selected

2. To avoid interchanging or altering of Ledger Names and Opening Balance it is advised that the administrator/auditor take a printout of the Tally audit listing displaying the ledger Id, ledger Name and Opening Balance immediately after creating the ledger masters and posting their opening balance