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What's New in Release 5.4.9

In this release, we have enhanced the VAT experience for the states of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, new annexure templates for Tamil Nadu, enhancement of the TDS Nature of Payments report, and the concept of Rule Set as a part of TDL.


TDL Enhancements

Other Product Improvements


Tamil Nadu: New Annexure Templates

      Commercial Taxes Department, Tamil Nadu has introduced new versions of Annexure 8 and Annexure 9 (V1.1.xls).  Using Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.4.9, you can export interstate purchases and purchase returns to the new templates.

Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh: Enhanced VAT Experience

      If you have been using the VAT module in Tally. ERP 9 5.x series to file returns, for the states of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, you will be delighted with the speed with which you can now resolve exceptions. You can group exceptions item-wise or ledger-wise, and resolve multiple exceptions together.

TDL Enhancements

With 5.4.9, we have introduced a new concept called Rule Set. Certain definitions and data types have been introduced to support this concept.

New Definitions

      Rule Set - A capability that allows you to define a set of rules that can be single or multi-dimensional. You can evaluate the conditions against each rule efficiently, both from a memory and a performance perspective.

      Name Set - A capability that helps you to define Name-Value pairs. This helps segregate strings and ensure that strings are separated from the source code expressions. You can define static string data conveniently, and access strings with ease.

New Data Types

      Flag Set - A data type you can use to store a set of logical values and perform operations using appropriate functions.

      Num Set - A data type you can use to store a group of numbers and perform operations using appropriate functions.

Other Product Improvements

Accounting Reports


Cheque Register

Company Creation


Inventory Vouchers

Inventory Reports

Order Vouchers




Security Control

Remote Access






Accounting Reports

      Page numbers did not appear when Schedule VI financial statements were exported or printed, even if the option Print Page Numbers in Report? was enabled in Control on Report Titles screen.


      The details in the Bank Allocations screen are now displayed in Detailed mode by default, for easy and convenient recording of bank details during voucher creation.

      The List of Banks was not appearing in the Bank Allocations screen of a receipt voucher when internet connection was not available. This issue is resolved.

Cheque Register

      In Cheque Register, all reconciled transactions were not appearing in Reconciled column but were appearing in Out of Period, Available, UnreconciledBlank and Cancelled columns. This issue is resolved.

Company Creation

      When the fields Number of decimal places and No.of decimal places for amounts in words were set to zero in the Company Creation screen, the same was not being retained. This issue is resolved.


      When reminder letters or vouchers are e-mailed in HTML format with logo, the logo is embedded in the e-mail instead of a separate attachment.

Inventory Vouchers

      A warning on negative stock item did not appear, when the consumption value in a Manufacturing Journal was more than the closing balance of the stock item. This issue is resolved.

Inventory Reports

      Incorrect Closing Quantity and Value were displayed in the Godown Summary report for any godown having sub godowns if,

o      Godowns was selected in the Repeat Using field and Show Total Column? was enabled in Auto Repeat Columns screen or Show Total Column? was enabled in F12:Configure.

This issue is resolved.

Order Vouchers

      Sales Order Outstandings for All Orders was incorrect when,

o      Sales invoice was recorded against a sales order and the sales invoice was exported to XML. Later the invoice was deleted.

o      The exported XML file is imported.

o      On viewing Sales Order Outstandings report two sales order with a difference of 2 days between each sales order was displayed.

This issue is resolved.

      When Accounts Entries Only was selected in the configuration option Select Vouchers to show of day book, order vouchers were also displayed in the Day Book. This issue is resolved.

Now, an option Exclude order vouchers? is provided to exclude order vouchers from displaying in the Day Book. By enabling this options order vouchers will be excluded from appearing in the day book.


      The message Error in TDL. 'Line.VCH Ref' No 'FIELDS' or 'LINES'! was displayed while exporting a payroll voucher to excel. This issue is resolved.

Payroll - International

      The NI number field (for countries other than India) of the Employee Creation screen was restricted to 10 digits. This issue is resolved.

Now, the NI number does not have a restriction on the number of digits.


      In Purchase Order, Purchase and Receipt Note vouchers, the first letter of the company’s e-mail ID and the first letter of the domain name in the mail id was being printed in capital letters. This issue is resolved.


      In a multi payment mode POS transaction, when a receipt voucher was recorded to account for the gift vouchers received, the Agnst Ref option was not appearing in the Bill-wise Details screen. This issue is resolved.

Security Control

      No Access Allowed message was appearing while accepting a voucher type, when

o      The option Print voucher after saving? was enabled in that voucher type and

o      the security level for a data entry user was defined by enabling the option Set/Alter rules for print before save?, and the same voucher type was selected in the field Disallow the following Voucher Types.

This issue is resolved.

Remote Access

      When a user remotely logged in to Tally.ERP 9 in educational mode, the message Tally.ERP 9 is running on education mode. Use a valid license to complete this action. was displayed. This issue is resolved.


      The service tax amount was not being included in the assessable value used for calculating VAT even when the option Include in assessable value calculation for was set to VAT in the service tax ledger. This issue is resolved.

      The report Tax Rate Setup is provided to list the masters created before migrating to release 5.x and to enable configuring of tax rates for these masters.

      The excess input credit carried forward was appearing incorrectly in the print preview of the VAT form report, when VAT payment was recorded for the previous period in which VAT was refundable. This issue is resolved.

      An option Show break-up of nett values? is provided in VAT form reports to view the break-up of the nett value. You can enable this option to view the gross returns and adjustment transactions.

      The following issues were observed while recording purchase transactions for items which attract both excise and VAT in a dealer excise company:

o      Excise value was not considered for calculating VAT when the option Appropriate tax values in purchase invoice? was enabled in an excise duty ledger and the option Method to allocate when used in Purchase Invoice? is set as Appropriate by Value in Duties & Taxes group master.

o      Excise duty value was not included in the assessable value displayed in purchase voucher report when the option Appropriate tax values in purchase invoice? was disabled in excise duty ledger.

This issue is resolved.

      The assessable value displayed in the Form Receivable report for CST was incorrect when an order voucher linked to a taxable transaction was containing more than 1 tracking number. This issue is resolved.

      VAT was incorrectly calculated in a voucher, when multiple service ledgers were selected but VAT was applicable and configured for only one service. This was occurring because Krishi kalyan cess value from the service not configured for VAT was also included for calculating VAT. This issue is resolved.

Tamil Nadu

      The value appearing in the Year column was aligned incorrectly in the printout of Tamil Nadu VAT Form I. This issue is resolved.

      An error was displayed when Tamil Nadu VAT Form I was exported to PDF. This issue is resolved.

      The transactions recorded by selecting an unregistered dealer and Sales Exempt as Nature of transaction were appearing under non annexure vouchers in VAT Form I report. This issue is resolved.

      The e-VAT template file name, version number and xml changes to Tamil Nadu VAT annexures are supported.

      A new nature of transaction Interstate Purchase Exempt is provided and transactions recorded with this nature of transaction will be captured in annexure-8.

      The following issues were observed on drill down from Annexure 8 in e-VAT Annexures screen:

o      On drill down from the Vouchers without exceptions column, the Annexure–8 report screen was appearing blank, and

o      On drill down from the e-VAT Annexures column, the Annexure-8 report screen displayed the list of vouchers, but the Voucher Display screen was appearing blank on further drill down.

This issue is resolved.

Uttar Pradesh

      A provision is made to capture Tax paid turnover of goods in Part D of VAT Form 24.

      The latest format of Form C Requisition statement is supported.

      VAT Form 24 and Annexure B reports have been optimized to improve the time taken to generate and export the reports.

      The value of VAT tax ledger configured for normal round-off was appearing as calculated without the round-off in Form 24 and annexures. However, the Tax Analysis screen in the voucher was displaying different As per Calculation and As per Transaction tax values after applying round-off. This issue is resolved.

      Tally.ERP 9 stopped responding and out of memory error was displayed while exporting VAT Form 24. This issue is resolved.

      Two new nature of transactions Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C and Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C have been provided to support interstate sale and interstate purchase against Form C at 0% tax.

      The word Dealer was incorrectly spelt in Dealer’s TIN column in UP VAT Annexure reports. This issue is resolved.

      The Form 38 No. recorded in Statutory Details screen of an Interstate Purchase Against Form C transaction was being captured in the field Export Order No. of the Party Details screen, after saving the voucher. This issue is resolved.

      The value of the additional ledger selected in a stat payment transaction with Type of Payment selected as Demand, Interest, Fee, Others, Penalty, or TDS was not appearing in:

o      The field Box no. 16. Detail of tax deposited of the printed copy of Form 24, and

o      The field VAT_Bank_Detail in the e-returns format of Form 24.

This issue is resolved.

      The assessable value displayed was incorrect in vii. Sale in course of export out of India row of 9. Details of Sale section in the printed format of Form 24. The gross assessable value of export sales was being displayed instead of net value. This issue is resolved.

      The options Demand, Fee, Interest, Others, and Penalty were not available for selection in the field Additional Details when Increase of Tax Liability was selected as Nature of adjustment in a journal voucher. This issue is resolved.

      Supplier’s e-mail address was appearing in the Despatch To column of purchase order printout, when the option Print complete mailing details? was enabled while printing. This issue is resolved.

      A new user experience has been provided for the state of Uttar Pradesh to generate VAT returns that ensure accurate reflection of your books of accounts.


      You can now print Rajasthan VAT Form 47A and Form 49A.

      Two new nature of transactions Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C and Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C have been provided to support interstate sale and interstate purchase against Form C at 0% tax.

      Bilty Dt. older than voucher date was not accepted in an interstate purchase transaction. This issue is resolved.

      The error Function: ‘TNPrintReport’ LABEL: 001: Action execution failed! was appearing in calculator panel when the button Print Annexure was clicked in Annexure 47A and Annexure 49A reports. This issue is resolved.

      A new user experience has been provided for the state of Rajasthan to generate VAT returns that ensure accurate reflection of your books of accounts.

      Tally.ERP 9 stopped responding while exporting quarterly VAT Form 10. This issue is resolved.


      The total value displayed was incorrect against VAT rate 4% in Part B of Haryana VAT Annexure LS9. The value from sales transactions recorded without selecting VAT duty ledger was also included in the total. This issue is resolved.


      The List of Nature of Payment was not appearing in Stat Payment Details screen while recording a TDS payment transaction using S: Stat Payment. This was occurring when two expense ledgers were created by selecting same Section, but different Nature of Payment and Payment code. This issue is resolved.

      A provision is made to display Section Code and Payment Code in TDS Nature of Payment Outstandings report. This will help you to select the appropriate section code while recording stat payments for the outstanding TDS amount.

      The financial year and assessment year were captured incorrectly in the text file of Form 26Q generated for the last quarter of a financial year. This issue is resolved.


      The party address was being printed instead of company address when a sales invoice, in data migrated from 4.93, was printed from display mode. This issue is resolved.


      A new definition - Rule Set is introduced to define a set of rules. The attributes of Rule Set definition include Break on, Walk on, Rule Set, Rule, Name Set, Name Map, and Aggr Rule.

      A new function EvaluateRuleSet is introduced to evaluate the Rule Set, and return a Flag Set data type.

      A new definition Name Set is introduced to segregate strings, and keep away source code expressions. The attribute of Name Set is List Name/List.

      The new function NameGetValue is introduced to get the strings associated with the given Name Set definition.

      A new data type Flag Set is introduced to store and operate a set of flags. The following new functions are introduced in Flag Set:

Function Name



Returns the value of a flag inside Flag Set data type.


Takes two Flag Sets as input and performs the OR operation on it.


Takes two Flag Sets as input and it performs AND operation.


Returns true if all child rules under given rule are True (AND operator).


Returns True if all flags are True from a given level. It returns a logical value.


Returns True, if any child rule of a given flag is True (OR operator).


Returns True if any flags are True from a given level.


Returns the number of flags based on parameters. It returns a number type value.


Returns the number of flags at the same level across parent based on the parameters.


Returns a string description for the given flag identifier.


Returns the list of string descriptions separated by the given character for the set of specified rules/flags.


Returns a list of unique string descriptions for the set of rules/flags as specified from a given level across parents that match the flag value passed.


Converts a Num Set to a Flag Set.

      A new data type Num Set is introduced to store and operate a set of numbers. The new functions in Num Set are NumGetValue and AsNumSet.

      The attribute MAX at field definition, is enhanced to control the field length to a specific number of characters based on certain conditions.

      The system event Load Company was not working when:

o      The company was loaded from a remote environment.

o      The application was loaded with TDL as one of its command line parameters.

This issue is resolved.