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Ledger Outstandings Report

This report displays the outstanding receivables or payables for a particular party ledger during a specified period.

To view the Ledger Outstandings Report

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstandings > Ledger

2.     Select a ledger from the list. The Ledger Outstandings report appears as shown below:

You can print or export Reminder Letters from the Ledger Outstanding report by enabling the option Print Reminder Letter in the Print Report or Export Report accordingly.

Button options in Ledger Outstandings report

      C: Contact: Click C: Contact or press Alt+C to view the ledger contact details.

      B: Bill Settlement:The Bill Settlement option helps to settle the selected or all bills from the Ledger Outstandings report.

To settle the required bills

1.     Select the bills to be settled by pressing Spacebar.

2.     Click B: Bill Settlement button or press Alt+B key.

3.     In the Bill Settlement screen

o      In the field Voucher Type, by default Receipt or Payment, based on the final outstanding amount of the selected bills, will be pre-filled.

Note: The Payment/Receipt Voucher Types (other than the default voucher types) created by the user along with the Voucher Class will also be available for selection if any, from the Bill Settlement screen.

o      In the field Voucher Date , enter the date of Receipt/Payment voucher

o      In the field Account , select the required Bank or Cash ledger from the List of Ledgers

o      Specify the required remarks in the Narrations field

o      Press Enter to Accept the Bill Settlement sub screen and pre-fill the Receipt/Payment Voucher as shown:

4.     Press Enter to save the Voucher.

Note: Cost Centre Allocation can also be made while creating the Payment/Receipt Vouchers.

Once the Bills are settled, the Ledger Outstandings report will be updated accordingly.

For information on other button options in this report, click here.