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C Form Requisition (Uttar Pradesh)

The transactions relating to interstate purchases against form C are captured in the C Form Requisition statement. These details are filed with the periodic returns to get C Form numbers.

Transactions with the following details are captured in this annexure:

      The nature of transaction selected are:

o      Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

o      Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

      The TIN of the party selected in the transaction does not start with 09.

To view C Form Requisition

      Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form CST I > Annexures.

      Select C Form Requisition and press Enter.

To export the C Form Requisition

1.     Select C Form Requisition, and press Enter.

2.     Click E: Export. Ensure that excel template is available in the Export Location.

3.     Press Enter to export.

Description of the C Form Requisition statement is tabulated below:



Dealer's TIN

Displays the TIN of the dealer filing the returns recorded in the Company VAT Details screen of F11: Features > Statutory & Taxation features.

Assessment Year

Displays the financial year for which returns are being filed, based on the Financial year begins from date recorded in  the Company Creation or Company Alteration screen.

Tax Period

Displays the intervals for which returns are filed by the dealer, as per the option selected in field Periodicity of Return in the Company VAT Details screen of F11: Features > Statutory & Taxation features. Displays 1 for yearly, 2 for monthly and 3 or quarterly.


Displays the month for which returns are being filed, as per the period for which the return form is generated, when tax period is 2-monthly. The numbers 1 to 12 are displayed for the months January to December.


Displays the quarter for which returns are being filed, as per the period for which return form is generated, when tax period is 3-quarterly. The numbers 1 to 4 are displayed for the quarters Apr-Jun to Jan-Mar.

Seller TIN

Displays the TIN of the interstate seller from whom goods are purchased against Form C, as recorded in the VAT TIN No. field of VAT Details screen in party master, or in the TIN/Sales Tax No. field of the Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

Seller Name

Displays the name of the interstate seller, as recorded in the field Name of the party ledger master.

Seller Address

Displays the address of the interstate seller, as recorded in the party ledger master or Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

Seller State

Displays the state of the interstate seller, as selected in the State field of the party ledger master or State field of the Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

Form-38 Number

Displays the way bill number of Form 38, as recorded in the field Form 38 No. of the Statutory Details screen of the purchase transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the supplier invoice number, as recorded in the field Supplier invoice no. of the purchase invoice.

Invoice Date

Displays the supplier invoice date, as recorded in the field Date next to Supplier invoice no. in the purchase invoice.

Purchase Order Number

Displays the number of the purchase order raised for ordering the items from an interstate dealer, as recorded in the field Order No(s) in Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

Purchase Order Date

Displays the date of the purchase order raised for ordering the items from an interstate dealer, as recorded in the field dt. next to Order No(s) in Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

Commodity Code

Displays the commodity code of the item purchased from an interstate dealer, as recorded in the field Commodity code in VAT Details screen of the ledger or item master.

Specific Commodity Name

Displays the commodity name of the item purchased from an interstate dealer, as recorded in the field Commodity name in VAT Details screen of the ledger or item master.

Commodity Quantity

Displays the quantity of each commodity purchased from an interstate dealer in the particular invoice. In case multiple commodities are recorded in the voucher, each commodity is captured in a different row, and multiple items with same commodity details and unit are combined and captured in the same row. Further, items with same the commodity details but different unit are captured in separate rows.


Displays the unit of measurement of the commodity.

Taxable Amount

Displays the assessable value of the respective commodity in the interstate purchase invoice.


Displays the CST amount of the respective commodity in the interstate purchase transaction.

Total Invoice Value

Displays the sum of the assessable value and CST amount of the respective commodity in the interstate purchase invoice.

Purpose (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8)

1. Resale 2. Manufacturing/Processing 3. Mining 4. Generation of Power 5. Packing of Goods 6. Stock Transfer 7. Any Other Purchase 8. Other than Purchases (Job Work, Sale Consumption, etc.)

Displays the purpose of purchase in numeric value, as selected in the field Purpose of purchase in the Statutory Details screen of the purchase invoice. The numeric values are 1 for Resale, 2 for Manufacturing/Processing, 3 for Mining, 4 for Generation of Power, 5 for Packing of Goods, 6 for Stock Transfer, 7 for Any Other Purchase, 8 for Other than Purchases (Job Work, Sale Consumption, etc.).