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Pre-closing Orders using the Pre-close Order Button

After a sales order is raised, when the order can't be fulfilled, the cancellation can be either whole or partial. In Tally.ERP 9, you can pre-close sales orders completely or partially as required, by the click of a button.  

Let us consider the scenario to understand how to pre-close orders completely.

On 21-12-2015, ABC Company received an order for 20 numbers of 40-inch LCD TV. The total order was cancelled on 22-12-2015.

Note:  Ensure that the options Enable Purchase Order Processing and Enable Sales Order Processing are enabled in F11(Features):F2: Inventory features

The sales order voucher appears as shown below:

The order was cancelled on 22-12-2015. We can close the order in the alteration mode of the transaction.

To pre-close the order

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Order Vouchers >press Page Up to open the transaction in alteration mode.

2.     Press Ctrl+C to open Pre-close Order screen.

3.     Enter the Reason for pre-closing the order and date the order was Closed on. The Pre-Close Order Completely? sub-screen appears as shown below:

4.     Press Enter to save.

5.     Enter Narration, if required.

6.     Press Enter to save.

The order has been completely closed.