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Stock Item Movement Analysis

Stock item movement analysis report provides supplier wise, buyer wise and consumption wise details of stock item movement. Purchase cost comparison for the item across suppliers and sale value comparison across buyers can be viewed here.

To view Item Movement Analysis report

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Movement Analysis > Stock Item Analysis.

2.     Select the item from the List of Stock Items. The Item Movement Analysis screen appears as shown below:

To view transaction level details of the item

      Select the supplier, buyer or stock journal name and press Enter. The transaction level details of the item appears as shown below:

The default screen displays the additional costs (if any) in a single column.

To view the bifurcation of additional cost

1.     Press F12: Configure.

2.     Set Show full Addl. Cost Details to Yes. The Configuration screen appears as shown below:

3.     Press Ctrl+A to accept and return to the Item Voucher Analysis screen. The Item Voucher Analysis screen appears as shown below:

This report displays every purchase made during the specified period with the break-down of basic value, and additional cost. The report can also be viewed in the alternate units and tail units of compound units.

See Also

Configuring Stock Item Movement Analysis Report

Configuring the Item Voucher Analysis Report