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Form ER3 Computation (Excise for Manufacturer)

The computation section in Form ERE report gives the breakup of duty payable, and cenvat credit available for given period.

Duty Payable

The assessable value and duty value of transactions recorded by selecting the following nature of Removal appears here.

      Home Clearance with nature of removal as Captive Consumption, Domestic, Special Rate and Exempt




      SEZ /Bond


Press Enter on any Nature of Removal to view the details of all transactions captured in the Duty Payable section of Form ER 3 report.

To view the item-wise report with duty breakup, click F7: Duty Break-up button. Provision to view this report based on tariff-wise duty breakup is provided through toggle button F4: Stock Item (Tariff). Using the toggle button, the report can be displayed stock item-wise or tariff-wise for the excise unit selected in Form ER 3 report. The description of the Duty Payable report is given below:

      CETSH No.: The Central Excise Tariff Heading (CETSH) number is of 8 digits defined in the tariff master linked to the stock item selected while recording transactions of clearances is displayed here.

      Description of Goods: The name of tariff master linked to the stock item selected while recording transactions of clearances is displayed here. On viewing the item-wise report, the name of stock item appears here.

      UOM: The reporting UOM defined for the stock item selected while recording transactions of clearances is displayed here.

      Opening Balance: The opening stock balance defined for the stock item selected while recording transactions of clearances is displayed here.

      Qty. Mfgd: The quantity of stock items manufactured is displayed here.

Note: Although the manufactured quantity is displayed here, the transaction of excise manufacturing journal will not be displayed.

      Qty. Cleared: The quantity cleared/ removed from the excise unit by raising an excise sales invoice is displayed here.

      Closing Balance: The quantity of stock items remaining in the excise unit as closing stock is displayed here.

Closing balance = Opening Balance – Quantity Cleared

      Nature of Removal: The nature of removal selected while recording transaction of excise clearance is displayed here.

      Notification Number: The notification number provided for transactions recorded by selecting the following nature of removal is displayed here:

o      Special Rate, Domestic, Captive Consumption and Exempt categorised as Home Clearance

o      Export or Export/LUT

o      Export - Duty Chargeable categorised as Export/Rebate

o      SEZ/Bond

o      SEZ/LUT

o      SEZ/Rebate

      Notification Sl. No.: The serial number provided for the notification number in the transaction is displayed here.

      Assessable Value: The assessable value provided for the stock item in the transaction recorded for clearance is displayed here.

      Duty Amount: The breakup of basic excise duty, education cess and secondary and higher education cess and the total amount of duty is displayed here.

Press Enter on any transaction displayed in Duty Payable report with or without Duty Breakup to view the transactions listed in the chosen clearance category.

CENVAT Credit Availed

This displays the total of CENVAT availed under the following duty heads on recording excise purchase, purchase supplementary invoice, excise sales returns, excise debit note and journal vouchers using CENVAT availment flags:






      Education Cess

      Secondary Education Cess

      Service Tax

      Education Cess on Service Tax

      Secondary Education Cess on Service Tax

In this report, the following categories of CENVAT availment is displayed with the corresponding duty value:

Opening Balance: The opening balance shown here is either the,

      Balance CENVAT Credit of the previous return period


      Opening balance entered in masters or recorded as opening balance transaction in a newly created data.

Credit on Inputs: This displays the total CENVAT credit availed:

      Using excise flags in excise debit note and journal

      In excise purchase transaction.

The CENVAT amount availed for each duty type will be displayed in separate rows for the following Nature of Purchases:


      First Stage Dealer/ Second Stage Dealer


Credit on Capital Goods: This displays the total CENVAT credit availed,

      Using excise flags in excise debit note and journal

      In excise purchase transaction.

      The CENVAT amount availed for each duty type will be displayed in separate rows for the following Nature of Purchases:

o      Manufacturer/First Stage Dealer/ Second Stage Dealer

o      Importer

Credit on Tax on Services: This displays the total of credit availed by recording adjustment entries with the flag Credit on Tax on Services.

CENVAT Credit Utilized

This displays the sum total of CENVAT credit utilized is displayed here with breakup for the following:

Payment of Duty on Goods:

Other Adjustments: Duty values of journal voucher vouchers recorded for CENVAT adjustments made towards Other Payments are displayed here.

The following details are displayed in this report:

Payment of Duty on Goods: The details displayed are:

      Duty values of CENVAT adjustments and clearances recorded with the Removal as Such as the Nature of Removal

o      Principal inputs which are removed as purchase returns or sales

o      Finished goods received as sales returns are removed without making changes to the goods from the excise unit

      Duty value of journal voucher recorded using the flag CENVAT Adjustment is displayed here.

Rule 6 Payments: The values of journal vouchers recorded using the flag Adjustment under Rules 6 for reversing the CENVAT credit availed on principal inputs which were used in manufacturing the exempted goods are displayed here.

Tax on Services: This displays the entry recorded to transfer the credit from Excise Books to Service Tax books.

Other Payments: The values of journal vouchers recorded using the flag Adjustment towards Other Payments are displayed here.