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Verification Status (International)

While verifying the transactions/masters, the user has an option to mark them with any one of the following Verification Status:

      On Hold

      External Clarification

      Internal Observation


To mark any transaction/master with any of the verification status,

      Drill down from the Data Analysis dashboard or the Verification dashboard to the last level and press Enter.

The Verification Details screen appears as shown:

      On Hold: This option should be selected if the user is not able to arrive at a conclusion currently. Later he can view the transactions and verify them again.

      External Clarification: This option should be selected to request for further clarifications from the Client incase the information available in the Voucher or entries is not clear or incomplete. The clarification can be requested from any specific user, created under Security Control.  

     To mark Vouchers for clarification from a specific user

      In the Verification Details screen, select External Clarification as the Verification Status.

      Fill in the Verification Note and press Enter.

      Clarification From: A List of names is displayed where, the user can select the person from whom he would like to receive clarification.

      Priority: The user can choose the priority of this voucher. The options available are High, Medium and Low. Those which are marked against high priority will be taken up on priority by the external clarifier.

      Internal Observation: This option should be selected when the user is not sure of the Verification Status and needs clarification from the Analysis team.

      Internal Observation Clarified: The option should be selected when the user from the analysis has verified the voucher that was assigned for internal observation.

      Verified: This option needs to be selected when the voucher is checked and approved.