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Annexure - LP8B of Form VAT R1 (Haryana)

Annexure - LP8B captures invoice wise and dealer wise details of escalation in the price of goods purchased (including capital goods).

To view and export Annexure LP-8 Table B

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > select Form VAT R1.

2.     Select Annexure Ready and press Enter.

3.     Select Annexure - LP8B and press Enter. The Annexure - LP8B appears.

4.     Click E: Export.

5.     Press Enter to export data.

The exported data appears in the TEMPLATE-VAT-RETURN-R1-LP8B-LIST_OF_ESCALATION_IN_THE_PRICE.xls file.

Note: The Excel file should be imported into the return filing utility provided by the government.

The value of LP8B is captured in

o      Form VAT R1 - 3B (b)(i) Increase/Decrease in Purchases turnover as effect of return of goods & (de-)/ escalation as per LP-8.

o      Form VAT R1 - 3B (b)(ii) Increase/Decrease in Tax Paid as effect of return of goods & (de-)/ escalation as per LP-8.

The description of the information displayed in each field of the Excel sheet is given below:

Field Name


Serial No.

Displays the serial number of the rows in the annexure.

Nature of Purchase*

Displays the nature of purchase as per the Nature of Transaction selected.

Name of the seller *

Displays the name of the seller from whom the goods were purchased.

TIN/Registration Application No.*

Displays the TIN or application number of the seller.

Supplementary Invoice No.*

Displays the credit note number.

Supplementary Invoice Date *

Displays the credit note date.

Supplementary Invoice Value *

Displays the total value of the credit note.

Original Sale Invoice No. *

Displays the seller’s invoice number (as entered in the Statutory Details screen while recording credit note).

Original Sale Invoice Date *

Displays the seller’s invoice date (as entered in the Statutory Details screen while recording credit note).

Total Value of the Original Invoice (Amount) *

Displays the seller’s invoice value (as entered in the Statutory Details screen while recording credit note).

Rate of Tax*

Displays the tax rate prevailing for the commodity in the State of Haryana. The tax rate is listed as per the list provided by the department.

Escalation in Turnover*

Displays the escalated value of goods with Nature of Transaction selected as:

      Purchase Deemed Export

      Interstate Purchase Deemed Export

      Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

      Interstate Purchase - E2

      Interstate Purchase - E1

      Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

      Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated

      Interstate Purchase Exempt

      Interstate Purchase - Taxable

      Purchase High Seas


Escalation in Tax Paid on Purchases (including surcharge)*

Displays the tax value.

Whether goods classified as capital goods

This field is enabled when Purchase taxable - Capital goods is selected as the Nature of Transaction in VAT Details screen while recording ledger master.