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Other Analysis (India)

Other Analysis provides the following tools to analyse Client's data and books of account to identify the exceptional areas and ease the verification process:

      Inter Bank Transactions - This report will display all the transactions carried out between the Banks during the audit period

      Cash Withdrawals/ Deposits to Bank - Drill down to this report will display the bank ledgers from which the cash is withdrawn or deposits are made. This report also displays the Total Amount of transaction and the Number of vouchers through which the withdrawal or deposits are made during the selected year.

      Fixed Assets Analysis - This report provides the details of all the Fixed Assets possessed by the selected Company at the end of the Audit Year.

      Transaction on Holiday - Drill down to this report displays all the transactions recorded on Weekly Off or Declared Holidays in the Audit Year.

      Highest and Lowest Value Transactions - This report provides ledger wise Highest and Lowest value transactions carried out during the selected period along with Difference Range and Difference Range Percentage details.

      Pending Advances - Drill down to this report will display the ledgers for which the advances made (Loan given) are pending during the Audit Year.

      Stale Cheque /Instruments - Drill down to this report will display the Bank Ledgers with stale cheque/ Instruments. This report also displays the Total amount and count of stale cheques/ Instruments

      External Confirmation (Third Party Confirmation) - Drill down to this report to view Ledgers in the client's books and mark them for confirmation from the parties concerned. Confirmed balance can be recorded for the corresponding Ledgers here, and statements of accounts received from the third parties can be reconciled with the corresponding ledgers in the client's books.

      Account Reconciliation - This tool helps in reconciling with the user's/client's books of  accounts, the accounts of third parties/sister concerns/branch offices.