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This topic lists the product-related improvements enhancements in Release 5.4, in-line with the statutory implementations for Gujarat.

      You can generate and export Annual Return Form 205 and annexure 205A details to the template provided by the department for e-filing.

      The performance of Gujarat VAT forms 201, 201A, 201B are optimized.

      VAT computation report for Form 201 is enhanced to display ITC reversal reports.

      For the state of Gujarat, ITC reversal rate can be altered.

      Opening and closing stock is considered for ITC reversal.

      In interstate purchase and sales transactions, you can record CST tax rate at 0% against Form C. Two options are added to Nature of Transaction, namely Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C and Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C.

      In VAT reports, incorrect purchase tax value was displayed when journal entry was made with Tax on URD Purchase set as the Nature of adjustment. This issue is resolved.

      In Annexure 201A, during export the details of unregistered and cash transactions were getting captured even when the option Include retail invoices also? was set to No. This issue is resolved.

      While printing Form 402, incorrect values where displayed in the following fields:

o      Check post

o      Place from which goods are dispatched

o      District

o      Place to which goods are dispatched

This issue is resolved.

      In CST Form 3B, incorrect value was displayed in column 08. Less: (I) Adjustment of tax on sale as per Annexure (+/-). This issue is resolved.

      While uploading CST Form 3B for the state of Gujarat an error message Invalid state name was displayed. This was occurring while uploading interstate purchase (Purchase _details500.xls) and interstate sale details (Sale_details500.xls) annexures (supporting CST Form 3B) for the state of Maharashtra. This issue is resolved.

      In a purchase transaction, if an item was selected twice, the additional tax amount in EVAT Form 201 PART III was recording only the first item. This issue was also observed in EVAT Form 205. This issue is resolved.

      In ledger masters, Additional Tax option was not displayed in Type of duty/tax field. This issue is resolved.

      Opening VAT Form 201 took longer than usual, and in comparison with Tally.ERP 9 release 4.93. This is optimised.

      Sales Details and Purchase Details annexures of CST Form 3B was displaying TIN of the party instead of CST number. This issue is resolved.

See also



Inventory Reports



Service Tax



Release 5.4