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Sales Register (Sales Day Book)

Tally.ERP 9 provides a comprehensive day book for sales information in the Sales Register.

To view Sales Register

      Go to Gateway  of Tally > Display >Account  books > Sales Register. The Sales Register  screen is displayed  as shown below:

By default, all registers display Monthly  Summary  with transactions  and closing balances.

Drill  down  into  each  month  to view  the  sales  voucher  register  for  that  month and to go to the accounting  voucher alteration  (secondary)  screen.

Select a month and press Enter to see the List of All Sales Voucher  Register, as shown below:

A list of all sales vouchers pertaining to the month you selected is displayed.  The options in the button bar can be used to change the display according to your preferences. You can change the period of the report as well as the depth of information.

Use F12: Configure to see the report with some or all of the following information, namely Narrations, Bill-wise details, Cost Centre details and Inventory details.

Click F1: Detailed to view the reports in detailed format from within the Sales Voucher Register screen.

To view the Post-dated Transactions report for the specified period, click T: Post-dated Rep

Export Sales/Purchase Register in Excel to generate Pivot Table

The Sales/Purchase register can be exported in excel  to be compatible  to generate  pivot table. This is so that the user may generate  reports of various combinations  based on specific requirements.  This will eliminate the need for customisation of the existing reports to prepare sales/purchases data in the required format.

To export the Sales Register for Pivot Table from the Sales Voucher Register screen

1.     Click E: Export or press Alt+E , to open the Exporting  Sales Register  screen.

2.     Select the required language from the list of languages displayed.

3.     Select Excel (Spreadsheet) under Format from the list of formats displayed.

4.     By default, the exported  file will be stored in C:\Program  Files\Tally.ERP9   for Windows  7 and C:\Tally.ERP9 for Windows  XP operating  systems.

5.     Press Enter to accept the default Output File Name  or type the filename of your choice in order to save the file with a different name.

6.     Press Enter to accept the default Output Sheet Name .

7.     To update the existing file select Yes in Update Existing  File .

8.     Set Yes to the option Export for Pivot Table.

Note: This option appears only when the Sales/Purchase Voucher Register / Extract is exported, and when the Company is maintaining Accounts with Inventory.

9.     To update the existing file select Yes in Update Existing  File.

10.  To format the contents of the file select Yes in Excel (Spreadsheet) formatting.

11.  Select Yes for the field with Colour , to retain the background colour in the exported  file.

12.  Accept to export the Sales Register Vouchers to an excel file for pivot table.

13.  Open the exported file from the specified folder.

14.  The excel sheet opens as shown below:

15.  Create a Pivot table and set the Report filter, Row labels, Column labels and Values based on your requirement to generate a customised report.

Note: The steps to Create Pivot table varies between the different versions of Microsoft Excel. Refer to the help file of respective MS Excel versions for the procedure.

The report generated from Pivot table Item-wise Godown-wise Batch-wise Party-wise is displayed as shown:

Note: The Export for Pivot Table will extract the data of only those Sales vouchers having Inventory allocated.

The procedure to Export Purchase Register in Excel to generate Pivot Table is similar to that of Export Sales Register in Excel to generate Pivot Table explained above.