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Haryana VAT

Tally.ERP 9 helps you remain compliant with VAT. Click the following links to know more about managing your accounts for Haryana VAT.

Enabling VAT


Stock Group

Stock Item

Party Ledger

Purchase and Sales Ledger

VAT Ledger

VAT Classifications


Purchase in the Course of Export out of India

Purchase in the Course of Imports into India

Purchase Imports

Purchases - Taxable at Full Rate

Purchase from Lump sum Dealers

Purchase from Unregistered Dealer

Purchase at Lower Rate

Purchases - Works Contract

Interstate Purchases

Interstate Purchase Deemed Exports




Taxable Sales

Interstate Sales

Local Consignment or Branch Transfer Outside

Interstate Consignment or Branch Transfer Outside

Sales at Lower Rate

Sales at Zero Rate

Sales Exports

Sales in the Course of Import

Sales to URDs

Sales - Works Contract



Adjustments and Payments

Purchase Return

Sales Return

Payment Voucher

Escalation and De-escalation of Prices

Reversal of Input Tax Credit

Adjustment Towards CST

Tax on URD Purchase




Form VAT R1

E-filing of Returns

Statistics of Vouchers

Included Transaction Details

Excluded Transaction Details

Summary of Exceptions


Payment Details

Form CST 1

Form C

Form VAT C4

Return Transaction Book

Excluded Transaction Details

Summary of Exceptions

Challan Reconciliation Report

Export tax payment



VAT Annexures

Annexure LP 1

Annexure LP 2

Annexure LP 3

Annexure LP 3 Table A

Annexure LP 3 Table B

Annexure LP 4

Annexure LP 5

Annexure LP 6

Annexure LP 7

Annexure LP 7

Annexure LP 7B

Annexure LP 7C

Annexure LP 7D

Annexure LP 8

Annexure LP 8A

Annexure LP 8B

Annexure LP 8C

Annexure LS 1

Annexure LS 2

Annexure LS 2 Table A

Annexure LS 2 Table B

Annexure LS 3

Annexure LS 4

Annexure LS 4 Table A

Annexure LS 4 Table B

Annexure LS 4 Table C

Annexure LS 4A

Annexure LS 4B

Annexure LS 5

Annexure LS 6

Annexure LS 7

Annexure LS 8

Annexure LS 9

Annexure LS 9 Table A

Annexure LS 9 Table B

Annexure LS 9 Table C

Annexure LS 10

Annexure LS 10 Table A

Annexure LS 10 Table B

Annexure LS 10 Table C

Annexure LS 11

Annexure ITC Reversal

Annexure Purchase Tax WS



FAQ on Haryana VAT