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Displaying Purchase Register

A Purchase Register displays the information on the periodic purchases of a business concern. Purchase register helps in analyzing the details of movement of purchased goods to various godowns, on the basis of which the stock movement at each godown is determined.

      Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Account books > Purchase  Register. The Purchase Register screen is displayed as shown below:

Purchase returns made during a year can also be traced. The parties to whom the purchase returns have been made and the causes thereof can be analysed to draw conclusions on the supplier and the quality of purchases made.

A Purchase Register can be configured using the Ctrl+F12: Value button to view the following information.

      Actual Quantity

      Billed Quantity


      Bill Name

      Cost Centre

      Cost Category

      Voucher Number


      Stock item

      Godown Name

Note : All reports and configurations for Purchase Register are similar to as explained in for Sales Register.

Viewing Post-dated Transactions

To view the Post-dated Transactions report for the specified period, click T: Post-Dated.