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VAT Form 100 - Statistics of Vouchers (Karnataka)

The Statistics of Vouchers section in VAT Form 100 displays the total number of transactions, categorized as Included, Excluded and Uncertain, pertaining to a period.

1.     Total Number of Transactions: This displays the total number of transactions for a particular period. The total count is categorized as included transactions, excluded transactions, and uncertain transactions. Voucher count appears against each of these categories. The drill-down report of this row displays the Statistics report, which comprises voucher types with the corresponding voucher count.

2.     Included Transactions: This displays the number of transactions included in the report for a particular period. All vouchers having the required information, either in corresponding masters or in transactions, satisfying the requirements for filing returns are included here. These vouchers are a part of both VAT and CST Form - including all VAT/CST sales transactions, VAT/CST purchase transactions, VAT/CST sales and purchase returns, and VAT/CST adjustments.

o      Annexure Ready: This displays the count of error-free purchase and sales transactions which form part of VAT Annexures. These transactions are captured under Included Transactions.

o      Annexure Errors: This displays the count of purchase and sales transactions with errors which form part of annexures.  

Although only the voucher count is provided for Annexure Ready and Annexure Errors, the transaction details are made available in the drill-down reports to facilitate corrections to be made.

o      Non Annexure Vouchers: This section displays the count of transactions which are not considered in the Annexures.

3.     Excluded Transactions: This section excludes all vouchers which are not related to VAT/CST, and do not form part of the Form VAT 100 returns generation. These transactions do not carry details pertaining to VAT and CST, and do not have any implication on Form VAT 100.

4.     Uncertain Transactions: Vouchers which fall neither under Included Transactions nor under Excluded Transactions are displayed here. These vouchers are related to VAT/CST, but they do not carry the information required to qualify as Included.

Summary of Included Transactions

The following transaction types will fall in Included Transaction:



     Sales Returns and Purchase Return Transactions

     VAT Adjustment

To view either the sales register or purchase register

      Select Sales or Purchase and press Enter

To exclude the voucher

      Press Spacebar to select the required voucher.

      Click X: Exclude Vouchers.

A message Do you want to exclude this voucher? is displayed. Click Yes to exclude the voucher.

Excluded Transaction Details

This displays the count of excluded voucher types which do not affect VAT. The following transaction types will fall in Excluded Transaction:

      Vouchers Excluded by User: This includes transactions manually excluded by users

      Contra Vouchers: Contra vouchers are not used for VAT related transactions, so it appears under Excluded Transaction.

      Payroll Vouchers: Payroll vouchers are used for maintaining attendance, salary processing etc which do not have VAT related transactions.

      Order Vouchers: This includes the following order vouchers:

o      Sales Order

o      Purchase Order

o      Job work out Order

o      Job Work In Order

      Inventory Vouchers: The following vouchers are included in Inventory vouchers:

o      Stock/Manufacturing Journal

o      Physical Stock Journal

o      Rejection In/Out

o      Material In/Out

o      Job Work In/Out Order

o      Delivery Note

o      Receipt Note

      No VAT Implications: This includes all payment and receipt vouchers without any sales and duty ledgers. The receipt vouchers include:

o      Party receipts

o      Income/Expense Receipts

o      Journals (Adjustment Entries)

o      Post Dated Vouchers

      Other Vouchers: This includes Memorandum Vouchers, Reversing Journal.

      Excluded due to other adjustments: This show displays the count of adjustment transactions recorded in journal which are identified as service tax adjustments, excise adjustments.

To view the excluded voucher type

      Select the required voucher type and press Enter.

To include the voucher

      Select the required voucher in Vouchers Excluded By User.

      Click I: Include Vouchers.

Summary of Exceptions

This displays the count of transactions which were neither included nor excluded in the VAT Form due to insufficient information about the masters or transaction.

The Uncertain Transactions Details screen has the following groups:

Master Related Exceptions

When the information provided in the masters created  is uncertain, the exception is listed under Master Related Exceptions.


      Unable to determine country/state: Displays the transactions for which state is not selected in the party ledger master.

      Unable to determine party's dealer type: Displays the transactions for which dealer type is not selected in the party master.


      Unable to determine duty type of ledger: Displays the transactions for which the duty type is not selected in the tax ledger grouped under Duties & Taxes.

Tax Details

      Unable to determine tax details of the stock group/stock items: Displays the stock groups (if linked to stock items), and stock items grouped under it, for which the VAT rate is not defined either in master or at the company level.

      Unable to determine tax details of group/ledger(s): Displays the account groups, and ledgers grouped under it, for which the tax rate is not defined either in master or at the company level.

Transaction Related Exceptions

Conflict in Information

      Conflict in party's country/state in master and transaction:Displays the transactions in which the state selected is different in transaction and party ledger.

      Transactions accepted with tax information conflicts: Displays the transactions in which the Nature of Transaction defined in the ledger master has been changed in the transaction without causing any impact on the tax amount.

Tax Mismatch

      Mismatch in Tax Amount: Displays the transactions with difference between the calculated amount and transaction value.

Transactions may appear with the following exceptions:

      Assessable Value Modified: This exception occurs when assessable value is modified in the transaction.

      Assessable Value/Rate Modified: This exception occurs when assessable value and tax rate are modified in the transaction.

      No Tax Involved: This exception occurs when VAT ledger is not selected in the transaction.

      Rate Value Modified: This exception occurs when tax rate is modified in the transaction.

      Rounded Off: This exception occurs when VAT amount is altered in the invoice by:

o      Rounding off the decimals.

o      Entering the decimals.

      Wrong Calculation: This exception occurs when incorrect VAT or CST amount is entered in the transaction.

      Wrong Duty Ledger: This exception occurs when VAT ledger (with Type of Duty/Tax set to VAT) is selected in interstate transactions and CST ledger (with Type of Duty/Tax set to CST) is selected in local purchases and sales.

VAT/CST Adjustment

      Unable to determine the nature of adjustment: Displays the journal vouchers recorded with tax ledger (grouped under Duties & Taxes), without selecting Nature of Adjustment.

      Unable to determine purchase tax details: Displays list of journal vouchers recorded with Tax on URD Purchase as the Nature of adjustment, without entering the Rate and Assessable Value in VAT Details screen, displayed on crediting the VAT ledger.