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VAT - FAQ (Tamil Nadu)

This page lists the FAQ for Tamil Nadu VAT related topics.

On this page:

Defining Tax Rates

Creating Masters

Recording Purchase Transactions

Recording Sales Transactions

Recording Adjustment and Payment Transactions

Forms and Annexures

Resolving Exceptions

Defining Tax Rates

1.     How do I enable VAT?

2.     How do I define tax rates at stock item level?

3.     How do I define tax rate for stock group?

4.     The VAT rate I have configured has changed now. How can I revise the rate in my data?

Creating Masters

1.     How do I create a supplier ledger?

2.     How do I create a customer ledger?

3.     How do I create a purchase ledger?

4.     How do I create a sales ledger?

5.     How do I create a VAT ledger under Duties & Taxes?

6.     How do I create a VAT classification?

7.     What are schedules? List out the schedule available for Tamil Nadu?

Recording Purchase Transactions

1.     How do I record local purchase transaction for items attracting multiple VAT rates?

2.     How do I record interstate purchase invoice against Form C?

3.     How do I record interstate purchase invoice for items attracting multiple CST rates?

Recording Sales Transactions

1.     How do I record a local sales invoice for taxable goods with multiple VAT rates?

2.     How do I record an interstate sales invoice against Form C?

3.     How do I record an interstate sales invoice for items attracting multiple CST rates?

Recording Adjustment and Payment Transactions

1.     How do I record a purchase return?

2.     How do I record a sales return?

3.     How do I record a payment voucher?

4.     How do I record a journal voucher for reversal of input tax?

Forms and Annexures

1.     What are excluded transactions?

2.     What are included transaction?

3.     What is summary of exceptions?

4.     What are the new annexures provided for Tamil Nadu in Releases 5.2?

5.     How to print and generate Form I ?

6.     How to print and generate Form I -1 ?

7.     How to print and generate CST Form I ?

8.     How to print and generate Purchase Annexures ?

9.     How to print and generate Sales Annexures?

10.  How to generate new VAT forms and annexures?

11.  How to export Tamil Nadu annexures?

12.  Can I consolidate cash sales in Annexure II?

13.  TIN doesn’t start with 33 warning message is displayed while entering a TIN number for an interstate party in Annexure Error(s) screen.

14.  How to display sales of First Schedule stock item to unregistered dealers in annexure report for Tamil Nadu?

Resolving Exceptions

1.     How do I resolve No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information exception?

2.     How do I resolve Country, state and dealer type mismatch/not specified exception?

3.     How do I resolve Tax rate/tax type not specified exception?

4.     How do I resolve Nature of transaction, assessable value, rate of tax modified in voucher exception?

5.     How do I resolve Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger exception?

6.     How do I resolve Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher exception?

7.     How do I resolve Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details exception?

8.     How do I resolve Information required for generating annexure not provided exception?

9.     How do I resolve Unable to determine country/state exception?

10.  How do I resolve Unable to determine party's dealer type exception?

11.  How do I resolve Unable to determine duty type of ledger exception?

12.  How do I resolve Unable to determine the tax details of the stock group/stock item(s) exception?

13.  How do I resolve Unable to determine the tax details of group/ledger(s) exception?

14.  How do I resolve Conflict in party's country/state in master and transaction exception?

15.  How do I resolve Transactions accepted with tax information conflicts exception?

16.  How do I resolve Mismatch in tax amount exception?

17.  How do I resolve Unable to determine nature of adjustment exception?

18.  How do I resolve Unable to determine purchase tax details exception?

19.  How do I resolve the errors in Schedule configurations?


1.     Purchases from unregistered dealer for manufacturing of industrial input are being considered for purchase tax liability under Sec 12. Why?

2.     What are the enhancements in Tamil Nadu VAT for release 5.4?

3.     Error displayed while validating TN e-VAT annexures.

4.     Data exported to 3rd row is not recognized and As it is Manditory Field message is displayed after validation.

5.     How to export data into new annexures for Tamil Nadu?

6.     How to create a purchase entry of capital good and account it for tax credit?