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Item Cost Analysis Report

You can track the overall profitability or cost of the stock item without affecting stock values during  the entire process.

The Item Cost Analysis Reports helps the user in tracking the overall profitability or cost for the Stock Item, without affecting the stock values during the entire process. I The Item Cost Analysis reports provide the detailed information as per Stock Group, Stock Item and Item Cost Track breakup via various transactions.

To view the Item Cost Analysis Report

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Inventory > Item Cost Analysis.  

The Item Cost Analysis menu appears as shown below:

Click a link  to know more:

Stock Group Cost Analysis

Stock Item Cost Analysis

Item Cost Track Break-up

Stock Group Cost Analysis

The Stock Group Cost Analysis report displays the cost tracking for the selected stock group of items. The report displays details of the cost, revenue, the  balance cost and profit/loss.

To view the stock group cost analysis report

1.     Select Stock Group from the Item Cost Analysis menu.

2.     Select the required Stock Group.

The Stock Group Cost Analysis screen is displayed as shown below:

Note: By Default, the report displays the period till the date of last entry.

Cost Analysis Column Details

A. Cost (Expense): This column displays the total cost incurred for the selected Stock Group, such as  Purchases, Expenses (Direct and Indirect) and Consumption Cost.

B. Revenue (Income): This column displays the total revenue earned for the selected Stock Group, such as Sales, Incomes (Direct and Indirect).

C. Balance at Cost: This column displays the balance cost (closing stock) available for the selected Stock Group (A - B)

Profit/Loss (B-(A-C)): This column displays Profit earned or Loss incurred for the selected Stock Group.

To view the Stock Group Analysis report in detail

1.     Click F1: Detailed.

The Stock Group Analysis report in detailed mode appears as shown below:

2.     Click F12: Configure and change the default settings as required.

The Stock Group Analysis report in detailed format with stock groups, sub-groups/stock items, and cost tracking numbers appears as shown below:

Stock Item Cost Analysis

To view the stock item cost analysis report

1.     Select Stock Item from the Item Cost Analysis menu.

2.     Select the required Stock Item

The Stock tem Cost Analysis report appears  as shown below:

3.     Select the required Cost Tracking Number and press Enter to drill down to Item Cost Track Break-up.

4.     Click F12: Configure to change the default settings.

Note: This report can be viewed from Stock Group Cost Analysis through drill down or by viewing the report Item-wise (F5).

Item Cost Track Breakup

The Item Cost Track Break-up report displays the details of Tracking, Cost, Revenue, Balance at Cost, Net Profit/Loss for the selected Item Cost Track (Cost Tracking Number). It also displays the Item Movement Summary which contains the details of Item Movement Inward/Outwards, such as, Order Placed/Received, Material Received/Delivered, Materials Billed and Materials Manufactured.  

This report can also be viewed from Stock Group/Item Cost Analysis through drill down.

To view the Cost Track Breakup

1.     Click Cost Track Break-up from the Item Cost Analysis menu.

2.     Select the required Item Cost Tracking Number from the Name of Item Cost Track, as shown below:

The Item Cost Track Breakup report of the selected Cost Track (E.g.CT-01-CPUi5) appears as shown:

Ctrl+C: Close Cost Track

This button allows the user to Close/Open the Cost Track. The user may operate this button from Stock Group and Stock Item Cost Analysis report screens.

Close Cost Track

To Close the Cost Track

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Inventory > Item Cost Analysis > Stock Group.

2.     Select the required Stock Group. The Stock Item Cost Analysis report appears.

3.     Press Ctrl+C to Close Cost Track. The Cost Track Closure Details screen appears.

4.     Press Spacebar and select the required rows.

5.     Press Ctrl+A to close the selected tracks.

6.     Click F5: Show All to list all the cost tracked items.

Note: The button Ctrl+A: Open/Close Track will be active only on selecting one or more rows.