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This topic provides product-related improvements and enhancements in Release 5.4.4, in-line with statutory implementations for Gujarat.

      In annexure Form 201A, a toggle button R: Hide retail invoice is provided to show or hide retail invoices. The data is exported based on the configuration in annexure Form 201A.

      When purchase/sales taxable and exempt transactions were entered in the same voucher, the value of purchase tax exempt/sales tax exempt goods was getting added to the total value column in annexures 201B and 201A, respectively. This issue is resolved.

      In a sales transaction, when the VAT details are overridden using a classification, then the additional tax rate from the classification was not considered for calculations in the reports. The issue is resolved.

      The triangulation report was displaying a transaction under Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher, when supplementary journal transaction was passed for the difference in tax amount. Also, when the transaction was accepted as is, the difference in tax amount was not getting apportioned in Tax and Additional Tax columns of Annexure 201A and 201B. This issue is resolved.

See Also

Release 5.4.4

*States covered for enhanced VAT experience