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Integrate Accounts with Inventory

Effect on Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

Enabling the option Integrate Accounts with Inventory in F11: Features (F1: Accounting Features) will reflect on the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account.

  • If the option Accounts with Inventory is set to Yes in F11: Accounting Features/ Inventory Features, the stock/inventory balance figures are automatically updated from the inventory records. You can also drill down to Stock Register from the Balance Sheet.

  • If the option Accounts with Inventory is set to No in F11: Accounting Features/ Inventory Features, the inventory values are ignored, and closing stock balances have to be entered manually.

Note: Sometimes, stock records may contain compensating errors which are caused by incorrect allocations to the stock items. The Integrate Accounts with Inventory feature of Tally helps to finalize financial books without considering such errors.