Physical Stock Voucher is used for recording the actual stock which is verified or counted. It could happen that the Book Stocks and the Physical Stock do not match. It is not unusual that the company finds a discrepancy between actual stock and computer stock figure.
Physical vouchers will be useful for recording purposes only if you have configured inventory vouchers to ignore physical stock differences. If you have configured the vouchers so that physical stock difference is not ignored, then all transactions subsequent to the physical stock voucher will use the balance as mentioned in that voucher
To view the Physical Stock Voucher,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers
Select the button F10: Phys Stk from Button Bar or press Alt+F10.
Enter the stock taking date.
Select the name of the item from the List of items, for which physical stocks need to be recorded.
Select the Godown (Godown will appear only if, Maintain multiple Godowns is activated in F11:Features > F2:Inventory Features), in which the Physical Stock taking was conducted.
Select the Batch number (Batch details will appear only if, Batch wise details are activated in the Stock Item Master screen) for which the Physical Stock quantity is to be recorded.
Enter the Physical Stock quantity
Note: Physical Stock quantity will be displayed as Actual Stock in the Stock Summary from the date of entry of the Physical Stock.
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